How Many Calories Did You Eat Before MFP?



  • chagley1
    chagley1 Posts: 4 Member
    I can easily get out of control when I don't journal...2000+ calories a day. My goal, which I hit easily when I journal, is 1200/day.
  • Now that I'm actually reading nutrition labels and stuff, I probably had close if not more than 4500 calories a day. I'm between 1400 and 1800 these days with more activity.
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    It varied but I would estimate 2500/3500+ in an average day.I wasn't eating lunch either, just very high calories in what I did eat. A typical day would be Sausage rolls for breakfast and cheese sandwiches on white bread or takeout in the evenings with snacking on chocolate in between. I was also drinking a lot of wine, 2-3 large glasses several times a week!
    I thlnk I eat more now but it's healthier and lower calories, I've also cut out alcohol for the moment. Knowing what I do now, I feel shocked that that was what I was doing to myself and I was telling myself I was not over eating because I are so little during my day at work!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I'm betting I ate anywhere from 4000-5000 calories a day.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think I'm the opposite to most people...I actually increased my calories when I'd been on MFP for a while! I started using MFP when my 2nd child was 14 months, and I'd been losing baby weight already (actually, I'd lost pretty much all of it by then). When I started logging I was eating as I had been for 14 months (and pretty much the way I've eaten for years) and I was eating 1200-1300 calories a day. I increased to 1500-1600 calories and lost a further 35lbs, and it came off a lot faster.

    I used to eat fewer calories than that in my early 20s.

    I'm losing baby weight after my third at the moment.

    Maybe it's different because I'm losing weight gained in pregnancy.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I ate all of the calories.
  • sazauk82
    sazauk82 Posts: 1
    I've no idea, but I think it was a lot. My portion sizes were getting bigger again since I stopped using MFP and Weight Watchers for a while. I was also skipping 2 meals a day and constantly eating from tea time until bedtime. Sweets, chocolates, crisps, cheese and fried foods. Now I eat healthy veggie packed meals most days.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Pre-healthy lifestyle change I would eat my daily meals and then in the evening tuck into a 'HUGE' greasy donner meat pizza from the local takeaway.. probably 4 times a week!

    Given that this huge pizza was around 14", deep.. plenty extra cheese and about 5 kebabs worth of donner meat. My guess is my daily 'average' over a week was probably 4500-5400calories. Easily(that's a lower-end guess)!

    It wasn't always this way, I really only put serious body-fat on within around 2 years when my children were first born.. I forgot about looking after me properly! It was just 'easier'.. Now there is no way int his world I would go back to that!

    Now, whenever I have a 'treat' when I'm not on a cut I always make sure that wherever I get my pizza, curry, etc is always 'quality' over quantity! I can still destroy a large pizza once a fortnight but at least now I know that I'm fitting it into part of a healthy balanced diet(and it's from a quality place!!)!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I didn't count calories until I decided to lose weight, but I was probably eating a couple thousand calories on most days. 3-4000+ on reallllllllly bad days I bet.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Around 3000 for me as well. I too came to MFP to figure it out and was able to stop weight gain and then learned healthier choices. I actually gained weight while trying to lose weight if that makes any sense..
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I ate anywhere between 500 calories and 5000 calories. I have a very variable appetite. And yes, 5000 calories was a common thing for me on some days - that's how I passed the 300 pound mark. Now I eat anywhere between 500 calories and 5000 calories with a big main difference: I have way more 1400ish calorie days and way less 5000 calorie ones.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Probably around 2100 on a normal day, which is nowhere near excessive, but it was too much for someone who sat on her butt all day.
    Feeling sad/ugly/stressed/angry? Easily topped 4000, which is probably more the reason why I was bigger than I wanted, because those days happened at the very least once a week.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I think easily 2500-3000 or more. My portion sizes were way too big and I'd have extras like sauce or cheese when I really didn't need it! Plus I'd always have some sort of biscuit or chocolate after a meal. I'm definitely still capable of eating large amounts but fortunately I don't actually want to as much at the moment.

    That said I've just had two days in London where I ate way too much food and drank way too much gin!
  • kmackaye
    kmackaye Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Starting here at 300 pounds as a 55yo widow, you can be sure I was consuming over 4000 cals a day, and barely exercising at all. I also cook for a living. That has it's own challenges all by itself. I am using my health improvement as my motivator
  • Cassie_DE
    Cassie_DE Posts: 58 Member
    I'd always been overweight, but at one point I was having serious mental issues I never had taken care of and I gained massive amounts of weight; before then I was about 180lbs (but I was younger and spent nearly 12 hours a week playing rugby) and after, while extremely sedentary, ballooned to close to 245lbs at the most.
    Considering, at the 180lb mark, I could throw back 8 pork chops in one sitting and still have room for salad while maintaining my weight fairly easily, I figure I must have been eating over 4000 calories fairly regularly at my worst.
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    2000 - 3000 here too. I am keeping calories to 1400 - 1600 depending on the events of the day. I know for me the restriction causes a lot of internal stress and small binges right now so this way I can keep the fun things to eat and still keep in this calorie range. Hopefully later I will intuitively want to clean up my diet. I am working to make it a one day at a time thing.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    my first few days of MFP, i logged everything i ate and didn't change my dietary habits so i could have a base for comparison. i was eating over 4000 cals/day.
  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm trying so hard not to even look in the direction of Starbucks right now. I'm trying to see how long I'll last making my food, given my small amounts of patience.

    I now buy Starbucks beans and have them grind them for Espresso (I so love the taste). Then I use Fat Free Half & Half, Truvia and Cinnamon, add some ice and have an Iced Latte Coffee in the summer. (Wow, that REALLY sounds good right now) But, I try to keep these at a limit.

    As far as calories before MFP, probably 2500+ a day because I use to eat so much candy!! I actually have gotten to the point that I don't require chocolate daily LOL.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Just a guess here since I wasn't counting but I think as low as 800 some days and as high as 4500 others.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hard to say, it feels so long ago now. Probably 3000-4000 calories at my biggest. Oreos, everything cooked in tons of oil, lots of fruit juice/soda, and lots of sugary coffees.

    The strange thing is, when I was obese and eating like that I remember never feeling satisfied. Obviously I was taking in more than I needed so I should have felt it. But, I didn't :|