Seeking activity level/exercise calories advice

ashaw2114 Posts: 2 Member
For background - I am a 5'2" woman and currently weigh 158, down from 175 last December. I work a desk job and, despite my efforts to get up and move a bit throughout the day, my workday is pretty sedentary. For exercise, I do 3-4 days per week of fairly high-intensity cardio and 2 days of strength training (Stronglifts). I using a heart rate monitor and typically record 2,000-2,500 exercise calories per week.

I currently have my activity setting at "active," which puts my recommended calories around 1,550 per day. I try to stay slightly under that number and I do not usually eat back any exercise calories I've logged. However, I'm not losing much weight! I see that if I switch my activity setting to "lightly active" or even "sedentary," my recommended calories would drop to 1,200.

Is anyone in a similar situation? Do you count workouts in your general activity level even though they're only a small portion of your day, or do you go with the lower activity level if you're sedentary for most of the day?

Should I go with the lower activity level/calorie recommendation and eat back some exercise calories if I feel I need them? Or stick with what I've been doing and be patient? I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks.


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    So in theory, to set yourself up correctly:

    Your activity level is not supposed to include exercise. It includes daily movements, your lifestyle. So it should probably say sedentary. Then you would log exercise, and yes, you would eat some of that back. Maybe 50% to start.

    Or you could use the TDEE method instead, and set a manual calorie target in MFP.

    That said, there can always be errors. The calculators that determine your calorie targets can be off due to you being an individual with an individual body and your own metabolism. Your logging of food could be off -- do you weigh everything? Are you careful about which database entries you choose? Basically, everything -- calories in AND out -- is an estimation, so the smaller you get, the more that inaccuracies in your estimations can mess you up.

    Also, what does "I'm not losing much weight!" mean? How long have you been at this, and how much weight have you lost? Or what is the time period & weight loss that you're concerned about (i.e. "I've only lost 3 lbs in the last 3 months" type thing)?

    Because also, the smaller you get, the slower the weight loss will go. You're smaller, so your deficit will be smaller too! So if your goal is set to 2 lbs per week, that might just not be possible for you. Dial it back if you have less than 50 lbs to lose. 0.5 lb to 1 lb is probably reasonable for you.
  • ashaw2114
    ashaw2114 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the response, futuremanda!

    I am pretty good about being accurate with my calories/portions and weighing my food - I try to do the majority of my meal planning and prep over the weekend so I know how much I'm consuming throughout the week.

    I'd say I'm losing about half a pound a week at this point, which may just be the natural slowing of progress as I get smaller. I just want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot by not following the program correctly!
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    You are operating much more accurately than I ever have. If it works for you, it is correct. You are already aware weight loss will slow as you approach your goal. Sound like you have this pegged.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Sedentary otherwise you are double counting.
  • Rogue1970
    Rogue1970 Posts: 4 Member
    I chose sedentary because desk jobs don't let you move around much. I use wii more active workouts and new U yoga and Pilates workout. I do zumba and Jillian michaels shred dvd. I bike when I can. Lifting weights will add muscle which will burn more calories while you are at work. I do in fact do 1200 calorie intake daily. I have generally one cheat day but I have to earn it. I do extra to enjoy beer and wine. Use a pre workout booster to power thru a workout. Make meals in advance to have time to workout after work.