5.10 139..Goal weight is to be 160 and in shape by my 30th birthday 8/3. Serious folks only pls

open to suggestions anyone? Skinny guy struggle lol


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited March 2015
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....

    ummm pretty much all this.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    edited March 2015
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....

    ^Also keep in mind that the calorie level she gave you was for sedentary, but she also recommends lifting. Keep an eye on your calorie level and your weight; if your scale isn't moving, continue to up the calories (I'd suggest maybe 200 calorie increments). See what happens after a few weeks, and up again if still no change.

    ETA: when starting a bulk, the scale can jump around, so look for average weight gain, and keep in mind you will likely gain a little fast the first few weeks as your glycogen stores replenish.
  • JoRocka wrote: »
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....

    ummm pretty much all this.

    THANK YOU ..I've been slacking on my push up routine. I've been on the Dynamatize Super MASS Gainer to Help put on the calories and I try my best to eat on top of it. My boy friend is a Body Builder & told me to basically eat till I feel like I'm gonna throw up
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....

    ummm pretty much all this.

    THANK YOU ..I've been slacking on my push up routine. I've been on the Dynamatize Super MASS Gainer to Help put on the calories and I try my best to eat on top of it. My boy friend is a Body Builder & told me to basically eat till I feel like I'm gonna throw up

    you need barbells and dumbbells…

    do you have access to a gym???
  • Yea can't afford those right now but I will get a gym membership soon enough. Till then got to use what I got which is me lol
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Waldo is a member on this site- he put that site together- he's wise beyond all our years.
    Ultimately you still need to progressively load- it can be done- it just takes a greater level of dedication and work.

    Convict Conditioning
    Body By You
    You are Your Own Gym

    Are good places to start.

  • jvasquez865
    jvasquez865 Posts: 1 Member

    THANK YOU ..I've been slacking on my push up routine. I've been on the Dynamatize Super MASS Gainer to Help put on the calories and I try my best to eat on top of it. My boy friend is a Body Builder & told me to basically eat till I feel like I'm gonna throw up

    If you're tracking your macros, eating till you feel you want to throw up may actually be detrimental to the whole gaining (at a desirable rate) process. Just make sure you're hitting your macros. If you're at a point when you only need 200 more calories for the day, a big meal wouldn't be necessary.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    THANK YOU ..I've been slacking on my push up routine. I've been on the Dynamatize Super MASS Gainer to Help put on the calories and I try my best to eat on top of it. My boy friend is a Body Builder & told me to basically eat till I feel like I'm gonna throw up

    If you're tracking your macros, eating till you feel you want to throw up may actually be detrimental to the whole gaining (at a desirable rate) process. Just make sure you're hitting your macros. If you're at a point when you only need 200 more calories for the day, a big meal wouldn't be necessary.

    macros mean nothing if you aren't in a surplus.
  • Alcor2
    Alcor2 Posts: 5
    I fought the skinny guy metabolism for most of my life so I feel your pain. The posts above are good advice, but honestly, following these types of plans didn't work for me. I'd consume nearly 4,500 calories a day through gainer shakes and whole foods, eating everything in sight, and working out 5 days a week in the gym doing heavy lifting. I gained a few pounds, but it was too expensive to maintain and inevitably, I'd slowly go back down to my 135lb maintain weight. Our body types tend to get into a catabolic state quicker than everyone else - so our muscle gains are quickly metabolized as a fuel source.

    Further evidence of a fast metabolism - I went on a 7-day cruise with a goal to gain 2 pounds by gorging myself the entire week. I ate 2 complete entrees at dinner (hey it was included in the cruise fee) and ate at every opportunity I had (which was a lot) consuming an estimated 6,000 calories per day. I even hit the weight room 4 times while there. I got home and had actually LOST a pound. Bottom line is that some body types just don't respond to caloric surpluses like other body types do. My wife and everyone said I was "lucky" because I could eat anything I wanted, but it still felt like a curse to me because I couldn't hit my goals.

    Here's the thing - that was me until I turned 30. I'm now 34 and while it is still a lot of work to keep my gains, I'm now at 176lbs and still as ripped as before. I haven't changed anything in my routine and now only target a net 3,100 calories per day.

    Not trying to discourage you. Just keep working hard at it and your metabolism will likely slow with age which will finally allow you to hit your goals.

    As a side note: BCAAs do help. Take them before and after your workout to help your body avoid using muscle as an energy source. Good luck
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited March 2015
    Were you weighing everything you ate and tracking meticulously?
    Was there any cardio involved?

    I think you weren't eating as much as you thought you were...
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Trust me when I say I take what I can out of everyone's comments. I'm the manager of a retail store and do a lot of walking from one side of the store to the next ! I feel like that can burn a lot of the calories I consume. I don't have a gym membership so I try to just focus on reaching my calorie goal of 3,070 everyday and drinking my Dynamatize Super Mass Gainer Everyday. I do 25 diamond push-up then 25 regular push-ups tgen 25 wide arm push-ups. I deep sqaut with a 40 pound barbell. 3 x a week. I hope this is enough to reach my goal of 160 by August.
  • My Shane has 1,900 calories..should I drinkm2 a day??
  • Were you weighing everything you ate and tracking meticulously?
    Was there any cardio involved?

    I think you weren't eating as much as you thought you were...

    Yes I've been tracking everything on my app maybe I could try drinking 2 mass shakes a day ?
  • Alcor2 wrote: »
    I fought the skinny guy metabolism for most of my life so I feel your pain. The posts above are good advice, but honestly, following these types of plans didn't work for me. I'd consume nearly 4,500 calories a day through gainer shakes and whole foods, eating everything in sight, and working out 5 days a week in the gym doing heavy lifting. I gained a few pounds, but it was too expensive to maintain and inevitably, I'd slowly go back down to my 135lb maintain weight. Our body types tend to get into a catabolic state quicker than everyone else - so our muscle gains are quickly metabolized as a fuel source.

    Further evidence of a fast metabolism - I went on a 7-day cruise with a goal to gain 2 pounds by gorging myself the entire week. I ate 2 complete entrees at dinner (hey it was included in the cruise fee) and ate at every opportunity I had (which was a lot) consuming an estimated 6,000 calories per day. I even hit the weight room 4 times while there. I got home and had actually LOST a pound. Bottom line is that some body types just don't respond to caloric surpluses like other body types do. My wife and everyone said I was "lucky" because I could eat anything I wanted, but it still felt like a curse to me because I couldn't hit my goals.

    Here's the thing - that was me until I turned 30. I'm now 34 and while it is still a lot of work to keep my gains, I'm now at 176lbs and still as ripped as before. I haven't changed anything in my routine and now only target a net 3,100 calories per day.

    Not trying to discourage you. Just keep working hard at it and your metabolism will likely slow with age which will finally allow you to hit your goals.

    As a side note: BCAAs do help. Take them before and after your workout to help your body avoid using muscle as an energy source. Good luck
    Thanks man this is hard ! I've never ate so much! Hopefully I don't have to wait till I'm 30
    I really wanna reach my goal weight before my bday
  • Thank you most
    auddii wrote: »
    You've got 21 weeks.
    Lift like a mother 3 x per week following a recognised progressive lifting routine, do no cardio or if you do, eat all the calories back PLUS you eat 500 calories over your maintenance per day.
    21 pounds gain.
    You'll have to eat more and more as you get heavier.
    You will gain approx 50:50 muscle to fat but you can cut the fat afterwards.

    Scoobys calculator has you at 1900 to maintain at a sedentary level.
    That means 2400 per day.
    120 plus grams of protein, the rest carbs and fat.
    Log everything and don't be fussy about clean foods, just get a variety of food in and cover your macros.

    Are you game? If you are, why not start right now?
    Let us know how it goes.....

    ^Also keep in mind that the calorie level she gave you was for sedentary, but she also recommends lifting. Keep an eye on your calorie level and your weight; if your scale isn't moving, continue to up the calories (I'd suggest maybe 200 calorie increments). See what happens after a few weeks, and up again if still no change.

    ETA: when starting a bulk, the scale can jump around, so look for average weight gain, and keep in mind you will likely gain a little fast the first few weeks as your glycogen stores replenish.
    thanks gonna try this out ! Haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks but I feel like I've gained something lol
  • Alcor2
    Alcor2 Posts: 5
    edited March 2015
    Were you weighing everything you ate and tracking meticulously?
    Was there any cardio involved?

    I think you weren't eating as much as you thought you were...
    I was actually ... and no cardio. It was pretty ridiculous.

    I don't have a gym membership so I try to just focus on reaching my calorie goal of 3,070 everyday and drinking my Dynamatize Super Mass Gainer Everyday. I do 25 diamond push-up then 25 regular push-ups tgen 25 wide arm push-ups. I deep sqaut with a 40 pound barbell. 3 x a week. I hope this is enough to reach my goal of 160 by August.
    I hate to break it to you, but if you only weigh 140 - high repetition push ups are likely not enough weight to make the size gains you're targeting. Your muscles will adapt and get real efficient, but you prob won't see size increase. Think Bruce Lee. He could do a crazy amount of push ups, and he certainly wasn't huge (he actually weighed around 135 at his peak conditioning.)

    A deep squat with a 40lb dumbbell is also pretty light for your weight. You should target 75% of your body weight to start (close to 100lbs), and then increase until you're doing double your weight - or more.

    Also, gainers can be good to build muscle when you force muscle hypertrophy (via heavy lifting), but just drinking it to gain weight won't make you fit. If you're not lifting heavy, your body won't use the extra protein/carbs/calories and you'll literally be throwing money down the toilet. Worse yet, if your body does use it, it'll be to store it - and that means fat.

    To really build muscle, you need heavy weights and then you need to strain your muscles with that heavy weight repetitively. As your muscles adapt, increase the weight. If you can't get a gym membership, you'll need to get really creative and it's going to be tough to get the form you need to build muscle across more than a few areas.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Alcor2 wrote: »
    To really build muscle, you need heavy weights and then you need to strain your muscles with that heavy weight repetitively. As your muscles adapt, increase the weight. If you can't get a gym membership, you'll need to get really creative and it's going to be tough to get the form you need to build muscle across more than a few areas.

    no. you need progressive loading- that doesn't necessarily mean weights. You can build and bulk with body weight only.

    it's difficult- and it is not the most ideal- and there is significantly less research and support on the subject- but it IS possible.
  • Alcor2
    Alcor2 Posts: 5
    JoRocka wrote: »
    no. you need progressive loading- that doesn't necessarily mean weights. You can build and bulk with body weight only.
    it's difficult- and it is not the most ideal- and there is significantly less research and support on the subject- but it IS possible.
    I think you mean progressive overloading, but yeah, I'm tracking with you. The problem is he only weighs a buck forty so progressively overloading with that body weight is going to be the challenge.

    We're both saying the same thing - while it is possible, it's going to be a big challenge for him.

  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Were you weighing everything you ate and tracking meticulously?
    Was there any cardio involved?

    I think you weren't eating as much as you thought you were...

    Yes I've been tracking everything on my app maybe I could try drinking 2 mass shakes a day ?

    Apologies! That was directed at Alcor. Quote fail.

    Why can't you drink a couple of MacDonalds milkshakes and a tub of ice cream a day?
    If I were you I would. But if I were you I'd be fat! I'm naturally an overeater.