Tired of always starting tomorrow

pto99 Posts: 4 Member
I am about 60 pounds overweight and am always starting tomorrow. I do good at breakfast and then lose it for the rest of the day. I'm so tired of once I start eating I can't stop or take back control. I really want to get healthy and I want to do it in the correct way. I need to learn to do this for the rest of my life.


  • xxConnie16
    xxConnie16 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm about in the same boat! I have about 58 to lose. I always said I'd start the next day. I finally realized, the longer I wait, the harder it will be on me. Try making your lunches and / or dinners ahead of time so you won't be likely to slip up! :)
  • pto99
    pto99 Posts: 4 Member
    It's so frustrating. I want it so badly but by mid day my willpower just flies the coop. Not sure how to fix that...
  • LizzieRedrin
    LizzieRedrin Posts: 4 Member
    I do the same!!! I'll do good and by Friday I binge the entire weekend and then on Sunday I tell myself "oh tomorrow is Monday I'll start then" so then I do good again up until Friday! I'm so tired of this and ready to lose weight!!!! I'll add you
  • Coachconni
    Coachconni Posts: 42 Member
    pto99 wrote: »
    I am about 60 pounds overweight and am always starting tomorrow. I do good at breakfast and then lose it for the rest of the day. I'm so tired of once I start eating I can't stop or take back control. I really want to get healthy and I want to do it in the correct way. I need to learn to do this for the rest of my life.

    So go with it. Lose the need for a perfect start. Plan your overeating instead of running from it. If today you start overeating at 11am after breakfast, the only plan you should make towards dieting or 'starting' is to push that time later and later until you conquer an entire day.