Calories - How important is it?

LauraJaneCast Posts: 5
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Question: How important is it up eat the recommended calories per day?

Background Information;
I am a night owl always up at night. I work night shifts at a supermarket. Been gym 9 times since I joined up on 22FEB. I am losing weight, I was about 12.4 stones now I am just under 12 stone. I am not trying to lose weight really fast, I just generally don't have much motivation to eat. I have always been heavy in regards to weight, I have higher bone mass than normal. I have been about 12 stone for a year or so but I don't generally look fat (what people tell me).

Goal: To lose some fat, gain some muscle and kick my IBS's butt.

Reason: Main reason I am posting this is because I've just done my first day of food/exercise, and I only used 672 calories out of recommended 1,408. And today I have eaten more than I have been since I started this eat healthier craze I am on. But to be honest even before I started this, I never ate over the recommended amount.

Anyway sorry for the long winded post. Thank you for taking the time to read if you did.


  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If you've only eaten 672 calories and you aren't hungry, it's likely that your logging is wildly inaccurate. Did you actually weigh the portions of everything you ate?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    none of us can give very accurate advice if your diary isnt open.

    But my guess is like the other poster.... your logging is *probably* inaccurate.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you've only eaten 672 calories and you aren't hungry, it's likely that your logging is wildly inaccurate. Did you actually weigh the portions of everything you ate?


    And also a common thing I see when people start trying to lose weight is the "dieting" mentality. Most people go from one extreme, eating too many calories, to severly restricting. They cut all foods they consider "bad" which usually means higher calorie foods and eat a lot of low calorie, low fat food. Calorie dense food does not always mean "unhealthy".
    A day or two here and there of being under won't hurt you but if you are consistently under you need to take a close look at why. Eating too few calories isn't good. Neither is inaccurate logging.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Yeah I'm going to vote for inaccurate logging.

    700 Cals seems mighty low
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    If you've lost 4-5lbs since 22nd Feb then that's probably a few lbs water weight and around an acceptable lb a week since? If this the case then you probably aren't eating as low as you think and you need a scale to log more accurately. It is important to eat your calories as otherwise your body will use muscle for fuel and this contradicts your aims.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Like the others have said, you need to make extra sure you're logging accurately. I also wanted to comment that if you are weighing and measuring everything and find you are only eating that much then you really need to find a way to eat closer to your goal. Building muscle in a small deficit usually doesn't happen but you are able to keep what you've got. Eating that far under you're not even going to be able to do that and I really don't see how you'd even have the energy for heavy lifting sessions!

    I have IBS and know that sometimes it can make you not feel like eating but especially if you have IBS-D, you need to eat those calories because you are probably not absorbing the nutrients efficiently since things are moving through the system so fast. If you do have IBS-D, you might want to look into the FODMAPS elimination diet. I've only been on it for about two weeks and it already feels like a miracle!
  • LauraJaneCast
    Made my diary public, sorry didn't know about that before. And no my logging isn't inaccurate, whats the point in lying? Serves no purpose and is pretty stupid. I don't really eat breakfast or lunch. The only main meal I eat everyday is dinner. I wake up like 5pm and eat dinner and then just pick for the rest of the night.

    IBS wise it never affected my appetite, though my appetite is pretty weird anyway. I only eat when I get the urge for something, I find it very hard to force myself to eat something if I didn't fancy it before hand. I take multivitamin + iron (I have Endometriosis) and calcium tablets. My eating habit has been like this pretty much since I started getting issues with my IBS, so since I was about 12 years old. I used to eat less = less issues with my stomach. Took many years for people to believe that I even had stomach issues and finally got diagnosed with IBS when I was 18. I used to drink a lot of frizzy pops, had to stop them because my body did not like the caffeine. Been on caffeine/sugar free coke since (Not since I started eating healthier).

    Even with this I have always weighted more than I look. Which I have mostly put down to my thick bones and the fact I went on the pill, gain weight, had to go off the pill and didn't lose the weight. Then had to go back onto the pill and off again, due to my weird periods.

    Again apologizes for the long winded answer. Don't want you guys to mistake me for attention seeking or talking out of my butt.

    Thanks again.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Laura, do you weigh your food with a food scale?
  • LauraJaneCast
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Well I can't see your diary, not sure if I'm looking in the wrong spot.

    So the issue is you don't eat enough and don't have the ability to frce your self to eat more?

    I don't know just sounds like you got to bite the bullet and eat more. Forcing yourself.

    Just like someone who ate for 2 has to force themselves to eat for one to lose weight, sounds like you eat for a small child and have to force your self to eat adult sized food.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Warning- your about to get replies saying if you don't use a scale it will be inaccurate logging
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Warning- your about to get replies saying if you don't use a scale it will be inaccurate logging

    Of course she is, are you disagreeing?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    =The only main meal I eat everyday is dinner. I wake up like 5pm and eat dinner and then just pick for the rest of the night. .

    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Hi Laura,

    Welcome! I viewed one day of your diary and your food are all just generic entries, which indeed shows you don't weigh your food. The only way to know how much you're really eating is to weigh your food because or eyeballs and measuring devices often lie to us about the true calorie content of food.

    The other thing you said is you eat dinner only and just pick for the rest of the night. Those calories can add up pretty quickly.

    The fact that you don't weigh your food and you pick after dinner, my guess is you are eating more than you think you are (that does not mean you're lying, it just means you are not estimating correctly :)). In any event, if you continue in this manner and are losing weight, then obviously everything is working and there is no reason to change anything. However, if you find yourself not losing weight, the first place you need to look is your logging habits.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Warning- your about to get replies saying if you don't use a scale it will be inaccurate logging

    Of course she is, are you disagreeing?

    Nope. Just a warning. Saying you don't use a scale is like a trigger word.

  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    My $10 food scale was the best investment I ever made :)
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Warning- your about to get replies saying if you don't use a scale it will be inaccurate logging

    Of course she is, are you disagreeing?

    Nope. Just a warning. Saying you don't use a scale is like a trigger word.

    Because not weighing turns out to be the problem 99% of the time
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Never say that your logging isn't inaccurate. Everyone's logging is inaccurate, but some are worse than others. Some people struggle with portion sizes, so they like to weigh everything. But there are other causes of inaccuracies. Incorrect calorie information is another cause. Food dehydration is another. Or just forgetting or not bothering to log something.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    No I don't. It may look odd the portion I had today for dinner, because well... it was nasty. Couldn't eat more.

    Laura, in order to eat at a calorie deficit the vital part is to know exactly (to the best of your ability) how many calories you are taking in. You said yourself that you eat a big meal then pick. I do understand that working night shifts outs your routine out of whack. Is breakfast dinner or is dinner breakfast? (I work with girls that regularly work night shifts and our company is very supportive with dietary advice as well and general health regarding only working nights. It effects your mental health more than your realise sometimes, always being in the dark) I would suggest for at least 48 hours you weigh and log EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth.

    For an example, I just ate 151g of pineapple - not 150g. I ate 151 so I log 151g. If you have a scale it doesn't take any longer to log accurately than it does to log inaccurately. If you're going to do it, you've got to give it 100%.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Never say that your logging isn't inaccurate. Everyone's logging is inaccurate, but some are worse than others. Some people struggle with portion sizes, so they like to weigh everything. But there are other causes of inaccuracies. Incorrect calorie information is another cause. Food dehydration is another. Or just forgetting or not bothering to log something.

    Not bothering to log something? That sentence gave me chills! I think I'm addicted to logging!