Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness

I went back to doing Stronglifts 5x5 last week, and was thinking of adding some additional lifts to it, such as Ice Cream Fitness, anyone else doing this program?


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I did it for a couple of months. I liked it, but ended up going back to Stronglifts and adding in my own accessory lifts. I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to try and basically just subbed those for the additions on ICF.
  • dwolfe1985
    dwolfe1985 Posts: 100 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yeah i have been doing it more or less 2 years :) Current lifts are in profile its a good program but it takes alot of time also depending on your recovery squatting 3x a week may be detrimental.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Ok. Maybe I will just stick with Stronglifts for now.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Ok. Maybe I will just stick with Stronglifts for now.

    ICF is a good choice if you like Stronglifts, but want to do a little more.
  • Rooster0504
    Rooster0504 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm on icf and liking it a lot so far. I think it is well balanced for accessory work, but would like to hear what you swapped out to consider other options. What'd you end up doing with it?
  • JesseMama02
    JesseMama02 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to start weights and am considering both ICF and SL - which would you recommend for a weights newbie??
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    If you are aiming to maintain or want to put a little weight on by eating more, I would tend toward ICF due to the additional exercises focusing in more on hypertrophy, isolation, and ability to recover. If you are cutting calories to lose weight, I would look more at SL as its only focused on the compound exercises and doesn't waste time doing isolations which won't have much of a return of investment during a cut. There are options in SL to do dips and pull-ups/chin-ups to add additional work for your triceps and biceps. Ab work can be done whenever as well.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I'm doing ICF and I've been subbing in my own accessory workouts in place of some of listed ones. For instance I'll do a dumbbell press instead of close grip bench. I also threw in skullcrushers on day B.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I've been doing it ICF instead of stronglifts, because it has more equipment that I have access to.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I've been doing it ICF instead of stronglifts, because it has more equipment that I have access to.
    but... ICF is just stronglifts + isolations. You actually need more equipment to do ICF than stronglifts.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I do it and like it a lot so far. After a while, I'll probably what he says not to do and play around with what accessories I do because I do what I want.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I want to start weights and am considering both ICF and SL - which would you recommend for a weights newbie??

    Total newbie? Never lifted before? Stronglifts.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    I want to start weights and am considering both ICF and SL - which would you recommend for a weights newbie??

    Total newbie? Never lifted before? Stronglifts.

    Yes. ICF is a lot of volume and pretty taxing for a new lifter. Best to build a solid strength platform focusing on compound lifts. I strongly agree to stick with Stronglifts / Starting Strength as a new lifter.