sahm losing confidence.



  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    My 13 yr old does. He wanrs to be a chef when he gets older so hr will shop with me and cook we really enjoy it! My new hubs is the same way with the snacks even though i don't want them lol. He also kills me cause he actually started doing this before me to lose weight then he quit and now he complains that he needs to lose weight but who eats a whole bag of chipd or ice cream etc lol yup him
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    45 lbs is great and definetly easier to put ig on then lose it.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Practice the process. Even if you go over, log everything. Also, make sure that you know your maintenance number (daily calorie intake to maintain weight).....maybe make a small goal of finishing below that number for a few days and go from there.
  • mustardyellowshirt
    mustardyellowshirt Posts: 53 Member
    My 13 yr old does. He wanrs to be a chef when he gets older so hr will shop with me and cook we really enjoy it! My new hubs is the same way with the snacks even though i don't want them lol. He also kills me cause he actually started doing this before me to lose weight then he quit and now he complains that he needs to lose weight but who eats a whole bag of chipd or ice cream etc lol yup him

    LOL husband's can be such a pain. XD Mine is one of those guys that can eat, like, five double cheeseburgers, a plate of spaghetti and a bowl of ice cream EVERY DAY and not gain a pound. DX I have some choice words for THAT. lol
    That is awesome that you and your kiddo do this together, and that he wants to be a chef. What a great motivator! Mine are all pretty young, so I'm just gradually progressing with them with what they can understand at their age. One thing they have made me stop is the negative self know how kids are....they pick up on all that bad stuff like nothing else. XD
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    Yup mine too! Definetly funny how negativity is something ppl remember most
  • AmberDawn1222
    AmberDawn1222 Posts: 13 Member
    I am right there with you!!!
  • Fitmami222
    Fitmami222 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also a sahm of two boys. I worked out my whole pregnancy and lifted weights with my two month old and I'm almost back to pre preggo weight. I recommend picking up some activities that you enjoy, especially now that the weather is getting nice! Gardening, extra strolls around the block, even better do things with your kids! Idk how old they are but you guys can certainly kick around a ball. Since mine is so little I wear him and still play with my 22month old. The most important thing is not to make excuses. If you're little one is small enough wear him! If not then like I said do activities with them...go to the park. When you feel bored go outside! Brush your teeth, take a shower. And don't keep junk in the house. Have lots of healthy foods to munch on. Good luck! #fitmom #2under2 #noexcuses
    Good luck
  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks i appreciate all the advice!