Frustrated and Discouraged

So I've been working out since February 16, 2010 when I decided that I needed a life change. Since then I believe that I have lost 15 LBS. However, I recently joined The BIggest Loser contest at the gym where we have to weigh in every week. My frustration comes from the following - When I weighed at the beginning of the contest I was at 221.

SW for contest: 221
1st weigh in: 211
2nd weigh in: 219
3rd weigh in: didn't weigh in
4th weigh in: 211
5th weign in: 218

I don't understand why I am fluxating so much and I have no clue if I have lost 15 LBS or only 5 LBS since February. I also do not have a working thryoid and am on a synoid to make my body think my thyroid is working. I eat my calories; I watch my sodium/sugars/carbs and take a water pill. I work out and eat healthy. I am about to give up because of how frustrated I am. I don't know how much more cardio I can do in a day with taking care of my daughter, work and going to school full time.

I am highly discouraged and needed to vent.


  • ampawan
    ampawan Posts: 1
    Please hang in there!!! You may be gaining muscle wh
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? You may be firming even if the scale doesn't change a lot.

    Try keeping track of your measurements for a couple of weeks and see if your inches are going down.