Morning Gym people. Whats your routine?

what is the sequence of events from the time ur alarm goes off, until you leave the gym for the day? what times, schedules, what do u do? when do you eat breakfast? if you have pets, when do u walk the dog, etc


  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    445: Alarm goes off.
    450: I drag my butt out of bed.
    455: Go downstairs and change into gym clothes i laid out the night before (this way i don't wake my wife and son up while getting dressed).
    5am: Drive to gym.
    510-610ish: Work out
    615-830: Arrive home, walk dog, greet wife, feed toddler, eat a light snack, hang out, shower, head to work.
    930: Eat breakfast at work (I am usually not super hungry until midmorning).
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Not sure how my routine will help but:
    Coffee is set to start at 2:45
    Wake up at 3:00 am
    Pee, wash hands...
    Let dog out
    Pour coffee / down coffee
    Get dog
    Either go to the garage for weights, go for a walk/run, or get on my bike depending on the day
    Pour more coffee (happens many times during the day)
    Start working / around 1pm have something to eat
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    edited March 2015
    what is the sequence of events from the time ur alarm goes off, until you leave the gym for the day?
    4:40am - alarm
    4:45am - second alarm
    4:50am - third alarm I'm up
    drink my pre-workout, get dressed (clothes laid out the night before)
    at gym by 5/5:15
    done by 6:15, back home by 6:30
    Wake up hubby and daughter, get changed, put lunches together, argue with my 2 year old about her clothes for 20 minutes, out the door by 7:15/7:30, kiddo dropped off, at work by 8am
    when do you eat breakfast? if you have pets, when do u walk the dog, etc
    Eat breakfast at work
    I just let the dog out in the backyard every morning to play and do his business while we get ready. Walks, playtime happens in the evenings
  • VagablondViking
    VagablondViking Posts: 22 Member
    Gym opens at 5:30 and I try to leave the house by 5:15-20.

    Night before: mix protein shake and set out gym clothes and pack street clothes for after.

    Alarm (4:50am so I can hit snooze once): brush teeth and change into gym clothes. Laying gym clothes out and having my bag packed minimizes the amount of brain- and will-power needed to get going in the morning.

    Breakfast: I make a double protein shake (prepared the night before so that the powder has more time to be absorbed into the milk and so that it's one less thing to eworry about in the morning), so that I can drink half of it on the drive to the gym as breakfast and the other half after working out. I used to try to make eggs in the morning, but then I'd have to actually be up before 5 and that's just insane.

    No pets, so no advice there.

    I don't do any kind of hair or makeup for the gym. I shower, tart myself up so that I look like a girl and all of that stuff after my workout. I head to school or work straight from the gym.

    Also, I don't take my wallet or purse into the gym. I go straight to the weight room. If I go to the locker room to put my stuff away, that's a 10-minute detour I don't have time for. I have my phone and headphones in my pocket and no one bothers my bag of clothes. My gym has extra day lockers in the weight rooms, but I keep forgetting to bring an extra lock.

  • mandykent111
    mandykent111 Posts: 81 Member
    I just started working out in the morning and I have been attending Orange Theory Fitness. It's a bit expensive, but I love it! It's a HIIT class and is pretty much personal training. First class is free!
  • dawn_noelle29
    dawn_noelle29 Posts: 114 Member
    0420 - Alarm goes off
    0430 - Time to get out of bed - change into gym clothes (laid out the night before), brush teeth, get towel, water bottle, and pre-workout supplement are taken.
    0440 - Drive to gym
    0450ish - Arrive at Gym (OrangeTheory Fitness) for 0500 class
    0605 - Class is finished back on my way home
    0615 - Feed dog, let dog out, make protein shake (shot of espresso, protein, and water), and get lunch prepared or set out
    0630 - Shower/Get Ready for work
    0705 - Out the door to work
    0710 - On way to work I drink my breakfast (protein shake)

    I love working out in the mornings! Gives me the evenings to walk the dog for an hour (right when I get home from work ~1630), take care of errands, and do things that I wouldn't have time to do if I worked out in the evenings. Usually in bed by 2000 and asleep by 2130 at the latest.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,101 Member
    0700 - Alarm goes off, start wrangling kids for school, change into gym clothes
    0740 - Drink pre-workout energy drink
    0745 - Drive kids to school
    0800 - Arrive at gym
    0800-0830 - Cardio
    0830-1000 - Weights
    1000-1030 - Hot tub, shower
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    0700 - Alarm goes off, start wrangling kids for school, change into gym clothes
    0740 - Drink pre-workout energy drink
    0745 - Drive kids to school
    0800 - Arrive at gym
    0800-0830 - Cardio
    0830-1000 - Weights
    1000-1030 - Hot tub, shower

    Trade ya

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I only go to the gym on work mornings if my husband has the day off. This would be my schedule on those days:

    5:15 alarm goes off
    5:15:01 turn alarm off, go to bathroom, weigh myself, change clothes, fool myself into thinking that my hair looks decent enough for public viewing, brush teeth, kiss husband, take gym bag downstairs
    5:30 let dogs out, chug two glasses of water, throw breakfast and lunch items in bag
    5:40 let dogs in, pen them back up, go to the bathroom again
    5:50 grab everything and head out the door
    6:10 get to gym, go to the bathroom yet again
    6:15 5 minutes on bike or treadmill to warm up
    6:20 lift weights
    7:20ish shower, dress, dry hair
    8:00ish leave gym, go grab a coffee and maybe scone
    8:30 get to work, eat at desk

  • Hottie_McTottie
    5:15 alarm goes off. Hit snooze until about 5:30
    wait for husband to dress, brush teeth
    Get up dress brush teeth
    Gather workout clothes together
    Head for the gym
    Get to gym around 6:15 (or so)
    Workout for an hour
    Get back home/work before 8 a.m.

    If it's a non-cardio day I will shower when I get home. If it's a cardio day I will shower in the afternoon after my second workout.

    I have a dog and we have an acre fenced in so when my husband gets up after he's done in the bathroom he lets the dog out until to do his thing until we leave.

    I just got back into morning workouts and I like them. It's nice to have it done and over with (with the exception of cardio) early so that things like work and life don't get in the way. Plus if we have somewhere to go during the day we still can get a workout in.
  • dawn_noelle29
    dawn_noelle29 Posts: 114 Member
    I just started working out in the morning and I have been attending Orange Theory Fitness. It's a bit expensive, but I love it! It's a HIIT class and is pretty much personal training. First class is free!

    I also workout at OTF and love it soooooo much! I can never say enough good things about my workouts and have already recruited three people to join! Totally worth the $$ for me because I go 5-6 days a week. It's the best! Glad to see other members also benefiting from OTF :)

  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    3:00 - Alarm, let dog out back to do his thing
    3:15 - Make & drink coffee, check email, let dog back in
    3:30 - Brush teeth, get dressed, wash face
    3:45 - Out the door, drive to gym
    4:00 - 4:15 Elliptical
    4:15 - 4:45 Circuit HIIT
    4:45 - 5:00 Drive home
    5:00 - 6:30 Shower, iron clothes, get ready and leave for work
    7:00ish - Arrive at work
    7:30ish - Eat. It can be any single or combo of oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, grits, fruit, yogurt. I try to keep breakfast at or below 300 calories.

  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    Days when I dont have class:

    9:00-Wake up and eat breakfast
    10:00-Drive to gym
    10:30-11:30-Head to the tread mill and run 3 miles. Takes about 30 minutes and burns 400 cal. Then walk for a while. Then I do leg presses, barbell squates, arm machines.
    12:00-Arrive home and cook lunch.
    1:00-6:00-Hw, chores, lazing around etc.

    When I do have class I go to the gym around 6 pm and stay there for 2 hours doing cardio. I dont lift on my class days because the gym is super busy at night.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    Get up at 4am. 15 minutes for getting dressed, etc. A30other 10 minutes for water, shoes, jacket, make sure I fave everything. Arrive at gym around 4:40. Get my bike set up and hit treadmill for 20 min hiit run. The 55 minute spin class. Home at 6:30. Get kids up ready for school. Drop kids off at school. Mon, Wed, Fri I go back to gym to lift. Get there around 7:30, done by around 8am.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    6:45 am alarm goes off, get up and dress
    6:45 to 7:15 - wash face, brush teeth, make bed, pack breakfast and lunch.
    7:15 leave for the gym
    7:30 start work out. lifting then cardio up to one full hour or just cardio for one full hour
    8:30 sauna, steam bath, shower dress
    9:00 drive to work...
    9:15 at my breakfast.
  • jedlong78
    jedlong78 Posts: 1 Member
    0600: Wake up, get dressed
    )630: 1st Breakfast, pack backpack for the day
    0715: Walk to school
    0740: Get to gym locker room
    0745-0830: Work out
    0830-0920: Sauna, shower
    0930: 2nd breakfast
    1000: School Classes
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    4:45 Alarm, head for front bathroom, change into clothes laid out night before
    5:00 Turn on TV, grab laptop, open to workout page, pull needed dumbbell sets from their corner, get it done
    6:00 (if not sooner) Put weights away, lets dogs in & give them their treats, log my workout on MFP
    6:15 Greet my kiddo when she gets up to get ready for school

    Sometimes I eat breakfast before I take her to school, sometimes I wait until I get back. If it's light enough in the early morning, especially as the weather warms up (I live in California), I might squeeze in a quick dog walk while the kid is getting ready for school.

    Then I get on with my day.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,459 Member
    Back up - what time does everyone go to sleep? Especially those waking up at 2-3am, wow!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    10:00pm next before: bed!

    5:40 alarm goes off. Out of bed, contact lenses in, teeth brushed, gym clothes put on. They're laid out the night before, and my gym bag with my washbag and clothes are already in the car with my work stuff ready to go. Quick drink of water/juice.
    5:55 drive to gym.
    6:05 in the gym. Warm up, cardio, weights, cool down & stretching.
    7:00 shower, dress, do hair & makeup.
    7:25 upstairs to Starbucks for coffee & bacon roll.
    7:45 drive to work.
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    what is the sequence of events from the time ur alarm goes off, until you leave the gym for the day? what times, schedules, what do u do? when do you eat breakfast? if you have pets, when do u walk the dog, etc
    Lifting days:
    Alarm clock on 5.15. Read new emails and news in bed. Get up at 5.30. Make coffee, get dressed, drink coffee, take bcaa (supplement), go workout in gym "on campus" from 6-7. Get home, wake up kids, breakfast, day begins.
    Swim days: same but I have to get up earlier and drive to the gym (17min each way).
    Running days: same as lifting days.