do you really log everything?



  • araragona
    araragona Posts: 1
    The imporant part about logging everything is that it keeps you on target so that you not only don't overeat, but so that you don't undereat. If you indereat, your body goes into starvation mode, which will cause your metabolism to slow down. You may lose weight if you undereat, but as soon as you start eating normally again, you will gain weight because you have lowered your metabolism. By logging all of your walking, it will add calories that you need to eat to keep you in that prime spot of calories that causes your body to lose weight at a healthy rate that does not lower your metabolism.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I log all my food.
    But it really depends on what you have your activity level set as, for whether or not you should log the walking/swimming.
    I would suggest setting your level to lightly active, and NOT logging it.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I count cleaning, I do home daycare though so there is a lot of picking up/cleaning. However I don't count more than 10 mins. I will count cooking if I had to chop a lot of prep work.

    I counted the 3 potato chips I ate the other
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    I estimated decently
  • exsacken
    exsacken Posts: 10
    Unfortunately I don't, which is probably why I am not losing weight. I nibble a lot and I don't count it...I am sure all of that adds up!
  • I log everything I put in my mouth... but only log exercise... when I have put on workout clothes & my HRM and worked up a sweat.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I have to confess... I don't log every single bite I take. There, I said it, wow, whew, I feel much better (j/k). I do log most food, but how do I log "crust from 100% whole wheat bread of a pb and j sandwich that my 4 year old left on his plate"? I am nursing right now, and so I do get about 400 extra calories beyond exercising, so I just chalk it up to that. Once I stop in a few months I will have to be more specific. I don't know how to log a bite of this and a bite of that. there are times when I just do a "quick add calories" and guestimate how much was in what I just ate. I have stopped logging cleaning as exercise, just cause then it makes me feel like I deserve a treat or something. Good luck.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I log everything. A quick 5 min walk, probably not, but and afternoon at the mall walking around yes. I log it as walking at like 2.0 or 2.5 pace. use a bit of discernment. I find it helps encourage me to see where I can fit exercise in, like taking stairs instead of the elevator, that sort of thing.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    If you don't log the walking and whatnot, just change your activity level to moderately active or whatever you think fits.(If it's not there already) It's important in making sure you're not eating too little.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I only log my exercises. Any other activity I do that is on a regular basis I don't log. I log every bite I take. I do my husband's log but I don't log his diet tea cuz its 0 cal. If I drink a diet tea I log it though because I try to keep track of my sodium he doesn't.
  • I log everything I eat. I don't log my drink unless it has calories, but do add my water. I log exercise, that is, anything I do that is above and beyond my daily routine.
  • BandMom2
    BandMom2 Posts: 64
    I log all my food and all my exercise because I have my lifestyle set at sedentary. If you have you ADL set to include the walking around campus then you should not log it as extra excerise.
  • DaveNix
    DaveNix Posts: 78 Member
    how do I log "crust from 100% whole wheat bread of a pb and j sandwich that my 4 year old left on his plate"?

    Ewww. You're right - no idea how many calories in drool. :laugh:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I log every bite of food, but i only log my workouts... I consider everything else my daily routine.

    This. I never log walking across campus our anything part of my daily movement. MFP takes regular daily movement into consideration when you tell it your activity level. Even the sedentary lifestyle includes some moving.
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    Like some others have mentioned, I log everything I eat because I'm just that OCD. I log specific exercise and things like a full day of cleaning the house. But I don't track everyday activities like walking the dog. That's just me! :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Log everything that passes your lips but don't log walking around campus as exercise. That's just "life" not exercise.
    The exercise you log and EAT BACK is when you say "I'm going to work out now." and you deliberately break a sweat and get breathing hard, above and beyond any normal daily life activity. Your activity level should be set to active to compensate for those types of everyday activity.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I try to log almost all my food, some times when I've had a very bad day I don't log all of my food...but I try really hard, even though it hurts to see that big red number haha

    I do not log things such as walking around the grocery store, cleaning, etc because I just figure it's just ADLs I normally would do.

    I do, however, log my workouts and I will log when I'm riding a horse.
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