5'5 girls goal weight?



  • michellelipton16
    I'm also 5'5" and am down to about 112. My bf is only 12% and i have people telling me I'm too thin all the time. In this picture I have up I was 10 pounds heavier, bur I like being small!
  • MissKris14
    MissKris14 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I have a goal weight of 120, plus toned of course :)
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    135lbs was my initial goal weight - still haven't got to it. The lowest I've been is 140lbs
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    I have no idea what is my "normal weight" because I was eating disordered since age 12 and then when I recovered I was on weight-gaining meds. (Still on them) My lowest weight was 89lbs which I DON'T recommend. I looked scary. My highest weight was probably around 190 (but didn't weigh myself then) and don't recommend that either. Currently sitting at 174 last time I checked and my goal is 140.

    I feel like the number shouldn't matter so much as long as I am feeling fit and strong and able to do what I want.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I'm pretty much at my goal weight and feel fantastic!

    Before two pregnancies I was 118lbs and stayed there naturally over the years.. It's a comfortable weight for me and I can maintain it and still enjoy some treats :)
  • elvensnow
    elvensnow Posts: 154 Member
    I'm closer to 5'6" but my LBM when thinner than now was 115 itself, lol. So 115 is a tad low for me, I'd say :)

    Large frame
    GW: 140-150 (in there somewhere). It depends on how much muscle I end up with. It's looking like 145 at the moment.
    GMs: 39-40; 29-30; 39-40

    I was smaller than that a few years ago, but the extra loss did nothing for me but take away some good curves and boobs. I like how my waist-to-hips section looks with that curve going on, and my abs are still visible, etc at my current goal.

    Same here. Anything below 140 on me would be way too thin, I think my ideal is around 150. CW is 190, I was at 165 and still felt I could lose another 10-15 lbs. So yea, still a lot more to go.
  • emmoksha
    emmoksha Posts: 2 Member
  • MaryM103
    MaryM103 Posts: 9
    I'm 5'4" and my cw is 160 (I'm over weight) but my gw is 130. I am a competitive athlete, so a lot of my weight comes from my muscles. I think your goal weight depends greatly on how muscley you are (:
  • amsmithatc33
    amsmithatc33 Posts: 27 Member
    My goal is 150. Once I hit that, I will see how it goes, but I've always had a muscular build so I can't imagine being less than 140 and feeling good.
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    5'5" and I'd like to be back down to the 120-130lbs range that was a good 'skinny' size for me pre-baby. Granted, those numbers might have to adjust unless my ridiculous baby boobs finally shrink.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    SW: 167
    CW: 141
    GW: 140

    My goal seems to be quite higher than nost, but I have a larger build. I figure that since I was 137 lbs when I left Marine Corps boot camp at age 19, that 10 years and 2 kids later being around that again is good enough for me!

    I've never been super light, and after my first child I briefly got down to 123 lbs and looked like death. My face looked so sunken in that my parents asked me if we were having financial difficulties and couldn't buy food. So, I figure I honestly don't look healthy nor feel good less than 135ish.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    kimosabe1 wrote: »
    My usual is 135 & my body has changed so much since I've gotten older that 145 looks pretty darn good now. My husband told me no more losing.....

    My body has changed too...it's so odd how you can look better at a higher weight as time goes on. I was 2 lbs heavier than I am now prior to my 2nd child and wore a size 12, yet now I can comfortably wear a 10. I'll take it!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    I'm 5'65" (I think, this conversion is confusing) and I'm currently 132.7lbs.
    Would not want to lose more weight as I have a massive pelvis which is peeping out now already. I'll never get thin legs, but that's life. Can't help it.
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Wow im 5'5" and gw for now is 150-160. At that point, ill focus more on appearance and fitness, so i dont think ill be trying for lower than that. But i wont know until i get there.

    I feel like my gw is ALOT higher than everyone elses. But im pear shaped. Tiny waist and huge bottom
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    When I was a teen, I thought I was a COW at 150, but I also did not work out at all except for jogging a little. 150 is great on that height for me if it is a muscular 150. If it is not, then you will want to be a little lower. Personally I have always been pretty solid as far as muscle mass, so I was sick looking dropping below 135#, even as a teen. I would also tell my teen self to relax and do the best you can! Be active, don't eat a lot of junk, be mindful. Beyond that enjoy yourself you will not always be this free!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Interesting! When I was a teen I was about 119 and felt fat. But I had no muscles and no stamina at all, and was clumsy (well, still am). The girl always picked last in team sports. But honestly? The breast and wide pelvis only developed later, thus I'd think everything below 135 or so it too low for my frame.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    la9julia wrote: »
    thanks for the replies.. and for telling me i need weight training..
    remeasured, measurements 35.5-28.5-37.5
    @westendcurls you're almost 10 pounds lighter than me, so it's not unusual for your measurements to be 2 inches smaller.
    "you need weight training" is another way of saying "you're flabby".

    but anyways, i don't think 115 is extremely skinny. i'm going for 115 and i'm done growing. some of your replies were really helpful, so thanks!

    I'm assuming that 'thanks' is sarcasm?

    Strength training is a great way to both facilitate weight loss and to 'tighten'.

    I recommend it to anyone who wants to look 'toned', loose body fat, increase muscle mass or just feel better about themselves. If you don't want any of those things, don't do strength training.
  • Joyeuxbelle
    Joyeuxbelle Posts: 30 Member
    I'm bang on 5'5, and weigh exactly 50 kilos, which I think equates to 110 in pounds. I'm carrying a fair amount of muscle, and I think without it I'd weigh a little less. My body shape is pretty wiry at the moment, and I think if I lost any more body fat I'd start to look somewhat emaciated.
  • Yoyo_Fitness
    Yoyo_Fitness Posts: 84 Member
    currently 116 ish but I am trying to drop my weight to around 110 and gain back some muscles.... until now the weight loss just happened but now I am kind of hitting the plateau.... I am 5'4.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I would like to get down to 130, but I'd be happy enough with 150. I'm 5'5" but I have a large bone structure. I feel like I would look weird below 130.