Mom who wants to get healthy and needs friends!

Hello! I am looking for people who can help keep me accountable and encourage me. I'm a newer mom (my son is 9 months :) and I am trying to learn the ins and outs of being a good momma but also make good choices. The Lord has given me life and I don't want my weight consuming me but I also want to treat my body as a temple and fix it!!! I want to get healthier and be down 45lbs by the end of the year. It sounds impossible but maybe if I post it, I will do it! I want to do it for my son and husband because I don't want to keep gaining weight. I want to have another baby but don't want to do it while technically obese! Supportive friends would be nice as I just moved to a new country and don't have a lot of support here!


  • Mmachi99
    Mmachi99 Posts: 59 Member
    hi jenroosma, I started mfp today and I need to shed off 100lbs, I have 3 children- the last 2 are twins, I think we can support each other with any other that joins, though I have limited time during the weekdays..warmst rgds to your family!
  • Hi! My children are a bit older than yoirs, but I need to lose 100 lbs and would love for us to motivate each other!
  • crystalnichols395
    crystalnichols395 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello!! I'm am not a mother but I am also looking for some more friends so we can support each other in this weight loss journey!
  • snaxandpop
    snaxandpop Posts: 71 Member
    We all need encouraging people on our page, I will friend request you!
  • BeastField
    BeastField Posts: 463 Member
    Hello! My wife and I have 6 children, ranging in age from 13 to 2 months. Let me first say that even on child number 6 - I am still learning to be a good dad! Each kid varies so much - once I think I've mastered it, one throws a curveball my way, LOL!

    Second - impossible shimpossible! You can do it. Just like you are learning how to be a good mamma, you will have to learn to be good with your exercise and food choices. This will take time - both a new baby and food/exercise changes are LIFESTYLE changes. Takes a bit to get adjusted.

    Third - doing it for your son and husband are both very very excellent reasons to be doing what you are doing. Make sure you are doing it FOR YOU! I want and need to be there for my wife and 6 kids, but ultimately, as selfish as it sounds - I am doing it more for me. While me being healthier benefits my entire family, it brings me more joys that anyone.

    Feel free to add me if you would like! This is the 4th or 5th time I have started... remember you'll have ups, downs, lefts, and rights. Curveballs will be thrown. You'll hit homeruns, and you'll strike out. Just keep playing!
  • angelwing1234
    angelwing1234 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Angel mother of four I need to lose about 100lbs I think that together we can all reach our goals !!!! I just started yesterday but I need to get healthy and lose the weight
  • rabbeltje01
    rabbeltje01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all! I am a fairly new mom (little one is nearly 14 months ;)) and also still finding what works and what doesn't. I suppose it changes with every fase they go through.

    I have started 2 weeks ago and lost about 2 kilos by now - I'm not really at home with the lb's and stuff ;) I want to lose a total of about 15 to 20 kilos in the end but I'm not really fixed on that, more important to me is to feel good about myself and have a better general physique.

    (I just googled it, I want to lose in between 33 to 44 lbs ;))
  • ladyleo_l
    ladyleo_l Posts: 11 Member
    Hello fellow parents and friends
    I am looking to lose about 60 pounds. I am a grad student, employee, and mother to a four year old. I find it very difficult to find time for the gym due to childcare limitations and cost. I have begun dancing and using 5 pound weights to do calisthenics each day. I purchased the Fitbit on sale and I have to say it keeps me accountable because who wants to be the loser of every challenge? I don't consider myself competitive but I don't want to be the continuously sedentary one. I have found many friends on there through the forum which has been keeping me engaged and I am hoping I can find the same support here on mfp. Good luck to all of you and your journey and I agree that we will all have our ups and downs. This is my 5th attempt to become heathy but this time instead of my goal being weight loss my goal is to be healthier! Hopefully a new perspective helps.
    Add me and we can motivate each other! :D
  • huntersmommy1557
    huntersmommy1557 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, I just had my son January 3rd, so he is almost 3 months old. Im also tryin to lose 45 lbs, and I'm down 6.4 since last Monday. It's tough with a baby, I often want to just get something to eat from town instead of cook but I haven't gave in yet!
  • Hello everyone my name is Tracy and I started MFP four days ago and going through a bit of depression so times are a bit rough for me but looking to change. I am a mother of a 20 and 10 year old and a 4 year old yorkie named Elvis so they keep me busy. Looking to loose over 100 pounds if possible finding myself not eating enough. I have asthma that holds me back at times but not going to let it stop me. Just trying to figure how to eat right and loose the weight too. I look up to all of you here on MFP this is the first step to making our lives more enriched and healthy
  • MaryM1024
    MaryM1024 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey ladies!

    My name is Mary, I'm 37, & a stay-at-home mom ... I have a 17 yr old son from my first marriage that will be graduating this year & going off to college. (VERY stressed!) I also have a 3 yr old little girl with my current husband & I'm a step-mom to 2 boys ages 7 & 11... (We have joint custody, wvery other week.) With my hubby being in law enforcement, he works a lot, so I'm basically a single mom... I'm also in college... So, finding time for me is nearly impossible.... I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated...

    Looking forward to new friendships! :D
  • It's tough doing the mom thing and trying to stay healthy! My little girl is 8 now! Time flies! The good news is, if you stick to your goal, it's not impossible! I lost 50lbs last year just by changing my lifestyle! You can do it too! Add me as a friend if you want (any of you!) I'd be happy to share some motivation and keep each other accountable!
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a mother of two girls, 13 and 11. I need to lose 120 lbs or so. This is my third or fourth time starting up too. I'll never get there if I keep quitting. Feel free to add me, I can use all the help that I can get too.
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    Hey im a busy mom of 4 boys - support is everything! Feel free to add me we can all use more support
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am a new mom. My son is 4 months old. While I wasn't at goal weight before getting pregnant, I was at the lowest weight I had been in years and probably the most fit I have been in my life. I gained 45 pounds while pregnant. The first 20 pounds came off within 2 weeks of birth. For most of my maternity leave, I sat on the couch watching Netflix. When I wasn't busy nursing, I was eating a lot of high calorie food. I ended up gaining back about 5 pounds. I started exercising again at 6 weeks post-partum. I didn't really start tracking and limiting my calories until the end of my maternity leave.

    In the 1.5 months since I have returned to work and began counting my calories, I have dropped about 8 pounds. Wow - now that I write that out, I am realizing that my weight loss is slightly more than 1 pound/week - a bit faster than have been aiming for...

    I have been eating what MFP gives me for maintenance calories, which does not account for breastfeeding - whatever is burnt breastfeeding is my deficit. I am still about 20 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. Ultimately I want to lose about 45 pounds. I am careful not to have too big of a deficit since I am still exclusively nursing. I only pump an additional 3-4 ounces a week above what my baby consumes, so I can't really afford a drop in supply. I am worried that if I cut calories more than I already am, I will have a drop in supply. Right now feeding my baby is more important than weight loss.

    My goal is to exercise 5 days a week (run 3 times, weightlift 2 times). In reality, I am only getting in 3-4 workouts a week. I am training for a half marathon in April. I don't think I will be as well trained as I would like and I will probably walk parts of it, but I am pretty confident that I can finish (and it won't be my slowest half marathon time either).