Binge Eating (Need Accountability)

Hello everyone I will try to keep this brief. Over the last 7-8 months I have become quite an avid fitness and nutrition enthusiast. Also during that time I dropped near 70 pounds, unfortunately over the last month and a half I seem to have developed binge eating. I have already gained 20 of the 70 back and am scared of what might happen if I don't get this under control. It seems though that nothing is working for me so I was hoping I could get some people on myfitnesspal to be my friends on here and keep me accountable. If anyone is interested I would love some support I'm also willing to support you all in whatever you may need.


  • lorna_v_johnstone
    I don't really have a clue about dieting and nutrition (I started my 'diet' 7 days ago), but if need someone to talk to, just add me! :D