Very Insecure, very new, make suggestions about my diary

I'm asking for people to please not be super harsh - I know my habits are bad and I'm over eating because I've steadily put on weight the last 6 months (probably due to university and stress eating).

These are a fairly unique set of days as I'm currently home and the house has a lot more food on hand, as well as more carbs and quick food. If you can suggest simple tweaks and trade outs I'd really appreciate it.

I could do to lose about a stone, at most, but I'm still within a fairly healthy weight band for my age and height (though understand that's not the whole story). I also have little muscle or endurance, something I want to work on.

I'm not specifically targeting weight loss but a healthier lifestyle with greater fitness. Currently I'm getting a lot of cravings, even when I'm full or bloated with food I absolutely cannot stop thinking about food and grazing on some other things. I really need to find diversions until I've eaten better for a while (a lot of dining out and takeaways the last two weeks due to various events which I think has completely thrown my barometer for when to stop and when I need to).

Support, friends, advice and motivation greatly appreciated!


  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    The first thing I would suggest right off the top is more protein. Also, how much water and fiber are you getting? I would suggest removing sugar as one of the columns you have and replace it with fiber. You're already watching carbs so it's redundant to watch sugar, too.

    Also, I'd suggest you go through this link when you have some time.
  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks, I've only just realised that you can tweak columns!
    Most of my water comes from fruit teas (usually just made of dried fruit/herbs so no caffeine).
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    For water/hydration, it doesn't have to come from plain water. As long as your pee is light yellow, you're good. :wink:

    Also I would suggest you change your macro ratios. I would start with 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat. Treat protein and fat as a minimum. (More info in that link I sent).
  • LetMeGetUsername
    LetMeGetUsername Posts: 10 Member
    When I first started logging in MFP it helped to see the calories in a portion - then I could take a quarter off the portion size the next time I ate the same thing - eventually you can get down to a small portion of the high-calorie item/treat, and you did it gradually so you don't feel like you're missing out. Also, I've found that a combination of protein and fiber, with a little bit of fat, makes me feel full longer - that might help, but everybody's different. Good luck!
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    From what I can see, you're having too many snacks, especially the shortbread! I would try having a healthy breakfast and then you may not need the snacks, or if you have to snack, try to stick to low calorie fruits or carrot sticks. Or just try having a cup of tea instead! I used to snack a lot, but I have found that if I have breakfast I don't really need to snack, then I have a cup of tea in place of my afternoon snack.
  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    When I first started logging in MFP it helped to see the calories in a portion - then I could take a quarter off the portion size the next time I ate the same thing - eventually you can get down to a small portion of the high-calorie item/treat, and you did it gradually so you don't feel like you're missing out. Also, I've found that a combination of protein and fiber, with a little bit of fat, makes me feel full longer - that might help, but everybody's different. Good luck!

    Thanks, that's a great idea!

    I do need to pay more attention to my food groups - although I'm not very good at knowing what foods to up my protein and fibre, or how to combine them in meals.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    You spend a lot of calories on treats, could you reduce that by having less of them or something different? It seems that if you had more nutrient dense foods (whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and veggies) in your diet, you would feel more satisfied. It also might help you find the energy you need to start working out! I know you don't really have much if any weight to lose, but eating a little more balanced would help you feel better. Even feeling like you are in control! Good luck!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    definitely check out the link! There is all of the information you need to make the best decisions for you!
  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    suruda wrote: »
    You spend a lot of calories on treats, could you reduce that by having less of them or something different? It seems that if you had more nutrient dense foods (whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and veggies) in your diet, you would feel more satisfied. It also might help you find the energy you need to start working out! I know you don't really have much if any weight to lose, but eating a little more balanced would help you feel better. Even feeling like you are in control! Good luck!

    Thanks, that's exactly what I want! I just have been craving foods soon after meals and then having something 'small', but that leads to another something and another...

    I do prefer eating more regularly so more worthwhile foods are definitely on my list of things to change. Overall better health and choices is priority to make me feel better really.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I first started logging in MFP it helped to see the calories in a portion - then I could take a quarter off the portion size the next time I ate the same thing - eventually you can get down to a small portion of the high-calorie item/treat, and you did it gradually so you don't feel like you're missing out. Also, I've found that a combination of protein and fiber, with a little bit of fat, makes me feel full longer - that might help, but everybody's different. Good luck!

    Thanks, that's a great idea!

    I do need to pay more attention to my food groups - although I'm not very good at knowing what foods to up my protein and fibre, or how to combine them in meals.

    That's why it's a process. Logging all of your food and watching the macros add up will help you figure out how you're doing, and Google is definitely your friend here. Look up 'foods high in protein' and you'll find endless lists and recipes to try (as well as the forums here of course). As you try new things, you'll see how they make you feel and whether you like them and how they support your goals. :)

    I do agree that you could try a lower carb/higher protein diet, that seems to really help people who have trouble feeling/staying full as well as helping to break those sugar cravings.

  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    When I first started logging in MFP it helped to see the calories in a portion - then I could take a quarter off the portion size the next time I ate the same thing - eventually you can get down to a small portion of the high-calorie item/treat, and you did it gradually so you don't feel like you're missing out. Also, I've found that a combination of protein and fiber, with a little bit of fat, makes me feel full longer - that might help, but everybody's different. Good luck!

    Thanks, that's a great idea!

    I do need to pay more attention to my food groups - although I'm not very good at knowing what foods to up my protein and fibre, or how to combine them in meals.

    That's why it's a process. Logging all of your food and watching the macros add up will help you figure out how you're doing, and Google is definitely your friend here. Look up 'foods high in protein' and you'll find endless lists and recipes to try (as well as the forums here of course). As you try new things, you'll see how they make you feel and whether you like them and how they support your goals. :)

    I do agree that you could try a lower carb/higher protein diet, that seems to really help people who have trouble feeling/staying full as well as helping to break those sugar cravings.

    Thanks. I really appreciate the supportive approach around here. Carbs are so accessible and just everywhere, it's been too easy to let them be part of everything I guess I need to gather my will and push through that one.
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    I wish I had started on developing healthier habits 10 years ago. Better to get yourself in the habit of being healthy now, because it will only get harder the longer you put it off. I've never had a good "satiety" impulse. So measuring out food is super-important, or yes, I will eat till it's gone.

    One thing I did when I started was to add more meal categories to my day. Instead of just B/L/D I've got Early/Late Snacks and Treats. Sweet stuff and booze usually gets put into the "treat" section regardless of when it's consumed. It made me more aware of when I'm getting hungry, and the food choices I'm making between meals. Feel free to take a look if you're curious. :)

    And log it before you eat it. You might be surprised how easy it is to resist a treat once you see that it's going to use up a third of the calories you have for the whole day.

    Make sure you're getting enough water. Many people have problems with their body interpreting dehydration as hunger. On nights where I need a treat but don't want to eat more calories I pull out a naturally sweet tea. Teas with Licorice root and stevia in them are often too sweet for me to enjoy normally, but when a craving hits I brew some in my little 3-mug worth teapot and between the sweet taste and the warm liquid I'm happy. No, I'm not "full", I could absolutely put half a pie on top of that. But the burning need to consume something can now be ignored.

    And when it comes to exercise, start smaller than you think you need to. It's simple to make the next workout a little harder because this one was too easy. But overcoming the absolute misery of trying to tough-out something you're not ready for (and then not wanting to breathe for two days because you're so sore) is something that has defeated me many times.

    Remember, a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. Spending a break between classes walking around campus does you loads more good than finding a comfy chair. Wanting a snack, but making the conscious decision to pass up the high-calorie sugar bomb for something that has nutritional value is a victory you should be proud of.

    Ok enough babbling from me
    Good Luck! :)
  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    I wish I had started on developing healthier habits 10 years ago. Better to get yourself in the habit of being healthy now, because it will only get harder the longer you put it off. I've never had a good "satiety" impulse. So measuring out food is super-important, or yes, I will eat till it's gone.


    Oh my gosh, thank you. Such a great post to read. Thanks. That's really encouraging and inspiring for me, because it gets me down so easily when I think what's the point if I'm not really changing. One step at a time. I've already been better today (far from ideal but far happier).
  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    I noticed no breakfast--any particular reason? I work out at night, so I never, ever go without breakfast (unless I sleep in way late on the weekends). Would try to up protein (I have problems with this as well)

    What kind of exercise are you doing? I am more of a snacker, and I built in a "first breakfast" for days I need to eat before a harder workout.
  • CarbingTemptation
    CarbingTemptation Posts: 50 Member
    Days where there's no breakfast listed I typically get up half 10 or later and so just have lunch instead. It'll probably change when I have appointments to keep. Otherwise, I might eat late breakfast, then lunch the middle of the afternoon and dinner about 7ish

    In some form or another there's a few meals a day, I'm never 'skipping'.

    I'm building up strength/endurance, right now I'm starting C25K as well as trying out various fitness blender videos - mainly yoga right now. Low intensity things as I build up a tolerance.
  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    Days where there's no breakfast listed I typically get up half 10 or later and so just have lunch instead. It'll probably change when I have appointments to keep. Otherwise, I might eat late breakfast, then lunch the middle of the afternoon and dinner about 7ish

    In some form or another there's a few meals a day, I'm never 'skipping'.

    I'm building up strength/endurance, right now I'm starting C25K as well as trying out various fitness blender videos - mainly yoga right now. Low intensity things as I build up a tolerance.

    Ohh I see. I'll eat more for lunch on some days too, or have an additional snack.

    C25K is a good program to start running. Good luck with it!