Time of the month! just can't get satisfied?



  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.

    Yeah when I posted that I was thinking "how did I end up in this thread"

    But just in general people seem to talk about hunger like unbearable, like its a knife to the stomach, 4 hours after they ate a meal. Just curious about that side of it :p

    Do you remember that time during your teenage years when you were all hormonal and your body was going crazy and you felt irrationally miserable/sad/depressed/angry or whatever and you really couldn't control it and ended up frustrated and upset? That's what a couple days every month is like for me (can't speak for others) and it is accompanied by an insatiable drive to eat that is not like when you are physically hungry and nothing you eat puts an end to the drive. Then I wake up the following day and all is normal again. Can't speak for others but that's what it can be like for me. Its hard to ignore because I am not in my usual temperament/state of mind.

    That's exactly how I felt yesterday! I'm feeling human again this morning despite my little blip yesterday lol!! Let's hope it continues that way
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Lol I want to eat everything and anything at the minute too! thankfully I have room in my diary for a "little" additional indulgence but I really have to think about what I eat just to satisfy the nibbles feeling!

    Still losing though so its ok so far!
  • cazpom37
    cazpom37 Posts: 88 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    until you have a vagina and PMS you do not get to participate in this discussion.

    best response i've read today!

  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited March 2015
    I just give up staying within deficit or even maintenance number during those days. For me it works to try steer my food choices toward either 1 extra meal with more protein and good fats or I make my own sugar free desserts like ice cream etc.

    With this strategy I've maintained scale weight and eating more without guilt.
    Find solutions that work for you that gives you alternatives without straying off track too much :)
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Normally, it doesn't bother me enough to impact my sticking to my calorie goal. However, I just changed birth control pills and this month is out of control!!

    The past three days have been torturous. I just ended up saying "screw my macros" and ate whatever I felt like as long as I stayed within ~200 calories above my normal calorie limit. Yesterday was the first day this week that I finally felt ok and stayed within my calories (although I still ate more Reese's eggs than I would like to admit).

    I recommend trying to stay within your calorie limit (and your macros if you can help it, it does help you feel more satisfied if your nutrition is good). But, if you must, allow yourself to go over even up to your maintenance calories for a day or two. Pre-determine how many calories you will allow yourself ahead of time. Just going with the flow (haha, pun intended) can get you into trouble.

    What definitely helped me was allowing for higher quality treats. For 270 calories, I could down 3 Reese's (mini) eggs or 1 serving of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. The reese's eggs leave me wanting more (seriously, I could eat the whole bag and then eat more things), while the Ben & Jerrys is rich & creamy enough to hit the spot and I won't binge afterward. Figure out what will work for you.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited March 2015
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Is hunger really that bad? If you know you have eaten the right amount of food, can't you just ignore the feeling?

    If food isn't satisfying you how will more food help, eating back any extra deficit you banked.

    Maybe my opinion isnt valid since I don't have periods :joy:

    Really depends for everyone. For me it's a completely physical thing, way more than regular hunger... I need to eat something or I'm getting dizzy and feel I'm going to pass out. Typically I crave carbs, but not really the sweet stuff... mostly pasta, pizza and bread. I've tried eating the lower calorie filling foods I typically eat when I'm hungry and low on calories (egg white omelets, egg drop soup, soup, eggs and beans, whole bags of veggies) and it hasn't helped one bit... and in the end I always make the mistake of binging on sweets, which don't satisfy me either (brioche and ice cream last month), instead of going for the cheesesteak or pizza I crave... and end up eating WAY too many calories. This month I'm going straight for the stuff I really crave.

    For me it lasts a few days about 3 days before my period. It's seriously hell, lol. It's actually due very soon and I'm really dreading it because I've been doing so well in the last month.

    So OP, I'm not really any help.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I started today and am also ravenous. I've even weighed myself 25g of chocolate M and M's so I can get my sweet fix ha ha.
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    I started today and am also ravenous. I've even weighed myself 25g of chocolate M and M's so I can get my sweet fix ha ha.

    It's day 2 for me today and doing much better. Chewing gum is helping take the edge off (only just) though! I've taken myself off the the gym again this evening to keep me occupied. Tomorrow is a new day.

    Good luck y'all
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    I get really horny around shark week, too! It's the hormones.

    Oh, hang on. You were talking about food.....