Hi all! New user, new journey!

Hi all

My name is chelsea and I have just started my weightloss journey! (sort of sounds like an AA introduction doens't it!)

I am 31, have two beautiful girls with my very (selectively) supportive husband and am determined to lose some weight! My family is getting behind me, as long as I don't ask the girls to give up their chocolate treats, or my husband to give up his alcohol and coke!

I have two goals - one is to be able to wear a bathing suit when I go to Bali in September, the other is to have another baby when I return from Bali! I have had gestational diabetes with both my girls, and doctor has just told me that if I dont lose at least 10 kgs, then I will most likely be injecting insulin again. I so dont want that. It hurts once your huge and the skin is stretched.

And so I am working with a personal trainer and he informed me yesterday that it takes not only exercise, but a diet change as well. I nearly fell over. Clearly I have never dieted or thought about what goes in to my mouth before. And for the last two days I am counting everything. ANd am in shock. I am having to reevaluate what I thought was healthy!

ANd so I wave to you all and say 'hi'! And please be patient with me. I am on a steep learning curve. I may ask 'stupid' questions. But I am trying and learning!



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welcome aboard. We all have learning curves and mine started Jan this year. When I started, I never thought I would log my food, and it took awhile to get used to. Now, that's all I want to do :-) It helps me to be more aware not only how much food I'm eating, but more important to me is making healthier choices. Enjoy your journey, and good luck.
  • BeautifulTestimony
    First of all, Welcome Chelcb79 to MFP... I really do believe that you will enjoy this site. I just recently joined myself and I am loving it. I must agree with Atomdraco MFP will help you to become more aware of what you are eating so you can make healthier choices. I wish you well on your weight loss journey. Remember, to remain positive throughout your journey and you will make it. Also, someone told me this and I will like to share it with you... Whatever your ultimate goal is (i.e. 50 pounds)... do not look at that number in a whole just look at one pound at a time... STEP BY STEP you will achieve your goal.

    Again welcome to MFP and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome and good luck
    You are in the right place for help and support. Have a look thru the forum posts and add people who seem supportive and the kind of people who you believe will support you thru your journey.

    You will definitely be more successful with a strong support network around you and MFP is the place to find that

    It works if you work it
    Gem x