Has anyone tried using Ali to help with weight loss?



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • phoenix9115
    phoenix9115 Posts: 24
    hi there :) I am not on alli,but i am on xenical,which is a precription of the same kind of drug..It has helped me a very little since starting about 6 weeks ago,3 or 4 pounds,not signifigant..it also makes you go number 2 alot and leaves you kind of running there sometimes..but,heres the good side.it does work,it sticks to the fat in your food and makes it come out with your..umm..leavings..instead of staying in your body..I am really buckling down on a stricter calorie count now for the next month to try to lose the weight i need to to be approved for the GP surgery.I am going to continue taking the xenical along with lowering my calories and getting some excercise..I think you should try the alli,or xenical(i am on state insurance so even though my doc had to jump through some hoops she got it covered for me 100%,and it costs $471.00 for 90 pills!)..try it out for a couple months and see how you do..ive only been on the xenical for 5 weeks so the 3 pounds i lost isnt signifigant,but it helped me not to gain as well..let me know how you do :) Jen in Meriden CT
    Jen Gelineau-Soares on facebook
  • phoenix9115
    phoenix9115 Posts: 24
    the oily tarry thing with the light pants..yea..thats not a myth :( but once you get used to the meds your body handles it alot better,Like i said in my message before I dont take alli i take xenical which is a prescription so i think its probably stronger.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Or you can set MFP to lose 2 lbs a week and work harder for that extra pound. Besides I don't think loosing more than 2lbs a week is very healthy (except in the beginning with the whole *water weight thing*)
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    I took xenical when i started this journey and lost two pound in two months the moment I stopped taking it i lost loads more. Plus i know its all my hard work that did it. ,Taking it also messed up my periods which is another side affect no body mentions. so personally i wouldn't advise taking it. like someone else said i have never heard anything good about it.
  • skinnybitch1987
    I think more than anything, it scares people into not eat eating lots of fat for pure fear of crapping their pants. yeah, that about sums it up. I don't think it really 'helps' your weight loss in any other way.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    your body needs good fats, why would you take this?
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    your body needs good fats, why would you take this?

    There's nothing to stop you having the good fats with Orlistat/Xenicol/Alli (whichever name you want to use for it). you just have to limit the grams of fat per day, and it's up to you to decide on what type of fat those grams should be made up of.

    I took it for a few months, and it helped. It's not like a magic wand, you still have to work at it, but it does help some people in the beginning to get their discipline under control. I had a specific reason for needing to keep on track, and I was under the care of a health professional whilst taking it. As it happens I never had any of the known possible side effects of it, apart from a little bit of bloating if I pushed things too far. As far as fats go, I was under instructions to keep it to less than 15g per meal, and I usually chose my fats from the oily fish variety.

    You pay your money, and you make your choices... it's up to you to make them the right ones.

    I had several friends ask if they should go onto it. My only advice to them is that it can be quite restrictive, you can't afford to have a 'blip', and you still have to work hard. I talked a couple of them out of it, as I truly do not believe it is appropriate for everyone.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    your body needs good fats, why would you take this?

    There's nothing to stop you having the good fats with Orlistat/Xenicol/Alli (whichever name you want to use for it). you just have to limit the grams of fat per day, and it's up to you to decide on what type of fat those grams should be made up of.

    I took it for a few months, and it helped. It's not like a magic wand, you still have to work at it, but it does help some people in the beginning to get their discipline under control. I had a specific reason for needing to keep on track, and I was under the care of a health professional whilst taking it. As it happens I never had any of the known possible side effects of it, apart from a little bit of bloating if I pushed things too far. As far as fats go, I was under instructions to keep it to less than 15g per meal, and I usually chose my fats from the oily fish variety.

    You pay your money, and you make your choices... it's up to you to make them the right ones.

    I had several friends ask if they should go onto it. My only advice to them is that it can be quite restrictive, you can't afford to have a 'blip', and you still have to work hard. I talked a couple of them out of it, as I truly do not believe it is appropriate for everyone.

    but these pills get rid of the fat you are taking in, right?
    and if you are limiting your fats, what is the pill really doing?
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    i'm in the uk, and take xenical. yes, there are risks, but then, there are risks with being obese anyway. as for the oily stuff, yes, that happens, but only if you eat things which are high in fat. if you eat healthily and properly, then it wont happen, simple as that. i dont know what price you'd pay for them in the states, but here we get free health care so i dont pay for mine.
    i've lost 23lbs so far, which i'm very happy about.
    my doctor offered me these tablets before, and i didn't want them, as i basically wanted a miracle tablet which meant i could eat whatever i wanted and lose weight at the same time. now that i've matured, i realise these are a good option for me, and i'm going to stay on them for as long as i can.
    naturally, i never lose weight quickly, so i'm not sure about the claims regarding how much weight you'd lose on them, but slow and steady is good enough for me. in 2 weeks time, i'll have been taking them for 3 months. the information leaflet which comes with the prescription says if you havent lost 5% of your body weight in 3 months, then they arent for you. i've lost 9.8% so far.
    in short, i'd say go for them. if your obese or morbidly obese you're increasing your chances of pretty much every serious illness going anyway!!!

    PS, i should say, these tablets have worked for me as some times mostly as a deterrant, as the thought of becoming incontinent in work just isn't worth that bag of crisps or bar of chocolate!
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    your body needs good fats, why would you take this?

    There's nothing to stop you having the good fats with Orlistat/Xenicol/Alli (whichever name you want to use for it). you just have to limit the grams of fat per day, and it's up to you to decide on what type of fat those grams should be made up of.

    I took it for a few months, and it helped. It's not like a magic wand, you still have to work at it, but it does help some people in the beginning to get their discipline under control. I had a specific reason for needing to keep on track, and I was under the care of a health professional whilst taking it. As it happens I never had any of the known possible side effects of it, apart from a little bit of bloating if I pushed things too far. As far as fats go, I was under instructions to keep it to less than 15g per meal, and I usually chose my fats from the oily fish variety.

    You pay your money, and you make your choices... it's up to you to make them the right ones.

    I had several friends ask if they should go onto it. My only advice to them is that it can be quite restrictive, you can't afford to have a 'blip', and you still have to work hard. I talked a couple of them out of it, as I truly do not believe it is appropriate for everyone.

    but these pills get rid of the fat you are taking in, right?
    and if you are limiting your fats, what is the pill really doing?

    The pills aren't getting rid of all the fat you take in. They block no more than a third of the fat you consume... you can still take in the good fats that we all need.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    i'm in the uk, and take xenical. yes, there are risks, but then, there are risks with being obese anyway. as for the oily stuff, yes, that happens, but only if you eat things which are high in fat. if you eat healthily and properly, then it wont happen, simple as that. i dont know what price you'd pay for them in the states, but here we get free health care so i dont pay for mine.
    i've lost 23lbs so far, which i'm very happy about.
    my doctor offered me these tablets before, and i didn't want them, as i basically wanted a miracle tablet which meant i could eat whatever i wanted and lose weight at the same time. now that i've matured, i realise these are a good option for me, and i'm going to stay on them for as long as i can.
    naturally, i never lose weight quickly, so i'm not sure about the claims regarding how much weight you'd lose on them, but slow and steady is good enough for me. in 2 weeks time, i'll have been taking them for 3 months. the information leaflet which comes with the prescription says if you havent lost 5% of your body weight in 3 months, then they arent for you. i've lost 9.8% so far.
    in short, i'd say go for them. if your obese or morbidly obese you're increasing your chances of pretty much every serious illness going anyway!!!

    PS, i should say, these tablets have worked for me as some times mostly as a deterrant, as the thought of becoming incontinent in work just isn't worth that bag of crisps or bar of chocolate!

    If you kept up with the diet you are currently on, and did not take the pill, would you not lose weight as well?
  • kleeann3
    kleeann3 Posts: 17
    i bought the set at first and thought it would be the miracle solution but after so many negatives stories about oily orange runny poop stories i quickly sold it unopened on ebay..i had a friend who took it and said her stuff looked like hot sauce in the toilet..lol

    either way any pill you take that is even the least bit successful will be great but eventually u may stop taking it and then what? sounds like with this you may end up with ibs or some kind of digestive issues
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    I have used Alli way before I had ever heard of MFP and its a learning curve, think of it as the ultimate in punishment/ reward, if you eat well stick to your low fat diet you will (most likley) have no problems at all, however on that day when you fall off the wagon oohh boy is it going to bite you and not in a nice way. the side effects do make you much more aware of what you eat.

    However for me even on a low fat diet it gave me terrible cramps, think first day of your TOM all the time and quite bad so I ditched it. sooo not worth the money but thats just how it affected me.
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    i'm in the uk, and take xenical. yes, there are risks, but then, there are risks with being obese anyway. as for the oily stuff, yes, that happens, but only if you eat things which are high in fat. if you eat healthily and properly, then it wont happen, simple as that. i dont know what price you'd pay for them in the states, but here we get free health care so i dont pay for mine.
    i've lost 23lbs so far, which i'm very happy about.
    my doctor offered me these tablets before, and i didn't want them, as i basically wanted a miracle tablet which meant i could eat whatever i wanted and lose weight at the same time. now that i've matured, i realise these are a good option for me, and i'm going to stay on them for as long as i can.
    naturally, i never lose weight quickly, so i'm not sure about the claims regarding how much weight you'd lose on them, but slow and steady is good enough for me. in 2 weeks time, i'll have been taking them for 3 months. the information leaflet which comes with the prescription says if you havent lost 5% of your body weight in 3 months, then they arent for you. i've lost 9.8% so far.
    in short, i'd say go for them. if your obese or morbidly obese you're increasing your chances of pretty much every serious illness going anyway!!!

    PS, i should say, these tablets have worked for me as some times mostly as a deterrant, as the thought of becoming incontinent in work just isn't worth that bag of crisps or bar of chocolate!

    If you kept up with the diet you are currently on, and did not take the pill, would you not lose weight as well?
    i done slimming world last year and lost 11lbs in 10 months! excercise regime was the same, so i'm happy to continue with the pills. x