P90x Day 30 pics... no visual difference but I feel a lot be

ldeford99 Posts: 2 Member
So about 4 months ago or so, I stepped on the freight scale at work like I do almost everyday for no reason at all, and it read 301 lbs!!!! WOW, I had been in the 280's and 290's for the last couple of years but never over 300! So on January 31st, 2011 I started a "diet" (basically decided to start eating better). I joined MFP and started logging my calories, which made me watch what I ate a little better. Roughly 3 months later I had lost about 22 lbs, but the weight was only droppping about a pound a week at this point, which sounds good but when you are almost 300 lbs you expect more (even if you don't deserve it).

I saw that one of my cousins (who was around 200 lbs) had started the P90x program and was posting the workout descriptions on facebook and he started a blog about it. I had seen the infomercial's before and thought that those workouts are WAY TOO MUCH for someone in my poor shape and size! But finding myself anxiously waiting for his post everyday and becoming more frustrated every week with 1 pound, I decided to give it a shot.

So on April 13th, 2011 the dvd's came in the mail, I took my "day 1 pics" (well my wife did, laughing histerically...), I put the disc in and we gave it a shot! (I make her do it with me, but she "IS NOT TAKING PICTURES!") WOW, it was more tough than I ever imagined. The next day I thought I would never be able to move my arms again, and the next few workouts didn't help. With each day another part of my body became sore to the touch, but I pressed on. I also went to GNC and asked them about a recovery drink and some vitamins to help with the soreness, they gave me some and they work really well!

Anyway, I just hit day 30 (May 12th, 2011) and I thought I'd take the "day 30 pictures"... My clothes feel a lot more loose and I feel better overall, but not much difference in the visual. Hopefully, if I stick with it, the "day 60 pics" will show more of a difference. I just thought I'd post my little story and the pics to show those who might be pondering whether to start the program or not that even guys my size can do it, so give it a shot!

Warning... If you've eaten recently or have a weak stomach DO NOT SCROLL DOWN!!! LOL







Good Luck everyone!



  • healthyJenn0915
    I will be curious to see the results after 60 days! I myself have thought several times about buying the program, but am not sure I want to spend the money on it cause I'm afraid I won't stick with it. I have heard it is a very intense program, but don't know anybody personally that has stuck with it for the full 90 days! Good luck.:smile:
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I can't see the pics, but wanted to say congratulations and keep up the good work!! It is tough starting out a new workout program, much less jumping into P90x.....that is awesome! I did it for 5 weeks, but there wasn't enough cardio for me., I now do Insantiy with spinning and weigts....I am up on my weight and trying to get back down....it never gets easy, but you have to keep plugging away!! Keep it up!

  • krishildy
    krishildy Posts: 23 Member
    You *can* see the difference!!!! Granted, the change isn't as drastic as some that we have seen posted here, but I really can see the difference -- Keep it up, and keep on taking photos. Way to go!!!! I look forward to being able to feel/see the difference on my journey.

    All my best to you!
  • christina_michelle
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Nevermind, I did see the pics!! They showed up after I wrote my reply.....I can see some of a difference! Keep it up! Congrats on your progress!

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Stick with it. It's so worth it. Regardless of look, you will feel so much better.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I can tell a difference! Keep at it, you are doing great!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I had to giggle as I read your post because I literally feel your pain! I'm on the last working week of my first round of P90X and I'm STILL sore! I did legs and back yesterday and I feel like I've been riding a horse for two days. :D

    Great job pressing through and persevering! I know you say there isn't much difference in your pictures but my husband and I could definitely see that you've made some progress! Your tummy looks much smaller! Way to go and keep up the good work! Your wife will regret that she didn't take those pictures. I forced myself to do mine and I'm glad I did because some days I have to look at the difference in pictures to get me to press play again. :)
  • Kristiahord
    Kristiahord Posts: 11
    I did P90x back in Oct 2009 as I borrowed it from my brother. I absolutely loved it and started incorporating it in my group fitness classes. Along with the tremendous change in my diet, I immediately lost the last 12 lbs that I was hanging on to after my 2 pregnancies. I've been in the better shape now (37) than I've ever been before and love encouraging others to stick with it. Initially, I thought the cost was high, but with as many dvds there are, it comes to avg $10/dvd and is an investment of a lifetime because I see Tony Horton as my at home personal trainer. Which there is no comparison since most people pay a $60 per session with a personal trainer weekly and don't see results. I've since, repeated P90x twice and helped my husband lose 23lbs. with the same diet and fitness program. STICK WITH IT!!! You WILL continue to see progress if you stay on top of your nutrition ;-) You're doing AWESOME!
  • carro585
    carro585 Posts: 40 Member
    You have made huge progress! Look at the picture with your arms up... in the before pic there's a big curve where your pecs and abs are...now it's practically a straight line! Good luck with the next 30 days. I'm sure your results will get even better as you go. :)
  • jtaliaferro
    jtaliaferro Posts: 11
    I cant tell the difference.
  • chaobabie
    chaobabie Posts: 64
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