March 2015 Running Challenge



  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @iofred - You didn't swim? :wink:
    Sorry, it had not rained B)

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    3.2- 2.48 @ 23 min (seriously ice conditions-didn't die- celebrate)
    3.4- 2 miles @ 37 min (no sports bra- walking incline FWD/BKW)
    3.7 - 3 miles @ 30 min (treadmill- slow run- and bothers my shins- still done)
    3.12.-4.17 miles @ 35:42
    3.14- 8.46 Miles@ 1:22-rainy rainy-
    3.20.- 2 miles- 21:45- treadmill- allergry/sinus sick *kitten*

    Total March Goals
    27.11 Miles of 60 hypothetical miles

    Took me forever to find my last post to remember what I had run.

    I got 2 miles in on the treadmill- I'm about death warmed over this week- and I'm in agood world of hurt from my trip to Ocean City and our performance- super fracking long a22 day yesterday- and I cant' breath today- or talk- I have no voice. - so I'm thinking running today is a mistake.

    So yes- On the couch with some gelato- and relaxing. Hoping to hit 40- for the month- my high estimate was 60- low was 30- so I think hitting 40 would be a good accomplishment- and reasonable- that's only 12 more miles. I'm okay with that.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So yes- On the couch with some gelato- and relaxing. Hoping to hit 40- for the month- my high estimate was 60- low was 30- so I think hitting 40 would be a good accomplishment- and reasonable- that's only 12 more miles. I'm okay with that.

    You are now trying to convince yourself ... right :)

  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    3/1 - 3.1 on the treadmill (see what I did there...)
    3/2 - Rest
    3/3 - 5.1 - got an outdoor run in before the ice hits again
    3/6 - 2.3 - limited amount of time before I needed to take my son to practice
    3/7 - 7.3
    3/8 - Rest
    3/9 - Rest
    3/10 - Travel day for work - couldn't run
    3/11 -3.0 able to squeeze out 3 as the sun set. Was out of town, so didn't want to run at night
    3/12 - Meetings until late, no running
    3/13 - Travel home
    3/14 - 3.6
    3/15 - Rest
    3/16 - 3.2
    3/17 - 3.6
    3/18 - Rest
    3/19 - 5.8
    3/20 - Rest
    3/21 - Rest
    3/22 - 9.0

    Not sure I'll get my 80 in this month. I wasn't able to run the week I was out of town and hit a bit of a wall. Thanks for the good advice, I think a lot of it was nutrition based.

    Once I got within 5 lbs of my target weight, I got really sloppy with my nutrition. Not so much in total calories I was eating, but really in the quality of I was eating. Lots of empty calories/junk going in. I only have a month to my first HM, so I really need to get back on the stick on what I'm eating and really start getting my miles in.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Guess I should change my goal to 50. Really glad to have joined this thread. At times I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, but barely made 30 miles in Feb.


  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    No running for me today, Sunday is hiking with my family day and what a beautiful spring day it was to spent walking in the hills of North wales.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 12mi, easy
    2 - 8.2mi, easy
    3 - 8.2mi, tempo
    4 - 10mi, easy w/FF
    5 - 8mi, intervals
    6 - 8mi, easy+3.2mi, tempo
    7 - 18mi, easy
    8 - Rest
    9 - 7.2mi, easy
    10 - 6.3mi, easy
    11 - 6.5mi, easy
    12 - Rest
    13 - 5.2mi, easy w/strides
    14 - 3.14mi, easy
    15 - 13.1, race
    16 - 3mi, recovery
    17 - Rest
    18 - 6mi, easy
    19 - 8mi, easy
    20 - 6mi, easy w/strides
    21 - 18mi, easy
    22 - 10mi, easy

    Total: 167.1mi

    Mar goal: 250mi

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Abakan wrote: »
    No running for me today, Sunday is hiking with my family day and what a beautiful spring day it was to spent walking in the hills of North wales.

    I'm jealous.. Welsh ancestry here.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @TwelveSticks: Well done on finishing!

    @Ohhim: Isn't it funny when people think it's odd to be running at midnight, when they are out there themselves? I met an old lady walking her (tiny, not very guardian-like looking) dog after midnight once, and she actually stopped to tell me that running alone in the night seemed dangerous to her. Had to bite my lip to keep from asking her how walking at the same time was any better ;-)

    01.03.15 - 13.0 km
    03.03.15 - 3.3 km
    05.03.15 - 4.8 km
    08.03.15 - 14.2 km
    10.03.15 - 3.6 km
    13.03.15 - 4.4 km
    14.03.15 - 4.2 km
    15.03.15 - 11.0 km
    17.03.15 - 3.2 km
    19.03.15 - 5.0 km
    22.03.15 - 8.0 km
    74.9 km done (of 100km)


  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    edited March 2015
    1--- 6mi
    2--- REST DAY
    3--- 8mi
    4--- 7mi
    5--- 10mi
    6--- 7.25mi
    7--- 18.05mi
    8--- 6mi --- (Weekly total: 56.3 miles)
    9--- REST DAY
    10--- 10mi
    11--- 8mi
    12--- 8mi
    13--- 7mi
    14--- 20mi
    15--- 7mi --- (Weekly total: 60.0 miles)
    16--- REST DAY
    17--- 8mi
    18--- 7 mi
    19--- 8 mi
    20--- 7mi
    21--- 14.4mi
    22--- 6mi --- (Weekly total: 50.4 miles)
    23--- REST DAY

    Done: 172.7/200mi goal
  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member
    01/03- rest sick
    02/03- rest still sick
    03/03- 3.6 miles TM
    04/03- 3.74 miles TM
    05/03- 3.84 miles TM
    06/03- 4.08 miles TM
    07/03- 1.4 miles OUTSIDE 3.7 TM
    08/03- rest day
    09/03- 1.5 miles TM
    10/03- 4.25 miles outside on a trail
    11/03- 2.7 miles trail
    12/03- 4.32 miles road
    13/03- 4.48 miles road
    14/03- rest Happy Men's Valentine's Day ;)
    15/03- 4.02 miles TM
    16/03- 4.47 miles road
    17/03- 4.62 miles road
    18/03- rest
    19/03- 2.2 miles road with hubby and the munchkin
    20/03- 4.42 TM incline/speed intervals
    21/03- rest (science fair/going away party out of town)
    22/03- 4.9 miles road with hubby

    Been a busy few days. Got my runs in but no time to post. And I need to catch up on a lot of posts on here!!! Will read later. Best run to date today. Hubby had better stamina than he and I both anticipated and we paced each other very well. I enjoyed forcing him to run with me.....and he actually enjoyed it too. He may not be able to walk for a few days but was fantastic!


  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    DATE...................... MILES...............TOTAL
    3/2...........................Weight training
    3/6...........................Weight training
    3/9...........................Weight training
    3/13.........................Weight training

  • nulife9727
    nulife9727 Posts: 74
    edited March 2015

    2 Mar - 4.13
    3 Mar - 4.11
    5 Mar - 4.17
    6 Mar - 3.67
    7 Mar - 3.6 Nice for outdoor run at golf course
    11 Mar - 3.5
    12 Mar - 3.5
    13 Mar - 2.0
    18 Mar - 3.45
    19 Mar - 3.65
    20 Mar - 3.65
    22 Mar - 1.5 walk
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »

    Took me forever to find my last post to remember what I had run.
    Haha, I started putting it in "Notes" on my Macbook because it is too hard to find. :)

    @training2BeFast - wow, your weekly runs are my monthly goals. Well done!

    @gabbo34 - As long as you learned something from it! You will hit it next month!

    @TwelveSticks - Nice job! Glad you were able to push through, now take a rest day or two!

    @skippygirlsmom - goal already and a week left! I should hit mine Tuesday I hope. :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    edited March 2015
    Haven't had time to read through for a few days (work, husband's birthday and family visiting) but I did read through everything...
    I will comment on the whole pace and hydration discussion - I run slow in my training runs unless I have scheduled intervals or a tempo run included in my schedule for the week. I really only pay attention to pace during a run when I am going long 8-12 miles because I don't want to go too fast. I mostly go by how I feel. I also don't carry water unless it is a long run and I am going to be somewhere with no drinking fountains. My trail has them at both ends along with bathrooms so I typically get a drink before I head out on the longer part of the run with no water available and get another drink before I run the mile home from the trail. Like @Stoshew71‌, I have to have my coffee before I run.

    As far as fueling goes - I eat pretty clean but heavy on the protein side with some carb cycling to fit my strength training and longer running days.

    @Elise4270‌ - I have a very low RHR - 34 and when I run I try to keep my HR in around 120 and it rarely gets above 135 (on a really hot day maybe 140) even when I really push it. Point is that I don't think I am in all that great shape and everyone's numbers will be different depending on lots of other factors.
    @ddmom0811‌ - our niece was home for spring break and headed back to school this morning too - house is super quiet now.
    @TwelveSticks‌ - Congratulations on getting your half done even if it didn't go as well as you had hoped!!
    @iofred‌ - Great job on the duatholon even if there was no swimming :)
    @autumnblade75‌ - you're running again!! How is the ankle??
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Abakan wrote: »
    No running for me today, Sunday is hiking with my family day and what a beautiful spring day it was to spent walking in the hills of North wales.

    I'm jealous.. Welsh ancestry here.
    Me too (and Scottish, Irish and English :))

    03/01.... 2.00....... 2.00 - Dog Beach run
    03/02.... 5.22....... 7.22 - Fast rain run
    03/03.... 7.88......15.10 - + Strength Training
    03/04.... 0.00......15.10
    03/05.... 4.03......19.13 - + Strength Training
    03/06.... 8.74......27.87 - Windy and so dry
    03/07.... 6.70......34.57 - Hot, hot, hot (sorry to all who are still dealing with snow and ice!)
    03/08.... 2.00......36.57 - Dog Beach run
    03/09.... 5.09......41.66
    03/10.....9.52......51.18 - + Strength Training
    03/11.....0.00......51.18 - much needed rest day!
    03/12.....4.75......55.93 - + Strength Training
    03/13.....7.08......63.01 - Hot and windy but a good run! Much better than yesterday :)
    03/14.....0.00......63.01 - pre-5K rest and travel to San DIego
    03/15.....3.10......66.11 - 5K
    03/17.....5.05......76.60 - + Strength Training
    03/19.....7.16......83.76 - + Strength Training
    03/20.....4.64......88.40 - early morning run watching the sunrise behind the clouds
    03/21.....3.00......91.40 - Dog Beach run
    03/22...11.87....103.27 - Longest run this month! Found a new route!


    Looks like everyone is making great steady progress toward goal! We still have 9 days to get it done!!
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    It's going to be 12F in the morning when I run. March 22. 12 effing degrees. I am so done with this crap. And I wonder why my mileage is down the toilet so far this year.
  • jnagrl
    jnagrl Posts: 13 Member

    March 20: 3.84 km
    March 21: 3.58 km
    March 22: 7.4 km
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Did my long 20 mile run tonight as a 3/1 (first 3/4 at 70% max HR, last 1/4 at 85% max) as I was feeling pretty good late in the run. I'm sure I'll regret it tomorrow, although it is an x-training day, so some time on the bike (to make up on my March Cycling Challenge Mile deficit) should help.

    3/1 - 17 miles
    3/3 - 5 miles
    3/4 - 8 miles
    3/5 - 5 miles
    3/7 - 8 miles
    3/8 - 18 miles
    3/10 - 5 miles
    3/11 - 8 miles
    3/13 - 5 miles
    3/14 - 5 miles (race PR, 7:21 pace)
    3/15 - 12 miles
    3/16 - 1 mile
    3/17 - 5 miles
    3/18 - 8 miles
    3/19 - 5 miles
    3/21 - 5 miles
    3/22 - 20 miles (15 easy, last 5 mid)

    Total: 140 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 40 miles

    @_nikkiwolf_‌ never felt unsafe in the neighborhood, but I've been choosing routes the past few weeks to avoid the spring breaker reveler crowds, as they can get a bit obnoxious. Encountered a few more drunks than usual stumbling home from the bars tonight, although they tend to be supportive in their own special way.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @autumnblade75‌ - you're running again!! How is the ankle??

    The ankle is doing pretty well. My race is next Sunday, and I'm trying to convince myself that I can actually still run 5 miles (before I really have to...)

    My lungs don't buy it. They got lazy fast!

  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    csman49 wrote: »
    csman49 wrote: »
    ok, count me in for 80km.
    2nd - 10.01km
    3rd - 4.12km
    5th - 2.63
    7th -
    -run 1 - 5.6km
    -run 2 - 5km

    10th - 15km
    12th - 5km
    14th - 5km

    16th - 11km
    18th - 10.8km
    20th - 7.14km

    Felt really tired out there today, i did 25 minutes of swimming yesterday, i'm not much of a swimmer, felt like that had knocked a lot out of me. Right ankle a bit stiff.

    Anyway, that's my March target met :)


    Expected another 5km on saturday, but skipped it, legs too drained. Put 7km in on the bicycle on sunday instead