military diet



  • raquelrojasrc
    raquelrojasrc Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day 3 of this diet and this is what I've least for myself. I need to cut out the processed foods in my diet, even the ones that are supposedly more healthy. I need to eat slower and savor my food. I need much fewer calories being over 40 and sitting at a desk all day. I'm not gonna lie, this was hard. But I had no negative effects from doing this for 2 days. Still have today. But as of this morning I've lost 4 lbs with no cheating. Oh and I didn't drink coffee or tea as it called for. I've even been able to fit in 45 min of Turbofire on Mon and did HIIT 15 yesterday and had energy to get through them. If I remember I'll post my final results Thursday. I do plan to add broccoli to my dinner tonight. I think today's calories are too low.

    Please do post your results!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have to say, of all fad diets I've seen, this is the dumbest. Hot dogs and tuna some miracle combination? You lose weight because your eating stuff-all calories. I swear this diet was someones idea of a joke and went viral.

    Actually I have 2 friends that continued this diet and one lost 160 lbs with the help of this diet and exercise the other one lost 20 lbs!

    And which part of my post don't you agree with? You lose because it is crazy low calories, not because of food combinations. It's ridiculous.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    This 'diet' isn't sustainable for long-term success.

    Eat in a calorie deficit, learn portion control and moderation and you'll lose weight.
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    My overall weight loss in 3 days was 5 lbs. I did add an apple and broccoli to yesterday's meal plan. Also, I substituted frozen Greek yogurt for the ice cream. My final thoughts: this diet probably shouldn't be called "Military Diet", this diet shouldn't be for people who normally have a high caloric need or have been eating a lot of calories. For me it was a way to kick start weight loss. I have been trying to get to 145 since June 2014. I've eaten between 1200-1400 calories though didn't track it on MfP the whole time. And working out constantly. No success until now. Anyway, would I do it again? Yeah, but I'll wait a little while and see where I can go from here.
  • shaunelliswv
    shaunelliswv Posts: 33 Member
    That "military diet " is a joke . Who's army eats that little ?? Wouldn't even feed an army of ants at a picnic . Would be likely to ram raid a macdonalds on a hunger spree if I tried that "diet"