New guy here!!!

Bartness Posts: 3 Member
Hello everyone just thought I would drop in and say hello to the community. HELLO!!! lol

Well I started my diet and work-out reg yesterday. Man am I

I hope to lose about 50 lbs so wish me luck and ill do the same for all of you...

Good luck to you all and keep Bringing it!!!


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome!! This is a great site, I love it! If you would like a new friend and new support, just friend me!
  • JLink823
    JLink823 Posts: 13
    You can do it! The first week is the hardest but push through and you'll love the results!!! Good Luck!
  • kittynava22
    WELCOME, its hard but I am pressing on, this site really helps me to see what I am doing right and wrong when it comes to food choices!
  • Bartness
    Bartness Posts: 3 Member
    Ty for the warm welcome everyone.... =-)

    I agree this is a VERY good site. Logging my food forces me to pay attention to what I eat and from what ive read the exercise is only a small part of getting in shape ... The main thing is what your tossing into yourself. lol

    Im going to kep on bringing it and I hope you guys do as well .... We owe it to ourselves to be healthy... Dont you think?
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome and good luck
    You are in the right place for help and support. Have a look thru the forum posts and add people who seem supportive and the kind of people who you believe will support you thru your journey.

    You will definitely be more successful with a strong support network around you and MFP is the place to find that

    It works if you work it
    Gem x