Hypothyroidism and what has worked best for you?!

Hi! Would love to hear from some of you who have hypothyroidism! What has worked best for you? Any tips or information you can share as you go through this journey would be great!!


  • dragonfly256
    dragonfly256 Posts: 46 Member
    I have an under active thyroid. It's not impossible to lose weight. Take your medicine when you are supposed to and make sure you see your doctor regularly to have it checked out. Eat at a deficit and exercise. Finding the motivation to exercise can be hard but it is worth it. I hope this helps.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Hypothyroid here, too. As long as your thyroid levels are steady and in a healthy range, weight loss is just a matter of eating less than your body burns (TDEE). Use a food scale, and weigh everything, especially cereal, peanut butter, etc. Log everything. Use moderation, you can have a treat here or there if you're doing well on your weight loss journey, but don't binge!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Just CICO. :) Have tried EVERYTHING else, trust me. I can eat what non-hypo-T people of my height/weight/age/activity level eat (apparently...I mean I go by MFP's calculations for me, and they don't have a category for hypo-T) but have to be STRICT about it...never over. But I know non-hypo-T people who can't really ever eat over their calories either.

    I was diagnosed, hmmm...six years ago and based on my symptoms, was probably hypo for about 10 years before that (give or take). So...(probably) hypo for 16 years, didn't gain weight significantly until 12 years ago, when I was pregnant with my second son. I was indeed overeating quite a bit.

    Good luck on your journey and stay well!
  • emh15022
    emh15022 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you to those who have replied!!
  • KiwiAlexP
    KiwiAlexP Posts: 185 Member
    Just diagnosed yesterday and start medication tomorrow - But have been losing at an average of 500g (1 pound?) for the last 5 weeks
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I have Hashimoto's. My advice is to find an endocrinologist that's educated with the most up do date research. Some of them just measure your TSH, prescribe synthroid and are done with you.

    I found my TDEE is lower than what the calculator suggests, even at sedentary. I'm not sure if that's because of my thyroid or not, but I do need to eat a bit less to lose at a reasonable rate.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes, I have hypothyroidism. I take Armour thyroid. Synthetic levothyroxine did jack all for me. Eating 1200 cals and working out like a maniac have been necessary. Also avoiding eating things that will burn up quickly leaving you just as hungry as you started out... you know all the fat/sugar/processed carb things. Those things seem to just lead to dissatisfaction and binges, so I recommend high nutrition, high protein, high fiber in food selections, and avoiding most highly processed carbs that do not keep you feeling satisfied and that can monkey with your blood sugar levels with a quick peak and then crash (which, when blood sugar goes down, you become tired and hungry). And as a hypothyroid person you know that fatigue is the enemy! I also am prediabetic so that involved even more dietary changes such as never eating carbs without also eating a protein at the same time or directly before said carbs. This is how I started using protein shakes as breakfast. I was never a breakfast eater but my sugar would creep up and up until I ate something with protein. I am not sure if doing a protein shake for breakfast would be helpful for you but it may be worth a try anyway. I use a chocolate flavored one because I find that the other flavors tend to be gross and fail. I also put cold coffee in it in place of water lol. You can use the protein with carbs technique to keep your blood sugar levels as steady as possible to avoid fatigue and excess hunger, even if you don't have diabetes or anything approaching it. Get whole grain breads and pasta as it takes longer for your body to break them down.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    Being properly medicated, eating less, and moving more! =)
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited March 2015
    I find that all I need to lose weight is to be properly medicated, weigh my foods, and eat at a deficit. I exercise when I can (I have chronic migraines which have been acting up lately and have been getting in the way).

    I moderate my carbs by choice, but I've been doing that for years to manage my fatigue levels. It's a personal choice. I don't think it's necessary to lose weight, nor do I think it's something that would necessarily help other Hashi's/hypothyroid people. I've been dealing with my diagnosis a loooooong time. Um... need to think... almost 25 years now.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I was diagnosed last year and my meds are now stabilised at 100mcg of levothyroxine a day. I've been losing weight at a steady pace of about 1lb a week since the beginning of the year. I'm eating approx 1500 calories a day and I often go over a little. I'm exercising twice a week, 2.5 hours in total. The exercise seems to make the difference for me.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have found that exercise seems to push it along for me a bit as well. I will still lose without it, but my diet and wiggle room have to be much more on point.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    I have been taking the meds for years... had my thyroid removed.
    Has any body had trouble with their teeth?.... recently my dentist said I have a very dry mouth, usually from the meds I am taking, witch may be the cause of some dental problems.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    I've had hashimotos for almost 30 years and have always taken levothyroxine. I just went to a new endocrinoligist recently who told me the importance of the timing of the medication. 1 hour before you eat or 3 hours after. Even coffee will interfere. So I've been taking it when I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Silly but I've talked to lots of people who do this. I think my morning coffee had been interfering.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    I take my medicine before bed at night so that nothing interferes with it being absorbed. Since doing that I am able to take my multivitamin late morning. I've been stalling for quite some time, but then I started weighing my food and it has made a HUGE difference! I lost 2lbs this week! I have also found that I do better if I add a lot of protein to my diet. I am very sensitive to carbs, but have been able to lose more weight if I have protein with every meal.
  • another_chelle
    another_chelle Posts: 42 Member
    clnrush wrote: »
    I have been taking the meds for years... had my thyroid removed.
    Has any body had trouble with their teeth?.... recently my dentist said I have a very dry mouth, usually from the meds I am taking, witch may be the cause of some dental problems.

    I've been on Synthroid for about five years and at my recent dental appointments the hygienist talked about dry mouth and damage its doing to my teeth. I never put the two together. I have to go to the dentist four times a year now for pareodontal cleanings.

    The hygienist recommended non-alcohol based mouthwash and biotene to help with the dry mouth.

    As for issues with weight loss I find as long as I take my meds and my levels are good it doesn't interfere with my weight loss. What does interfere is my love for food and lack of discipline when it comes to food
  • American_Beauty
    American_Beauty Posts: 20 Member
    Take your medication everyday, and drink lots of water stick to your calorie goal and get moving :) This place has been my saving grace since I have it too, water seems to work the best for me, I drink 3 ltrs a day and my calories aren't always perfect but sticking to my goals set here have made a HUGE difference when everything else failed. I started in November and I'm halfway to my goal weight (down 22 lbs). I've had hypothyroidism for about 6 years. You can do it, trust me I didn't think anything would work but this does :) Best of luck, you can add me if you want ♥
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Another_,
    I am relieved it isn't just me (synthroid also) and poor dental care on my part... I do all the right things to care for them, yet have bad checkups recently.. I hate it when I doubt myself.

    on weight loss.... I really have to watch close on my calorie intake and exercising has made a big difference for me... I try and walk 4 times a week for 1 hour. It is slow, 1/2 pd. loss a week, but I will happily take it. :)
  • lauraloy2013
    lauraloy2013 Posts: 58 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism since birth and it's gone up and down but I find that if I keep taking the medication, weigh everything and keep within my allowance it works and no different to others. Good luck with it!
  • another_chelle
    another_chelle Posts: 42 Member
    clnrush so glad you mentioned the connection between the medication and dry mouth.

    Dentist used to compliment me left and right on my teeth. I had strong teeth and really great structure etc. then a few years ago I started getting really bad dental reports and had no idea how I went from great reviews to needing tons of dental work. Looking back the timing is right for about a year after starting Synthroid to all my dental problems.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    clnrush wrote: »
    I have been taking the meds for years... had my thyroid removed.
    Has any body had trouble with their teeth?.... recently my dentist said I have a very dry mouth, usually from the meds I am taking, witch may be the cause of some dental problems.

    I have chronic dry mouth from meds too, and I drink a TON of water to counteract it.

    According to my dentist, I have "boring" teeth. No cavities at all. The only problems I ever have come up from delayed issues arising from an accident I had on a bike when I was a kid and fell off a bike and landed on my face. The nerve damage can take years to be a problem, apparently. I just had to have a root canal last year for one tooth because of it.