Add me.. 200 lbs, need encouraging words!

Hello All!

My names Megan. Im 21, will be 22 next month on the 18th. Im currently 200 lbs.. Im having trouble sticking to a good diet, and exercising. I never see the results I want right away and i pretty much give up.. I need some words of encouragement to see that it is possible if I stick to it.. What have been life savers for you guys and things have worked well? Please at me, or message me or comment. Would love to hear your stories and advice!


  • DropkickkMurphyy
    DropkickkMurphyy Posts: 55 Member
    It's definitely possible. Just not easy. But honestly, what's worth being proud of if you earn it the easy way. (Unless we're talking about free cookies or cash).

    I used to weigh 259 lbs.
    I'm still on my journey because I slipped up. I gained 30 lbs back. Well, I guess that's more of a fall than a slip. I digress, YOU CAN DO IT!!

    especially if my food loving self can.

  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Feel free to add me :)
  • keyshas84
    keyshas84 Posts: 113
    Feel free to add me guys. This is a great place for motivation
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    For me, it has been a dedication to doing it right (this time!) and immersing myself in the process. I like numbers so part of my routine is keeping careful track of my weight, body fat and lean body mass. When I think "man, I've only lost 8 pounds" I can also say "but you also gained two pounds of muscle so you've actually lost 10 pounds of fat."

    I take my victories where I can get them.
  • pipesydoodle
    pipesydoodle Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add, can never have too much motivation! :D
  • keyshas84
    keyshas84 Posts: 113
    Add me I'd you'd like we got you we can do this!!!
  • yangsunone3
    Good to have and give support feel free to add me.. ( 200lbs also)
  • CarlaSEvans
    CarlaSEvans Posts: 66 Member
    add me.. :) 208 here..but I am twice your age. I am determined to get back to a healthier weight not just for my up coming wedding but for my kids! Good Luck to you!
  • NicoleMartinelli8
    NicoleMartinelli8 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't look at the big number. I have noticed it's easier to focus on a pound versus 20 pounds to lose. You will not lose ten pounds overnight. Stay focused. Good luck! You can add me.
  • Hi there, I'm 23 and currently 205 (formerly 290). Feel free to add me :)
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    add away, all active peeps accepted
  • meganrucker10
    meganrucker10 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all your comments.. I will try and add everyone if I figure it out. Lol today is a new day and I can do this.. I just need to start and keep going.

    What workouts are you all doing?