Motivation Idea

Sometimes when I'm binge watchingn Netflix instead of exercising, I watch a documentary on food and health

I find then informative and they make me recommit to being healthy again.
Good ones: Food Matters and Supersize Me..

Also, I had a photos folder on my phone of inspiration that I look at periodically to remind myself what I'm working towards!

What do you do?


  • firedevil35
    firedevil35 Posts: 40 Member
    Supersize me and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
    FSND ends up pushing juicing which I dont do, but the stories are inspirational.
  • Donna_MH
    Donna_MH Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed re FSND. Great story. Watched it for the first time yesterday really inspired me, but as you say it's very pro juicing.

    I wouldn't be opposed to giving it a go but I could never afford that, it's so expensive! If you ate the veg raw instead of juicing it you'd be full on less though so same theory, and a bit more manageable!
  • coreP85
    coreP85 Posts: 14 Member
    Motivational quotes...YouTube.. And of course surr
  • coreP85
    coreP85 Posts: 14 Member
    Surrounding yourself with motivated ppl