how many calories do you think i burned today?

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
I have my settings set to "lightly active" -just so everyone knows. (even though I am more active)

I worked 9 hours today - 6 am to 6 pm. with a two hour lunch. (I am a Strength Instructor at a gym)

Every 15 minutes I have to circle the facility and insure people are working out safely.. takes me about 5-10 mins to do this because of the size of the facility. Also it's up and down stairs. 20-30 stairs = and i walk briskly and run up the stairs usually.

All the other times, I am training people how to properly work out (so I am walking/standing)
And if we aren't busy or I don't have orientations - then I HARDCORE CLEAN.

(like sweating cleaning and walking...)

Since I believe this to be over "lightly active" - I logged 60 mins of light cleaning, 60 mins of slow walking, and 10 mins of walking upstairs. (obviously, under-estimating everything)....

What do you guys think???? Does this sound about right??

I would really like your input cause I'm having a hard time with this.


  • eed_bookworm
    LOL! I see you have the answer to your question as your reward for your 1st mini goal. To really know how many calories you burn, you will need to use a heart rate monitor. I think the consensus is that the calorie counts provided by MFP for certain activities (ex. cleaning) overestimate your burn.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    At least 2000.

    I am also 5'2". When I work about 9 hours on my feet, I tend to end the day between 1900-2300, and that's with 2-3 hours of lying on my butt on the couch after dinner, which I do every night. :)

    I weigh 108 if that makes a difference to you, and I get over 10000 steps in on those days.
    This is all according to the BodyMediaFit that never leaves my arm.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Yeah, it's hard to know sometimes. I don't put my regular daily routine in as anything extra since that's figured in the beginning. Just add exercise dvds, etc. for extra. Since I've heard on here that MFP over estimates calories burned on workouts I figure it balances out in the end. Sometime I would like to get a HRM to actually get a closer estimate. When you think about "lightly active" there could be a lot of leeway or variation as to what lightly active would mean.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    LOL! I see you have the answer to your question as your reward for your 1st mini goal. To really know how many calories you burn, you will need to use a heart rate monitor. I think the consensus is that the calorie counts provided by MFP for certain activities (ex. cleaning) overestimate your burn.

    An HRM does NOT work for "all day" estimating, like during your job. It is only accurate for actual CARDIO.

    The BodyMediaFit, and the BodyBugg, are intended to give you your TDEE.
    (total daily energy expenditure)

    This is not your "exercise calories" or something you would "eat back", this is your TOTAL daily calorie use, including calories burned just existing.
    Basically it tells you your maintenance calories for each day. If you are aiming to maintain, eat that amount, if you want to lose, create a small deficit off that number.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Check the definitions of "lightly active" again - I think most of what you do falls into that category already - and is taken into account by MFP..... my understanding is lightly active is anyone not doing a deskjob e.g people that is on their feer and walking around most of the day, and very active is people who actually carry things / lift things most of the day.

    So I suspect you might be counting some of those calories twice..... Some of the guys that has been on here longer might be able to get you more advice
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    oh wow! basically three different types of answers!!
    haha yes, and I get my HRM in three more pounds!!! YAY! but until then I will just estimate....
    and that's why I UNDER estimate the cals burned for those shifts because i'm wondering if they are overestimating.
    but also i know i am burning a lot.
    thanks guys! i am glad people actually replied to my post this time!!!

    ***the reason that I put lightly active and then add SOME (less than half) of extra activity is because it varies from day to day depending on if i work at the hospital, or at the gym, or in class.

    alright, alright. :) until i get my HRM (which i understand only will amount for calories burned during cardio exercise) - I will have to guess. but definitely under guess. So i took off half of what i had before :) thanks guys