Hi,I m Muchfiner, at least I want to be, lol.

i have been walking for while. If I can only curb my appetite, I would look and feel so much better.


  • LynnNathan
    LynnNathan Posts: 3 Member
    Hey MuchFiner!

    I love this codename! I would like to be much finer too!

    I try to walk often at work but have also discovered that my calories in exceed my calories out:-( I plan to track everything I eat using this app so that I can make better choices...for example today I learnt that grapes contain more calories than an apple or a tiny bag of chips:-(

  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    this is my problem too. I finally invested in a food scale so I can start weighing everything I eat. I exercise a lot but I end up eating the calories back because I am so hungry after my workouts.