Losing 100lbs — Any Suggestions?



  • mistdove
    mistdove Posts: 1 Member
    I have been watching what i eat since January 2nd of this year. I log my food and exercise everyday. I'm so glad there is a great program that keeps me honest by logging my info everyday like MyFitnessPal. I am down 27 lbs. since the beginning of the year. My goal is to lose 10 lbs. every 5 weeks. The weight does not come off when you want it to. It comes off when your body is ready to release it. I have not missed a day of weighing and sometimes wonder why i didn't lose weight in a particular week. Then the next week I will lose even more in that week. Don't let the scale play with your head. You have a goal set for yourself so just stick with it. My goal is to be down 100 lbs. by the first of next year.
    This all started, not because i was ready to lose weight but because i gave up Coke and decided to eat 5-7 fruits and veggies everyday. I do have to say that i feel so much better. I was so surprised how much better. I didn't realize that i didn't feel great because, even though i am fat, i have really good health. I haven't been ill in many years.
    Just keep at it. Log your food and exercise accurately everyday. Don't skip. I just love looking at my weight loss graph in the reports to see that it keeps going down. I don't know if this will help you but it does work for me, I try to eat a lot of the same foods at the same time of day. I try not to focus on the food so much and just make it simple so i'm not hungry and have pretty much quit eating out. I am way into roasting all of my veggies!! Love them!! Keep up the good work and stay your course!!
  • floridamatty
    floridamatty Posts: 93 Member
    lots of Water and Exercise. Staying under 1000 calories isnt so hard if you work out. I work out six days a week, I drink anywhere from 8 to 16 glasses of water a day (which helps with hunger) and I burn anywhere from 800 to 1300 calories working out but Im not starving myself and so far ive lost 45lbs in 5 months.

    Also ignore the negativity from some people in this place.
  • keyofnight
    keyofnight Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! So much amazing advice, and so much success. I'm happy that all of you have made as much progress as you have, and now I know that I'll do the same.

    I'll make sure I don't restrict myself too much, think too much about what the scale says, get impatient, or beat myself up if I don't get it right every single time. I'll also think about smaller goals instead of the big 100 pound goal I've set. Honestly, I'm not even sure my goal is to lose 100. It will all depend on how I feel and look down the road. I might end up losing more, but I might end up not needing to lose as much.

    Thank you so much, folks!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member