Why counting calories could be making you fatter.



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Actually if you read the article, then youd see what it says make sense, its just the headline which is typical Daily Mail slant on things. It actually makes more sense than most Daily Mail articles. It would be interesting to see how many of you who are commenting have read the article before doing so.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I read the article o:) and I will watch the programme tonight.

    TBF, normally I avoid the daily mail like the plague
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    The Daily Mail has gone from sympathising with the Nazis and demonising Jews to giving bad advice on nutrition? They always find something to get horrendously wrong.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I thought it merely stated the obvious or at least obvious to anyone on MFP.
    The aricle uses the word COULD which is a typical get out clause.

    It repeats its claim by using the phrase
    and, ultimately, fatter.
    , which is letting them fill in the blanks to fit their headline.

    The DM often spins health stories one way and then the other way the following day.
    Its the worlds most popular newspaper site by some margin.
  • otheliemoor
    otheliemoor Posts: 50 Member
    Counting calories makes you fatter?

    Hmmm. Tell that to the 152 pounds no longer residing on my body.

    Thing is, what it says in the headline, and even the ingress have close to nothing to do with the article itself. The article is idiotic and basically comes down to don't count calories, but be aware of how many calories you eat. Just, you know, don't *count* calories.
  • otheliemoor
    otheliemoor Posts: 50 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    oneoddsock wrote: »
    JUST MAKE IT STOP. Really, reading the bullet points at the top of the page made me angry. I had to stop otherwise I'll be that crazy person in the office shouting at their computer. This type of journalism really annoys me because people read it and believe it because they view the Wail as a reputable source of information, and they end up fat, angry, UKIP voters.

    it makes you vote UKIP?


    I read the article and immediately started to blame the Muslims for making me fat.

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    and I always thought it was EATING excess calories that made me fat. What a minute, when I got fat I was NOT counting calories. Now I am counting calories and I lost weight. Darn, I'm confused now, but it must be true, I read it somewhere!
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    JoRumbles wrote: »
    I'm not a chemist. Read this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29629761 for the basics then try pubmed for the associated peer-review literature

    I am very intrigued by the idea of resistant starch - seems potatoes aren't so bad after all if cooked then cooled then reheated. I will have to experiment with this.
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    7 months of calorie counting = me losing the last 30 lbs and maintaining. Never gained a pound after. Hmmmmmmm don't believe everything you read
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I didn't bother clicking once I saw it was in the Daily Fail. Spoil me, someone...does it turn out that immigrants make you fat?
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    Bit of a tangent- but the resistant starch thing is fascinating.

    However, I weigh my pasta etc raw and count the calories as the same whether I eat it hot, cold or reheated. Difference is I feel more virtuous eating it cold and I would swear it keeps me fuller longer- but then the placebo effect may also be coming in to play here.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    oneoddsock wrote: »
    JUST MAKE IT STOP. Really, reading the bullet points at the top of the page made me angry. I had to stop otherwise I'll be that crazy person in the office shouting at their computer. This type of journalism really annoys me because people read it and believe it because they view the Wail as a reputable source of information, and they end up fat, angry, UKIP voters.

    Hahaha. Yep, this :wink:
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    My guess is...
    You count calories to lose weight...
    However, once you achieved your goal people don't count calories which leads to weight gain...
    Is this what the article or study is trying to point out?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Geez. It's articles like this one that have people thinking they burn 800 calories doing laundry. And logging it. If you burn more doing light housework in the morning than you do during a rigorous workout...you're doing it wrong.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I think it was 3 hours of housework vs one hour in the gym. And they took total calorie expenditure in that time into account- so including BMR.

    I have to say i can get quite a workout doing 3 hours of hoovering, washing windows etc. I don't log it though.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Yup, so much fatter now... so.. much... fatter....
  • ashypashy7
    ashypashy7 Posts: 50 Member
    I've lost 118 by counting calories, would have been more but guess what, I stopped counting the calories haha.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Counting calories won't make you fat unless you eat back all the calories you spent sitting at your computer and entering them.

    If you only eat back about half of your sit-and-type calories, you're probably fine.
  • tracyhen99
    tracyhen99 Posts: 2 Member
    It's a shame that the government can't actually do something about the absolute rubbish that this newspaper spews into people's minds, full of disinformation, hatred and lies disguised as questions.

    It really should have some semblance of accountability.

    Free speech and all of that malarky I guess.

    Since the government IS the people it seem they are doing a good job of it. These people seemed quite will informed this it's rubbish.