Raw Vegan?



  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    Personally, I would say it depends on WHY you want to be a raw vegan. Weight loss alone certainly isn't a good enough reason for such a radical dietary choice. Raw food requires a lot of specialty equipment, food preparation is time consuming, and because most recipes are chock full of nuts and seeds, weight loss is not a given. And veganism itself is a lifestyle- not a diet.

    Internet celebrities aside, most raw foodists chose their diets as a way to combat a chronic health problem- (arthritis, IBS, Chrohn's, hormone imbalances, migraines, etc. ) or to reduce dependence on medications to deal with these issues. One would not be able to live their lives eating (as I've seen on YouTube) merely sacks of bananas or tubs of romaine.

    (By the way, I AM a raw vegan, have been for eight years now. My diary is open- feel free to look.)

    Regarding how long it took to notice changes- energy increases within a couple of weeks, my allergy symptoms decreased within 6-8 weeks, and after about a year my ophthalmologist confirmed that my eyesight had improved. I did not lose weight, however. That took calorie counting and exercise.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    If you haven't noticed, the community isn't big on supporting crazy diets, (as noted with all the sarcastic answers, lol), especially when it's from a nut job on youtube. There is nothing wrong with going raw vegan, but if you do, you have to understand how to acquire the correct nutrients otherwise you will probably end up in the hospital with issues. Keep in mind, that outside of personal reasons, there is no benefit of going raw vegan from a weight loss perspective. You can gain and lose just as much weight on any lifestyle or diet.

    I have the disagree - there are two benefits of only eating raw vegan as proposed in that quick go (nothing bad about balanced r. V) with regards to weight loss.
    - it's harder to go over calories when you've eaten 5 kg of spinach.
    - the resulting diarrhea and malabsorption issues will induce further weightloss.

    It's effective for weight loss. It's just a bad idea.
    (And I agree that raw vegan for work if that's your thing but you need to clearly understand nutritional elements. The publishers of that site have to regularly inject vitamins - something they've blogged about)
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with eating raw vegan. However, the diet that is promoted by Freelee seems unhealthy and I think it's important to research the source if you are going to follow a diet. She has a history of eating disorders (not judging just mentioning this) and what she is doing seems like maybe another form of that. She also lost her period for 9 months which indicates this diet was probably harming her body. She probably started with good intentions but anytime someone is making money off of their advice it's important to remember that they could be biased or not sharing all the facts. You could probably get similar results that are less harmful to your body by eating a balanced raw vegan diet (as opposed to eating dozens of bananas for a meal as she does) and exercising on a regular basis. Good luck on your journey.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you haven't noticed, the community isn't big on supporting crazy diets, (as noted with all the sarcastic answers, lol), especially when it's from a nut job on youtube. There is nothing wrong with going raw vegan, but if you do, you have to understand how to acquire the correct nutrients otherwise you will probably end up in the hospital with issues. Keep in mind, that outside of personal reasons, there is no benefit of going raw vegan from a weight loss perspective. You can gain and lose just as much weight on any lifestyle or diet.

    But Psulemon, it was on the internet! They can't say stuff that isn't true on the internet! :wink:
  • lyndsayfletch
    lyndsayfletch Posts: 26 Member
    Mohana94 wrote: »
    Look into FullyRaw Kristina's recipes.
    They are all very delicious and have a good balance of veggies/fruit and nuts/seeds/fats.
    I love to eat her recipes, but I usually cut the portion size down quite a bit.

    I don't eat fully raw, or even raw till 4. But I love fresh fruits and vegetables, and I feel great when I eat lots of them.
    I try to fill my diet with loads of raw fruits and vegetables, but I will eat bread, grains, chocolate, etc too.

    I don't enjoy such a restrictive diet. (Freelee says garlic is poisonous .... wtf)

    But you should try it if you are interested, and change it up to find what makes you feel best ^__^

    ^^ Yes I agree with this. Her meals are much more varied and they look delicious as well.

    Omg I love her!! Had her zucchini noodles with avocado pesto last night.....soooo good!!!
  • vytautegudelyte00
    Hey guys, as I see a lot of people here are up to date with raw veganism? I actually want to ask if anyone actually had problems with it? I'm personally not so healthy (in illness matter) what means i need to take daily thyroid medicine and also some for allergies. .. yet today i had a complete meltdown, in a way that i was actually almos fainting. .. now I'm having a cold now and was sleeping more than normal and was probably a bit dehydrated. ... yet still i wanted to know if anyone actually had any problems with raw food lifestyle?
    Thanks a lot
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    51 bananas? Holy crap, that's a lot of potassium and sugar... Do monkeys even eat that many?
    And how can one afford that many bananas? :open_mouth:
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    If you haven't noticed, the community isn't big on supporting crazy diets, (as noted with all the sarcastic answers, lol), especially when it's from a nut job on youtube. There is nothing wrong with going raw vegan, but if you do, you have to understand how to acquire the correct nutrients otherwise you will probably end up in the hospital with issues. Keep in mind, that outside of personal reasons, there is no benefit of going raw vegan from a weight loss perspective. You can gain and lose just as much weight on any lifestyle or diet.

    Yeah, that was basically what I came to say.

    If you have other lifestyle reasons you want to be raw vegan, well sure, you can make it work, but if your only goal is weight loss, skip that.

    The best diet is the one you can stick to. Rather than try to worry about whether you get enough B12, or whether you're eating a complete protein profile, etc. that you have to do to be healthy on a raw vegan diet, take the diet you currently have and add one restriction (a calorie limit). Don't make things harder on yourself than you absolutely must.