Fed up! am I doing it wrong?



  • lilig81
    lilig81 Posts: 20 Member
    you need to make your profile public in order for us to see your diary entries - either that or add everyone that you like on this post as a friend! :)
  • Tremellas
    Tremellas Posts: 999 Member
    My calories are already at 1200 do I need to reduce them more than that or maybe chase my child round for 8seconds rather than 4???

    You need to know exactly what your base metabolic rate is (search for BMR calculator) then you need to know exactly how may calories you are taking in from food (weigh and measure everything very accurately). You also need to know exactly how many calories you are burning from exercise. Then you can aim for a caloric deficit of 500 to 1000 per day which over a week will produce a 1 to 2 pound loss. To produce this deficit, given whatever your starting weight is, you can probably lose 1 to 2 lbs per week eating more than 1200. I'm 5'2 and 125 lbs and I'm still losing eating 1200 and burning 500, because I am still creating a deficit even though I am much smaller now. Feel free to add me/message me if you have more questions. Good luck!!
  • naomidavies
    naomidavies Posts: 11 Member
    My diary is open
  • jcondeee
    jcondeee Posts: 72 Member
    jcondeee wrote: »
    ...I was originally 1250 but now I'm at 800- 1000 for this diet. It's really tough but it shows results.

    Please don't do this long-term without the supervision of a doctor and a nutritionist. Not just some sales clerk at a health-foods store. Most people your age need more than that to live in a coma, much less function normally with school, jobs, etc. You might see amazing results now, but you don't want to damage your metabolism and gain it all back when you try to go to maintenance, right? You're young and I say kudos to you for trying to take control now. Just do it the right way for your long-term health. :)

    Edit to add - Do verify some of the entries before using them. Your diary lists a chicken breast weighing 77 grams as having 35 grams of protein. This is wrong. It's not your fault, as you probably just picked something from the list. A 100 gram chicken breast actually has only 23 grams of protein so a 77 gram breast would only have 17.7 g of protein. Basically half of what you think you consumed. ;)

    Thank you Sugar Addict,
    This is not longterm and actually is supervised by my doctor! Its a program that is all protein and you buy the food at the nutrion office that is run by the weight loss doctor! It is a program that is run in different Phases. Phase1 is the beginning in which you lose 80% of your weight goal. Then you go to the next Phase so on and so forth. It is closely monitored by the nutrionist who weighs you each week at the same time. You also eat 6 times a day to up your metabolism. Feel free to read up on the program! It is called Ideal Protein! Thank you for your concern :)
  • Tremellas
    Tremellas Posts: 999 Member
    My calories are already at 1200 do I need to reduce them more than that or maybe chase my child round for 8seconds rather than 4???

    Yes exactly, you are not active enough or are eating to much. I would suggest real exercise and I wouldn't be counting "chasing child" as a workout or cardiovascular activity.

    Also you might not be accurately tracking those 1200 calories, I believe I mentioned that you might have missed it.

    I'm not trying to be rude, it's math

    Right, it is math, while everyone's metabolism is a little different, you still need to create a caloric deficit, and its still just math.
  • KatiAuchinleck
    KatiAuchinleck Posts: 101 Member
    If I may, I'd like to throw out another possibility. I don't know your height/weight/fitness level, etc. However, I will simply share my experience.

    I struggled for years to lose weight but would just constantly gain and felt like I was eating very little. I had a light bulb moment when I realized (through research and consultation) that I was possibly not eating enough! I began eating regular meals and snacks, increased my overall calories and after 2-3 weeks of my body adjusting to this new "insanity", the weight began to come off.

    Everyone is different. This is just what worked for me. Best of luck as you continue. But, don't give up!!!!!