New friends??

Hi I'm new to this site looking for new friends to keep everyone motivated and keep going


  • ImPerfectSoRU
    ImPerfectSoRU Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, you are really new (as in hours) :) Welcome and enjoy finding new friends and motivation on your journey. I'm a lot older but still would enjoy a new friend.
  • Que3nC
    Que3nC Posts: 439 Member
    Hello! Im also pretty new to the site myself. Im on the road to losing 100lbs (give or take) and im always happy to have more friends to do it with! :)
  • MissMelissa514
    MissMelissa514 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • sprinttrack
    sprinttrack Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome aboard! Feel free to add me.