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Who Could Change Your Mind?
Lyle Lovett0
Kate Beckinsale
Adriana Lima
Nina Dobrev
[img][/img]0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.
Hey Johnny Depp is taken by this 'ere *kitten*!!!0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.
I don't get the Johnny Depp thing...I wouldn't even sleep with him...LOL
c'mon....dig deep...LOL0 -
Olivia Wilde, aka Thirteen from House. I get mesmerized by her beauty.
Plus, she won a Pancake Eating Contest, so we could have fun with that.0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.
Hey Johnny Depp is taken by this 'ere *kitten*!!!
You have to share him. There's enough Depp for everyone.0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
Is it weird that I didn't have a hard time posting an answer? I almost picked Ty Pennington. Because I really do need some help working on my house. Geez, now I'm having second thoughts. Ty or Lyle? Both? Gawd now I'm a man-*kitten*.0 -
I am BI, so kinda strange
Danielle Fishel (Tapanga from Boy Meets World)
Anna Paquin (Sookie from True Blood)
Angelina Jolie (Tomb Raider days)
Alex Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood)
Randy Orton (WWE Superstar)
Jason Stathom (Transporter and Crank)0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.
Hey Johnny Depp is taken by this 'ere *kitten*!!!
You have to share him. There's enough Depp for everyone.
HAHA... He does have his attractive qualities... but I agree with Kimber507... not quite sure if he's sexy enough to sleep with...well for me. HAHA....
Heather... you are so messin with my head right now! LOL
maybe it'll help if I think about a dude that's a bit more metro...haha0 -
I swing both ways! So I must not count then...;P0
Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation0
I swing both ways! So I must not count then...;P
Haha... ditto...that's why I said:I am BI, so kinda strange
Danielle Fishel (Tapanga from Boy Meets World)
Anna Paquin (Sookie from True Blood)
Angelina Jolie (Tomb Raider days)
Alex Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood)
Randy Orton (WWE Superstar)
Jason Stathom (Transporter and Crank)0 -
Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation
LMAO! oh goodness.
Anne Hathaway and Drew Barrymore. It's the eyes; they're so soulful.0 -
I think guys are having a really hard time answering this one!!! I'm disturbed that I actually thought about it for a second before I convinced myself its not normal to think about things like that! LOL
I'm not sure if I could look at myself in the mirror in the morning as if I woke up with a complete stranger in the bed.
It's Johnny Depp, isn't it? You can tell us. We won't mock you.
Hey Johnny Depp is taken by this 'ere *kitten*!!!
You have to share him. There's enough Depp for everyone.
HAHA... He does have his attractive qualities... but I agree with Kimber507... not quite sure if he's sexy enough to sleep with...well for me. HAHA....
Heather... you are so messin with my head right now! LOL
maybe it'll help if I think about a dude that's a bit more metro...haha
I don't want to judge..everyone has the right to their celeb crush....
I love Paul Rudd (Clueless) and Love love love Greg Kinear (I'm sure not everyones cup of tea)
but anyway, I just find Johnny greasy...slimy0 -
Randy Orton (WWE Superstar)
Oh sweet LAWD...that man makes me drool. No joke, my mouth is watering right now.Olivia Wilde, aka Thirteen from House. I get mesmerized by her beauty.
Plus, she won a Pancake Eating Contest, so we could have fun with that.
She is GORGEOUS!0 -
Randy Orton (WWE Superstar)
Oh sweet LAWD...that man makes me drool. No joke, my mouth is watering right now.
He is definitely a wet dream!0 -
Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation
LMAO! oh goodness.
Anne Hathaway and Drew Barrymore. It's the eyes; they're so soulful.0 -
Jessica Alba0
I like slightly scary women... Jillian Michaels, Angelina Joli, pink, Gwen Stefani... I'm sure they'd all find me terribly dull!
Unfortunately, women are far fussier than men about who they'll sleep with, so the fantasy's even more of a fantasy...0 -
Jessica Alba
I totally agree!0 -
Jonathan Goldsmith of course! He's only the most interesting man in the world
0 -
I like slightly scary women... Jillian Michaels, Angelina Joli, pink, Gwen Stefani... I'm sure they'd all find me terribly dull!
Unfortunately, women are far fussier than men about who they'll sleep with, so the fantasy's even more of a fantasy...
scary women? LOL
LOVE Gwen....0 -
I don't know if I could be turned, but whoever attempted it had better have some well cooked bacon!0
Kat Von D before she hooked up with Jesse James, I don't find her attractive anymore. Kind of sad.0
Catherine Zeta-Jones, I've always thought she was stunning!
I used to have a womancrush on Mary McDonnell, but then she looked like she got plastic surgery and it just wasn't the same.
Edit: I must also add Cate Blanchett!0 -
Olivia Wilde, aka Thirteen from House. I get mesmerized by her beauty.
Plus, she won a Pancake Eating Contest, so we could have fun with that.
This discussion has been closed.
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