what do you eat for breakfast?

I need some ideas for breakfast foods. I usually dont get up in time to cook a full course breakfast but still feel free to share what you eat for breakfast. I need ideas!


  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited March 2015
    Gluten free Chex original Oatmeal mixed with PB2. Other days; Corn Chex cereal with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, Gluten free bagel. I also eat one banana and a egg every morning since mixing carbs with fruit and protein helps keep me fuller for a longer period of time.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I like protein in the morning. Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of FiberOne (original....not the chicory root crap). I throw in a few sliced almonds for a healthy dose of fat.
  • dogsarebears
    dogsarebears Posts: 85 Member
    I usually mix of a 110g of fage 2% plain greek yogurt, 50g of kashi go lean cereal, and 50g of frozen unsweetened blueberries. It's got a good amount of protein and fiber and keeps me full for around 3hours. I don't usually do this but if you're really pressed for time in the morning, you could measure it all out the night before and just dump and mix in a bowl in the morning.
  • jar819
    jar819 Posts: 45 Member
    English muffin with peanut butter, hard boiled egg with 1/2 bagel, multigrain waffle with pb and or jelly...I make one of these and eat in the car as I too am not a morning person;).
    Good luck!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Lately I have been eating soft boiled eggs on dry toast nearly every single day. Plus, a cup of milk with my coffee and some fruit.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't typically eat breakfast, but when I do it's usually one of the following -

    - cereal, something like captn crunch, raisin bran, lucky charms or mini wheats
    - creamsicle protein shake: vanilla ice cream, vanilla protein powder, orange juice
    - leftovers from dinner... tacos, chili, burgers, etc.

    Occasionally I'll make omelettes on the weekends, but that's not the norm.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    If I am in a hurry I grab a Jimmy Dean Delights Egg white and Spinach on Honey Flatbread (160 Calories and 11 grams of Protein) and I keep pre-portioned fruit in fridge and grab one of those to go with it. In my fridge I also keep what I call scramble packets, which include cut up bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, ham or bacon (already cooked). In the morning I saute them and then throw in a whole egg and two egg whites and scramble it all together, when it is almost done I throw in a hand full of spinach.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    This week, I had a bowl of high-fiber, high-protein granola with blueberries, walnuts and coconut milk. :smile:

    I like to do oatmeal or quiches or bagels with a protein shake...it's always changing.
  • Porridge and dried cherries every morning.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    this morning i had a handful of freshly roasted and shelled peanuts along with a "cutie" orange. it was about 100 cal and very filling and delicious. other mornings, i like to have high fiber cereal with whole milk + fruit. :smile:
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    One of my favorite quick breakfasts is an apple and goat cheese bagel. I switched to Thomas's bagel thins from regular bagels to lower the calories. Toast a bagel thin, and spread an ounce of goat cheese over the two halves (1/2 an ounce on each half). Cut a quarter of an apple into thin slices, and place evenly over the goat cheese. Drizzle with a tablespoon of honey. It came out to 268 calories when I entered the recipe on here.
  • gamamunoz805
    gamamunoz805 Posts: 20 Member
    Lol carrot
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    (Homemade) Egg white mcmuffin (165 cals), 2 Weetablix biscuits (130 cals), 3/4 cup unsweetened almond/coconut milk (26 cals), 14oz of coffee (0 cals).
  • jadezia
    jadezia Posts: 45 Member
    Greek yogurt, today was strawberry, with water. :)
  • jazzandbill
    jazzandbill Posts: 140 Member
    i love something warm for breakfast since i stopped drinking coffee.. so i eat
    oatmeal with almond milk topped with half of a banana and sprinkle with cinnamon sometimes I add some chopped pecans.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    If I make it at home I usually have a poached egg over raw spinach or a sandwhich. If I need to eat on the go I drive thru for a sausage mcmuffin.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I don't eat full breakfasts a lot, lately ive been drinking smoothies for breakfast a lot as theyre easy for me to carry on the bus to go to work lol. This morning it was banana, kiwi, strawberries, greek yogurt, and coconut milk.
  • DucklingPrincess
    DucklingPrincess Posts: 36 Member
    This morning I had oatmeal with some milk, a tbsp of peanut butter, some cinnamon, and apple. If I don't have that, I'll have a couple eggs and some fruit.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited March 2015
    strawberries, one hard boiled egg, cereal of some kind....generally like special k and water.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Currently, I'm in a 90 day challenge with the ladies at the Zumba studio. We are replacing two meals a day with Body By Vi shakes. For breakfast, I have two scoops of shake mix, two ice cubes, 12oz. of almond milk, one banana and four strawberries - blended together. Delicious!