testosterone injections

Iv been using test for 5 weeks now and I'm seeing great results. I'm 5'11 210lbs I work out 5 days a week .I need to know how.many calories I should be eating each day To build lean muscle without getting fat.


  • anthonyopitz87
    anthonyopitz87 Posts: 49 Member
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Don't know about the test impact - so what follows doesn't address that.

    You need to figure out what your maintenance calories are given your regular activity, and then you need to eat more than that. Commonly adopted calorie surpluses are as low as a few hundred cals to 500 cals in order to provide enough of a surplus to build lean mass and minimize fat gains. Others do more of a "dirty bulk" and eat at higher surpluses in an effort to maximize lean mass gains at the expense of adding more fat. Having said that, even on a small surplus, you have to expect some fat gains; it comes with adding mass.

    You'll have to experiment to find what works for you as there are a variety of variables (genetics, current leanness, your training program, age, etc.) that impact how your surplus is going to affect LBM / fat gains. Adding supplemental test is another variable, and one I have no competency to address.
  • anthonyopitz87
    anthonyopitz87 Posts: 49 Member
    Ok thanks
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Are the injections for a medically diagnosed low T condition or your own science experiment?
  • 5grls1boy
    Iv been using test for 5 weeks now and I'm seeing great results. I'm 5'11 210lbs I work out 5 days a week .I need to know how.many calories I should be eating each day To build lean muscle without getting fat.

    I believe calories have nothing to do with your results....what you have to count is your fat, carbs and protein. I would research micronutrients and start trying based on your findings.
    I'm 140lbs, 5'9. My recommended numbers are
    fat 50g
    Carbs 175g
    Protein 115g

    I'm looking to reduce body fat and build.

  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    5grls1boy wrote: »
    Iv been using test for 5 weeks now and I'm seeing great results. I'm 5'11 210lbs I work out 5 days a week .I need to know how.many calories I should be eating each day To build lean muscle without getting fat.

    I believe calories have nothing to do with your results....what you have to count is your fat, carbs and protein. I would research micronutrients and start trying based on your findings.
    I'm 140lbs, 5'9. My recommended numbers are
    fat 50g
    Carbs 175g
    Protein 115g

    I'm looking to reduce body fat and build.

    Calories have *everything* to do with adding body mass. An appropriate macro split is well-advised, sure, but not enough calories = no gains.

    (That said, if you're tracking fat, carbs, and protein (and alcohol, if you drink) then you are also effectively tracking calories. And your personal macro splits look pretty good assuming your calorie total is on target for your goal, which sounds like recomping. But the OP is taking test and really looking to add mass -- he's concerned about adding fat, yes, but losing fat -- i.e., eating at or below maintenance -- is not a goal he's working towards).
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Slowly increase your calories and watch the scale is your best bet!

    If they aren't prescribed and you don't have everything like that worked out you probably shouldn't be using them imo. Steroids get a bad name by people inexperienced at lifting (<3 years training) unintentionally abusing them. Most people aren't mentally ready for them.
  • anthonyopitz87
    anthonyopitz87 Posts: 49 Member
    I Use 1ml per week I wouldn't say that's abusing It.i am 28yrs old and I was lifting for a year b4 I decided to try test.i want to bulk up without gaining tons of fat.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    5grls1boy wrote: »
    Iv been using test for 5 weeks now and I'm seeing great results. I'm 5'11 210lbs I work out 5 days a week .I need to know how.many calories I should be eating each day To build lean muscle without getting fat.

    I believe calories have nothing to do with your results....what you have to count is your fat, carbs and protein. I would research micronutrients and start trying based on your findings.
    I'm 140lbs, 5'9. My recommended numbers are
    fat 50g
    Carbs 175g
    Protein 115g

    I'm looking to reduce body fat and build.

    You're right and you're wrong.

    Paying attention to fat, carbs and protein is important, so that's correct. But they are just specific types of calories, so saying that calories have nothing to do with it is very much wrong.

    OP, the general rule is this - figure out your TDEE, eat slightly above that for a few weeks and evaluate your progress, then tweak as necessary. Aim to gain ~2lbs per month. I'm not sure how test injections will impact that. If I had to guess, and it's really only a guess... I would think the injections will help keep more of that 2lbs per month in muscle and less from fat (though some fat is unavoidable).
  • anthonyopitz87
    anthonyopitz87 Posts: 49 Member
    What is TDEE and how do I figure mine?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited March 2015
    I Use 1ml per week I wouldn't say that's abusing It.i am 28yrs old and I was lifting for a year b4 I decided to try test.i want to bulk up without gaining tons of fat.

    If it's not coming from a doctor with a prescription in your name you're abusing it. Don' lie to yourself. You're a young guy, you should be able to build just fine without illegal chemicals.

    What are your workouts like? Where were you at before you started injecting how much progress are you making in the big lifts and how much weight have you gained since injecting?
  • anthonyopitz87
    anthonyopitz87 Posts: 49 Member
    Well it wouldn't be the first time iv done something illegal. But I'm not concerned with how much I can lift only how I look My workouts last about 2 hours and are intense . Since starting the test iv seen changes in size vascularity And tone iv also lost a lot of fat around the stomach area. and the best part is my mood I just feel better all together I don't even use a pre workout anymore. I'm sure I could get the same results without the test but I bet it would take twice the time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I think you're on the wrong boards. Check out bodybuilding.com. Some of those guys have experience with steroid use and can give you better help. Over here the majority of the guys on testosterone are doing it for legitimate hormone therapy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I Use 1ml per week I wouldn't say that's abusing It.i am 28yrs old and I was lifting for a year b4 I decided to try test.i want to bulk up without gaining tons of fat.

    why are you taking testosterone shots if you are 28?????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Well it wouldn't be the first time iv done something illegal. But I'm not concerned with how much I can lift only how I look My workouts last about 2 hours and are intense . Since starting the test iv seen changes in size vascularity And tone iv also lost a lot of fat around the stomach area. and the best part is my mood I just feel better all together I don't even use a pre workout anymore. I'm sure I could get the same results without the test but I bet it would take twice the time.

    ignorance is bliss I suppose…..
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I Use 1ml per week I wouldn't say that's abusing It.i am 28yrs old and I was lifting for a year b4 I decided to try test.i want to bulk up without gaining tons of fat.

    why are you taking testosterone shots if you are 28?????

    Hey! I know some guys who were diagnosed with low-t before they were 21. Although this guy will probably do more harm than good with his use.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I Use 1ml per week I wouldn't say that's abusing It.i am 28yrs old and I was lifting for a year b4 I decided to try test.i want to bulk up without gaining tons of fat.

    why are you taking testosterone shots if you are 28?????

    Hey! I know some guys who were diagnosed with low-t before they were 21. Although this guy will probably do more harm than good with his use.

    really? Low T at 21…?

    ok, I stand corrected…

    I don't think our "bro" has that problem ...
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    At 28, there isn’t a single reason I can see for someone to use testosterone injections (you’ll potentially damage your body’s ability to make its own, but if you want to be on injections for the rest of your life and potentially not be able to have children, cool).

    Length and intensity of your workouts doesn’t matter for building mass. In fact, they could reduce your overall mass. Instead, you should go with a more hypertrophy based program. Go to BB.com and find something appropriate (which will be easy to complete with intensity in less than 90 minutes). And you should know that building a good strength base will put you in position to build even more mass.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited March 2015
    Well it wouldn't be the first time iv done something illegal. But I'm not concerned with how much I can lift only how I look My workouts last about 2 hours and are intense . Since starting the test iv seen changes in size vascularity And tone iv also lost a lot of fat around the stomach area. and the best part is my mood I just feel better all together I don't even use a pre workout anymore. I'm sure I could get the same results without the test but I bet it would take twice the time.

    But you'd rather run the risk of serious LONG-TERM complications from taking testosterone without being under the supervision of an MD and without an actual need to (i.e. low testosterone)?
  • SonofNorthernDarkness

    Well it wouldn't be the first time iv done something illegal. But I'm not concerned with how much I can lift only how I look My workouts last about 2 hours and are intense . Since starting the test iv seen changes in size vascularity And tone iv also lost a lot of fat around the stomach area. and the best part is my mood I just feel better all together I don't even use a pre workout anymore. I'm sure I could get the same results without the test but I bet it would take twice the time.

    That's really a *kitten* up reason to do it. Im on it due to low T. If you don't care how much you can lift and just how you look. Just get plastic surgery
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