Broke = Fat



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Whole chickens are pretty inexpensive, easy to cut up and the skin just yanks right off! Think of it as a way to let out some aggression... Chickens are mouthy little buggers, always clucking and $hitting all over the place. If you ask me, they're ASKING for it!

  • danie2010dw
    danie2010dw Posts: 31 Member
    DONT Give Give Up!! I Have Found If You Live In A City With A 99 Cent Store Or Dollar Gen They Have A Fruit And Veggie Section I Get A lot Of Things There Plus Its Fresher Since In MY area its from the local growers. Also i freqent my local farmers/flea markets they are also good for your fruits and veggies . For my meats i live on the West coast(Cali) we have like grocery outlets here and i get my ground turkey it only $2 also i urge everyone with families to try your butcher for MEAT Packages. you can get 65 pounds of meat for 30 bucks you also pick the types of packages and what it contains. like chicken and pork and lean beef it really helps and i just section it and freeze it and pull out what i need wen i need it. Oh and like a lot of others said Wal-mart is the best for chicken breast. once you start looking around for you deals and find a good menu for you and your family you will see the healthy cooking isn't as bad as its made to seem.

    and for the scale...its really not needed as long as your seeing progress you should be fine. i wouldn't be discouraged since your choosing to change your life at such a crucial time in life let that motivate you to keep going. :)

    good luck :)
  • yogajan
    yogajan Posts: 9
    In place of a scale, find a piece of "barometer" clothing. Just make sure the fabric is something that doesn't stretch too much. Try it on once a week and when it starts to get loose on you it is a better feeling than seeing numbers on a scale.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Ok don't hate on me ... but your health should be a priority. Graduate school is great and all ... but If you think you're going to have a lot of money right away after forget it. I'm assuming you'll have some debt to pay off. Maybe you should lessen your course load and find another part time job so you can spend more time and money taking care of yourself ... and not just your brain. :)
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Don't give up. Something a friend told me that really stuck with me was that wherever you are now is just a stop along the way. Don't fixate on it. Don't quit school, especially when you're so close to being done. Healthy eating IS expensive, but it is do-able. Check for meat sales at the grocery store and stock up if possible. Sometimes you can get decent cuts of meat for a lot less than normal. Be patient and don't beat yourself up because you're broke right now. If you can't afford the "diet" foods, then just try to get some exercise in. You have already taken a huge step that deserves recognition by acknowledging that the food you can afford isn't healthy. Don't play down that sort of thing!
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Also ... I have a really hard time with food. I'm traveling a lot now for work so I can choose for myself a bit more and expense it so it has gotten a whole lot easier. But that is very recent. My husband does all the cooking and makes my plate. Since he seems to like me chubby it was a battle. My mom never let me get up from the table unless I cleaned my plate so I am a bit compulsive about eating what is there. On the weekends it's still hard. Luckily it is a lot of lentils and veggies that he makes (he's Indian) ... but the paratha and rice kill me. I realized it is my choice to eat it or not and he finally is making my portions smaller.

    A bunch of years back I lost 60 lbs just fitness walking, taking the stairs and working out to cheap exercise tapes on clearance. And now there are a ton of exercise videos on youtube or elsewhere on the net. I really had not changed my diet that significantly at that time. Unfortunately I gained it all back because I got lazy and stopped all the good things I had been doing.

    You can do it ... try indian. Lentil dishes go a long long way and are very filling. You have to take it easy on the rice ... not paratha, but roti is a pretty good choice.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    So, I am rapidly becoming VERY discouraged in my weight-loss effort because I just can't afford even the simplest thing to help in my journey. I can't even buy a scale, so I can't do much to track my progress. I can't buy different foods for myself, so instead I have to settle for eating the same junk the rest of the family eats, but in smaller portions - which generally leaves me hungry and cranky. I'm a graduate student, so by definition i should be living on welfare and eating ramen noodles, and somehow I chose this point in my life to try to lose weight. Am I just dumb? Should I just give up and be fat until I have the money to lose weight? I am so frustrated with my whole situation...

    I'm sorry, but these sound like some very good excuses for you to not workout & eat properly....

    First of all you do not need a scale to track your progress! There are many ways to gage this, like how your clothes fit, or by feeling & seeing muscle definition. You could take your measurements...for free. You could use a friends scale or a doctor or health unit's scale. Or you can just work out & make better food choices & not worry about a scale.

    Secondly, There are many healthy economical food choices! You could also take it upon your self to start educating your family on healthier food choices & go along on the shopping trips to help adise on healthier options for everyone.

    Lastly, you do not need money to lose weight!!! They are a million ways that you can workout for free, using your own body weight, for people of all fitness levels.

    In my opinion, if you decide to give up & be fat until "you have money" i'm pretty sure once you have the money you'll just come up with a new excuse!! These are some of the common fitness barriors that people have to overcome in order to change their lifestyle. If you want to get healthy & lose weight & be fit then it's a choice you have to make...right now you are making the choice to give up & not take control of your life! Where there`s a will...there`s a way.
    Good luck in your journey, i hope you decide to get healthy!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I thought food that was good for you wasn't affordable, until I tried it. At first it is tough just because you don't know what to make or how much to make and what not, but it does get easier. Not sure where you are but here we have the usual grocery chain stores but we also have cheaper ones as well. Produce might not be as high of a quality but it's not poision either, or sometimes we can find deals on food that will expire in a few days. If you cook it up right away it will last longer which helps, definitely not easy but it's a start.

    Like I said before I don't know where you are and i don't know how your medical offices work. I work as a medical receptionist part time and we have a couple patients that will come up and ask if they can use the scale to check how much they weigh, our scale is in a public hallway by the public washroom. Perhaps you can ask your Dr's office if you could do the same?

    Another option (this is what I did until I could afford to buy my own scale) I went into a London Drugs, Wal Mart picked a scale and I would try the scale out. I usually go to Wal Mart once or twice a month so that's when I checked my weight, i just picked the same type of scale. Yes it might be off by a little but it still gave me a reference point.

    I do hate the fact that the junk food is/seems cheaper than healthier stuff. I mean you can get a mcCrap burger for a 1.39.
    Just keep at it, after all you asked for suggestions and some help, hopefully this helps.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Whole chickens are pretty inexpensive, easy to cut up and the skin just yanks right off! Think of it as a way to let out some aggression... Chickens are mouthy little buggers, always clucking and $hitting all over the place. If you ask me, they're ASKING for it!


    and after everything else you can make stock with the bones
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I do hate the fact that the junk food is/seems cheaper than healthier stuff. I mean you can get a mcCrap burger for a 1.39.

    all the same, you can get twice the burger's weight in seasonal produce or at least equal it out of season. :)
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    And if you have to eat what the meal of the house is and can't resist to have your full portions to avoid hunger, than exercise extra to buy back all of those calories. Lots of people lose without changing their eating habits much at all. You can't study properly being hungry but exercise will give you more energy and brain power for it. And yes ... there is always time. We just like to pretend that there isn't.