21 day fix ???????????????????//

tobin1 Posts: 26 Member
so i have been on and off again with watching what i eat and working out. it just seems HARD with a 14 and 2 yr old family farm and homeschooling so i seen this commercial and pushed hubby enough to order it for me NOW i am re thinking it. It seems to be alot of stuff that i dont have time for and it hasnt even arrived yet. HELP :\


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Can you cancel your order? Sounds like it's not the plan for you and your schedule.

    If you go ahead and follow the 21 day fix, be sure to have a plan in place for days 22 onwards.
  • tobin1
    tobin1 Posts: 26 Member
    i can send it back no questions asked i just want to see soemthing work and well that doesnt seem to be my thing. I eat real food and like to bake homemade foods and REAL LIFE you know i read where it said no oj but once a week i have 8 oz daily in the morning and no butter that is crazy to
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Eat less for longer than 21 days. That way you don't have to spend money on a gimmick.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It is just a quick fix gimmick. You are better off spending your money on a decent food scale and planning your meals like that.
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    it's not a quick gimmick. the title would have you believe it is - the 21 days refers to the length of a cycle of going through the exercises. it includes exercise CDs of 30 minutes length that you do every day in a given succession. i'm sure you'll agree, working out for 30 minutes a day helps you get your calorie burn.

    the containers it comes with is a structured diet plan that won't work for everyone, but they work well for other people, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    i'm sure everyone on MFP has a food scale, and there's nothing wrong with wanting more guidance than that.

    that said, if you are having cold feet and are not sure you want to give it a shot, by all means cancel it and find what works for you! good luck!
  • jukyu
    jukyu Posts: 80 Member
    "It's not a gimmick" says every Beachbody "coach"
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Is that the one with the weird containers? Honestly, you're on MFP - its free, just weigh your food and log your calories - make sure you have a deficit between what you eat and burn
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Anything that an be fixed in 21 days was never really broken to begin with.
  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    i am not a beachbody coach.

    it's a tool. useful to some, not to others. weight watchers is a tool too. works for some, not for others. they too give you guidelines on how to eat and encourage you to get exercise.

    if something helps me make sure i get as many vegetables as i need, that's a tool. if something helps me get the right amount, not too much, starch, that's a tool. and if i choose to run a certain DVD for a workout, that's a tool too. the fact that it's manufactured by a certain company doesn't matter. how you use the tools matters.

    if it doesn't work for you, that's ok. weight watchers didn't work for me. that's not to say weight watchers is a gimmick, it means it wasn't right for me. some people like a visual aid to guide them, that's all. my friend julie, it works for her. nothing wrong with that. she's having excellent results, and it's a diet plan she believes she can continue for the long haul. a gimmick is trying to solve all your problems in 21 days. using a 21 day cycle of different activities and using measuring tools is not.

    you would not be saying this to me if i did 1/2 hour of cardio or weights every day, switching it up so i had different workouts that, over the cycle, worked my whole body. so why say it about the workout dvds? i've been using MFP for a while now measuring what i eat and recording it. why then is it a gimmick when you use an additional tool for it?
  • karebear111
    karebear111 Posts: 33 Member
    I don't have a whole lot of weight to lose, so my results are less than those that are advertised with the program, but I just started my second round this week. My first round I lost 5.5 lbs and about 5.5 inches. Just because it's 21 days doesn't mean you have to stop at 21 days. I have done weight watchers and I've started (but not fully completed) several other beachbody programs and this is BY FAR the easiest one I've done. That's not to say the workouts are easy (because they are not) but as mykalis said, it's a tool. I needed something to jumpstart my working out and motivate me to get back on track. This program did that and I LOVE IT! The workouts are short, but effective, and the eating plan is really not hard at all to follow. I eat what my other half eats, just not as much. I pack my lunch and snacks, etc. each day to take to work so I'm not tempted by the junk in the cafeteria, so it does require just a little planning, but it's not so much planning that you have to spend hours prepping (as some do) for your meals for the week.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    So I have a friend that is interested in various diet plans and the practicality of them. So she tries them out of curiosity. She claims this one is very easy to follow and one of the most dummy proof systems out there. After explaining everything to me, I feel its way too much work for basically a over glorified portion control plan.

    So that just shows yet again what one person thinks is awesome, another sees as completely useless.
  • mirandamama
    mirandamama Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2015
    I also have a busy life. I have four children ages 14, 8, 3 and 2. I go to the gym 4 to 5 days a week and I really don't lose weight but I do see the difference. I did just order this program to hoping to speed up the process also I think I do need help with my portions having the two babies back to back made me have a love for food. Lol if you decide to keep the program I hope it works for you! I'm excited to get stared, i should get it today!
  • I purchased the program. It will work if you measure your food but it is just a guide. I like the work out videos because they are effective.. but every program must be implemented and followed to work. I downloaded the 21 day fix app. You can use it to make the program easier to follow. You don't actually have to measure it all out once you figure out the portion control.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    tobin1 wrote: »
    i can send it back no questions asked i just want to see soemthing work and well that doesnt seem to be my thing. I eat real food and like to bake homemade foods and REAL LIFE you know i read where it said no oj but once a week i have 8 oz daily in the morning and no butter that is crazy to

    Not saying I agree with the cutting out of certain foods (OJ and butter), but weight loss is about changing your eating habits. The current habits you have are not working for you since you want to lose weight, right? So you need to do something different. Maybe replace your daily glass of OJ with the light OJ or do half OJ/half water. Maybe use half the amount of butter when you cook than when you used to. If you don't WANT to make any of these changes, nothing will happen. Maybe you're just not ready and that's okay. I lost 35lbs over 9 months and have been in maintenance for just about 3 years now, and my eating habits since I started losing weight (and maintaining) are 100% different from my old eating habits when I was overweight. I'm not trying to be insensitive because I know how difficult it is! The only times I reply to these types of posts is when I have something to say that I wish someone had told me in the beginning. Good luck! If you want it, you got it.
  • kirdyq
    kirdyq Posts: 165 Member
    My husband and I just started it on Monday. We have 2 small children, live on a family farm, have after school activities and I work full time. So far, I have been able to fit it in just fine. If you eat fairly healthy already, you can probably just make sure to use the containers for portion control/measuring. If not, the guide suggests all the foods you can eat. It honestly isn't really bad at all. Actually, I've really been enjoying it - it's a nice feeling knowing I'm doing something healthy for myself. Something I did on Sunday before we started was prep all of our lunches and breakfast for the week. Grilled some chicken breasts, cooked some quinoa, pre-bagged our fruits/veggies, hard boiled some eggs. We made an assembly line putting everything together in Gladware containers for each day. Now we can just grab the stuff for ourselves on the way out the door each morning. Nothing much has changed for the kids - they pretty much are eating the same stuff we are with some small modifications. I might make them some mac n cheese instead of forcing them to eat our brown rice or quinoa, etc.

    Workout time has been a little more of a sacrifice. We have been doing that after the kids go to bed. It is only 30 minutes, so I'm telling myself that I need to make the time for it and quit making excuses. If I really want to make a change, some sacrifice is going to be necessary. Of course, this has made it a little hard to have time to fold all the laundry and the other chores I do after they go to bed. I just have to come to grips with the fact that I can't do it all!

    I bet you'd be able to do it!! Maybe you should try it out for a week or two, give it your all, and see what you think! You should have 30 days to return it, so in the event you don't like it after a week or two, ship it back!
  • tobin1
    tobin1 Posts: 26 Member
    im still waiting for it to get here ;) I drink the lowest oj 50 cal just once daily and dont cook with butter. I am just trying to loose a little extra pounds that I have picked back up ,lol
    i am going to READ on the foods it just looks like no one eats food that I do occasionally like to have but once i get it and read on the foods we will see. For now i am sticking with measuring and ZUMBA here
    I do like to see my calories though the number helps i think at least but maybe that may not be a good thing
    i do need to stop eating pizza, even though its only one slice when i make one for the kiddos it still needs to stop need to find a good recipe for one.
    thanks guys
  • karebear111
    karebear111 Posts: 33 Member
    You can have pizza on 21 day fix... you just account for it - just like you do with anything else. Wait until you get the package and review the materials. :-)
  • sy8s
    sy8s Posts: 429 Member
    21 day fix is amazing! Once you get used to everything, you'll be a pro at it!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I poo poo'd the heck out of this system for a long long time. Then, for some reason it suddenly appealed to me. I do not use the containers, I just set up my MFP numbers to reflect the macro balance recommended and continued to weigh and measure as before. I just figured the containers would get lost in space at this house, and they would've been gone. First round, lost 7.5 inches. I think the workouts are great and effective and I enjoy Autumn as an instructor. They are doable with my time constraints.
    For those who find the containers to be a gimmick, I just say, do what helps you to learn and let other people do what helps them. I don't need the containers, others find them useful. YMMV.
  • jsandoval583
    jsandoval583 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2015
    Im on the 21 Day fix Extreme and i absolutely LOVE it because you don't have to log/count calories at all. You just follow the list of foods to eat and measure your portions using the containers & workout for 30min a day. I skipped the regular 21 day fix because I've already been working out for some time and only have about 10lbs to lose.

    MFP is awesome and I've lost weight with it but it can become obsessive and after doing it for so long, I started to loathe weighing allllll my food on the scale, creating new recipes, logging, etc. 21dfx is seriously a strategy I will forever use.

    Worth mentioning, I had no idea about this program until my friend told me about it. Even then, I was so reluctant because of the negative connotation to WL programs but it was the best decision ever.

    It's Day 8 and I'm looking/feeling the best I have in years.
  • sy8s
    sy8s Posts: 429 Member
    Im on the 21 Day fix Extreme and i absolutely LOVE it because you don't have to log/count calories at all. You just follow the list of foods to eat and measure your portions using the containers & workout for 30min a day. I skipped the regular 21 day fix because I've already been working out for some time and only have about 10lbs to lose.

    MFP is awesome and I've lost weight with it but it can become obsessive and after doing it for so long, I started to loathe weighing allllll my food on the scale, creating new recipes, logging, etc. 21dfx is seriously a strategy I will forever use.

    Worth mentioning, I had no idea about this program until my friend told me about it. Even then, I was so reluctant because of the negative connotation to WL programs but it was the best decision ever.

    It's Day 8 and I'm looking/feeling the best I have in years.
    OMFG, 21 day fix is the best thing to happen to the universe since God!!!

    I'm only on day 2 and already I added 10 lbs of muscle, lost 20 lbs of fat, lost 37 inches off my waist, qualified for the next olympics, my lost dog came back, my mother got out of prison, my wife left that doctor she ran off with and returned to me, my you-know-what grew 3 inches, my lost shot gun has been found, and so much much more!

    I can't wait to see what happens on day 3 tomorrow!
    Love the sarcasm....not.
    But it really does work
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    ^^ *eyeroll*

    I love how people bash things that aren't exactly what they are doing.

    Like others have said, different things work for different people. I have used MFP for close to 4 years now. It works. Slightly obsessive (IE "Yeah, I'm listening, but hold on I need to scan this label and weigh this real quick"), but it works. Right now, I am only using the containers and eating plan from 21 Day Fix. It's called Portion Fix. Portion control and eating proper foods has been my biggest issue. Being able to have a plan in front of me and being able to SEE what I'm supposed to be doing has been the best strategy (FOR ME) so far. On MFP, I could eat 3 snickers, a slice of pizza and a 20oz soda and call it a day. With 21DF (PF), I have to actually make sure I eat all my veggies, my fruits, limit my starchy carbs, etc. Plus, speaking solely about myself, spending a large sum of money on a program kind of pushes me to stick to it. (PF was only like $30 lol)

    However, if it's not for you, then that's totally ok! Send it back, and get your money back!
  • stephdeeday
    stephdeeday Posts: 43 Member
    You weigh with containers instead of a scale....I would be packing so much into those containers, just cramming in like 6 servings while happily pretending it is one. I need to weigh...the scale does not lie.
  • mdemann3
    mdemann3 Posts: 1 Member
    TwinMamaTrish... you said it best... 21 day fix just makes sure your eating out of all the food groups.... not just to watch the calories consumed. Can't be a bad thing to eat a mix of all the food groups.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    mdemann3 wrote: »
    TwinMamaTrish... you said it best... 21 day fix just makes sure your eating out of all the food groups .... not just to watch the calories consumed. Can't be a bad thing to eat a mix of all the food groups.

    ^^^^ OMG so this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I put carbohydrates in the carbohydrate Tupperware, protein in the protein Tupperware, and crap in the crap Tupperware. And as if by MAGIC the Tupperware makes sure I am eating out of all the carbohydrate, protein and crap food groups!!! How does it do that??? Its MAGIC! I could never create a meal from carbohydrate, protein and crap without the cheesy overpriced Tupperware in the 21 day fix!!!

    Its fricken brilliant I tell ya! Its AMAZING! You gotta get it RIGHT away! Otherwise, how else would you know whether you are getting carbohydrate, protein and crap in your meal, right???

    ETA: I am not affiliated with Beach Body in any way and I am not being compensated for my clearly unbiased views!!!

    I really shouldn't laugh, but your responses are comedy gold.
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    ...On MFP, I could eat 3 snickers, a slice of pizza and a 20oz soda and call it a day. With 21DF (PF), I have to actually make sure I eat all my veggies, my fruits, limit my starchy carbs, etc. Plus, speaking solely about myself, spending a large sum of money on a program kind of pushes me to stick to it. (PF was only like $30 lol)

    ^^^^ OMG so this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I put a slice of pizza in the carbohydrate Tupperware, 3 snickers in the protein Tupperware, and a 20oz soda in the crap Tupperware. And as if by MAGIC, presto-chango, the Tupperware converts these foods into veggies, my fruits, limits my starch carbs, makes me swole, and trims my waistline. MFP never did that. Plus, it also qualified me for the next Olympics, got me a job as a model, made my lost dog come home, found my lost shotgun, paroled my mother from jail, caused my wife to leave that doctor she ran off with and return to me, and ensured that I am eating out of all the carbohydrate, protein and crap food groups!!! How does it do that??? Its MAGIC! I could never create a meal from carbohydrate, protein and crap without the cheesy overpriced Tupperware in the 21 day fix!!!

    Plus, speaking solely about myself, getting fleeced for a large sum of money on a scam kind of pushes me to stick it to other people to recoup my loses. So I want to become a BB coach lol

    OMG, whatever you do, don't send it back, and get your money back! Who would be so foolish???

    ETA: I am not affiliated with Beach Body in any way and I am not being compensated for my clearly unbiased views!!!

    LOL actually, I haven't paid my coach dues in months, so no, I am no longer a coach nor am I being compensated. ;)
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Meh.... could have done the same thing with tupperware or glad boxes all while saving your money...