
cmo1987 Posts: 40 Member
I recently joined weight watchers and I am being successful, but do to finances I am going to cancel soon and start tracking through MFP.
I have used this in the past, I can't rememeber why I left (big mistake). I also just joined curves with a friend.
I am happy to say I went 3 times this week, I haven't worked out in a lonnnggggg time. I also talked some co-workers to start a weight loss group where we pay 5 dollars, weight in every friday and whoever loses the most percent at the end of the month wins the pot, I feel like this will be a good and less expensive replacement for ww.

Does anyone have any advice on getting started?
I hope to use this community to my advantage

My heaviest weight was 196, I am currently at 178.

I am always in search of low fat, low sodium foods? Anyone know of some? Prepackaged food is so high!!

Thanks :)


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    just put in the work & have fun with it. welcome!
  • jooliah
    jooliah Posts: 3
    Welcome !
  • donkeybum
    donkeybum Posts: 6

    Welcome :)

    I like your idea of starting a weight loss groups with work colleagues, I may have to steal that idea from you :) money is always a great motivator. hehe.

    In terms of low fat, low sodium food. Have you tried vegetarian meat replacement foods. They are really lovely, and had me addicted in no time. Now I rarely eat meat, just sticking to my quorn and fish. Also, there are some nice recipes out there using beans.