Starting over

redman72 Posts: 10 Member
I've been on myfitnesspal for awhile but have been away for some time and it really shows. I am now back to being as heavy as I ever was - so after waking up slightly hungover and really pissed off at myself for the way I have treated myself for the last number of months I decided that today is the day to make some real changes.

I have never used any of the social parts of the website before and I am hoping if I put myself out there I will be more motivated to stick with it this time. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired - so out goes the booze, bad food and wasted time and in comes the healthy food, exercise and self-awareness. I feel like I am running out of time to do this...

So there it is...


  • Are stories sound familiar... I'm back for the second time myself. good luck! Stay strong.. maybe we can pull for each other :)
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me. I understand the need for support and motivation. I am down 138 pounds in just over a year.
  • redman72
    redman72 Posts: 10 Member
    Appreciate the support so far! Here we go!
  • jazzandbill
    jazzandbill Posts: 140 Member
    wow this sounded so tough but very sincere.. sometimes we need that wake up call to push us in order to make a positive change in our lives.. u are taking a risk by putting yourself out there and ik if u keep track of your eating u will see it was all worth it..
    im doing the same today is my 3rd day and so far i love the information and support u get on this app..