you give yourself a "pass" during THAT time?



  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    I get very drained physically the first couple of days so I change my days of rest accordingly. I am perimenopausal and there have been some unpleasant changes that I have had to make allowances for. In the past I have given in and went loco on the sweets and then paid the price later. Not anymore. I figure in a few Kisses or a cup of cocoa on the worst day and that is it. Also, I don't bother weighing myself those first three days. That way lies madness.
  • lauraloy2013
    lauraloy2013 Posts: 58 Member
    I try my best to stick within my calories where food is concerned although my macros aren't as good because I eat more junk. I usually don't exercise as much/at all for about 2-3 days because I get quite sick and crampy.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    Ok....i dont mean free for all balls to the wall binge. I mean eat a couple more treats, dont do as much type thing. Couple hundred calories...NOT thousands and/or not logging at all
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    Thats 5 days a month! Every month! Two months in a year! Noooo way I have goals to achieve here!! LoL

    Exactly. It can be a significant chunk of time - it's not like it happens one day out of every two months or something. (I wish. ;) )

    My PMS lasts at least a week - sometimes more. I am due this time around on Tuesday. My breasts will, by that time, have been hurting pretty significantly for nine, count 'em, nine days. I have been very tired since this began, and a bit on edge. (And yes, my ratios have been fewer veggies, more Hershey's Kisses, but again, always within my calorie goals.) It's definitely PMS (and normal for me - if it weren't, I'd be hot-footing it to the doctor). But seriously, if I gave myself "a pass" for PMS time each cycle, I would literally be overeating for one-quarter of my life or more.

    Obviously not every woman is like me, but say you're only very hungry and PMS-y for four days a cycle, or five...that's still a percentage that can derail weight loss plans, especially if it's a regular thing...which, for a woman with no issues with her cycle, it is.

  • kekeray
    kekeray Posts: 12 Member
    To stay with eating healthy I think passes here and there are fine as long as they aren't habits and consistent. I usually allow myself to eat 1 of my favorite non-healthy foods at least once a week (within reason). Allowing yourself to have a sweet or whatever during that week is fine. Being too uptight with weight loss is how people binge and go crazy and undo all the hard work. One cookie during that week will not hurt.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    AKNMHunt wrote: »
    Ok....i dont mean free for all balls to the wall binge. I mean eat a couple more treats, dont do as much type thing. Couple hundred calories...NOT thousands and/or not logging at all

    Nope. I tend to want to eat MORE, so instead of my 300 calories of talenti gelato, I'll eat 300 calories of frozen yogurt...3/4 of a pint instead. I just find ways to jiggle my calories around.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    " you give yourself a "pass" during THAT time?"

    Nope, not at all.

    AKNMHunt wrote: »
    My periods are only 3 days. A few days vefore I go through my "eat and hate it all" phase and then on day two I am in a ton of pain and just want cookies and candy. I am not saying I would go 1,000 over or anything, maybe.

    You might consider taking calcium and magnesium supplements starting about a week before your period starts. Don't overdo it ... don't go over the recommended amounts. Just be sure to take them every day from a week before until your period is finished.

    Personally, I find calcium and magnesium both reduce my appetite and the pain.

    Also, I'll just add how lucky you are with the 3 day periods. Because of a medical issue (which is hopefully resolved now), I've just spent approx. 9 or 10 months with periods that last 2 weeks plus an extra week of spotting etc. in between. Exhausting.

  • djpooch
    djpooch Posts: 11 Member
    The time I get cravings the most is the couple of days before it starts. I give myself a little treat one of those days, but that's about it. (Maybe 100 cals extra, 200 tops)

    Last time it was a super delicious dark chocolate bar but I shared half with my coworkers so I wouldn't end up eating the whole thing (haha).

    As some other posters have mentioned, I won't let myself cheat the whole time because that could be 3-5 days of cheating which would add up too quickly! And I don't bother weighing myself that week. No matter how much water I drink I always feel bloated. Lol.
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    just fit in your 'treats' it is possible or replace your 'treats' with healthy options... it was really hard for me to be at the gym today... but i still went... not at the same intensity but i was there and forced myself to keep moving... and i completed my log for the day so I wouldn't eat anything else cause i can really see myself going over right now... instead i'm here looking at motivation...
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Nah I don't get cravings, must be lucky.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Nope--stop making excuses and start working on your self control.
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    I always found that being extra good with my health during that "time" made it a lot more bearable!! Eating more, but healthy foods (extra protein, fiber and iron) really helps as well as light exercise if I can do it before cramps etc start. If I could go for a run before cramps started it would actually warm/relax my muscles and make them way less painful! :)
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    No, its life.
    I deal with it.

    I dont need or want excuses.
  • KrisAZ000
    KrisAZ000 Posts: 76 Member
    I get ravenously hungry in the days leading up to shark week. I usually allow myself a couple hundred extra calories, which is still enough of a deficit to not hinder weight loss. Once in awhile I am soooo hungry that I go way over. I don't really consider any of it a "pass" though because I always make up for any overages by cutting calories and upping exercise once I'm back on track. Last week I went on vacation and lost all control, resulting in a week long binge. Every single extra calorie was accounted for this week already though, so my month is still right on track.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    No I don't. However my periods really don't affect me that much. I don't get much cramping, don't get much bloating, don't get much in the way of additional cravings or hunger. I do usually get a mild cold, but that's about it so I try to keep it business as usual.
  • ac8908ac
    ac8908ac Posts: 6 Member
    I work out the same as I normally would, but I do tend to eat a couple hundred calories more than I normally would. Calories still end up being less than maintenance so it doesn't hinder my progress. There are just days where my stomach is a bottomless pit so I need to eat a tad bit more. I wouldn't say that is a pass though.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    As far as food goes, no I don't get a pass. I weigh myself each morning, so I give myself a pass on any gain I might see that week and do not record it.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I don't give myself a pass but I do have just one ravenous day a month. I am almost always under my weekly goal so I have enough wiggle room to go over just one day a month. I do try to keep it within my goal though. I found I can have burgers and crisps and still be in my goal, the healthy stuff just doesn't get eaten on that day
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    But if I have a craving I just work it into my calories.
    Also, exercise often helps with my cramp pain.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't give myself a pass, but these are the times I tend to "mess up", "quit", "go way overboard". Then I spend half off the next week trying to make up for it. I have pretty good self control on a normal day but somehow that goes out the window a couple days every month.

    Never was an issue until I had my daughter. I used to not understand how anyone could have "PMS" where they were upset all the time, now I know better. For about 2 days I'll feel angry about everything, or nothing. Just fuming the whole time. That's when I have a hard time controlling my eating. I do better some months than other. I spend most of my energy trying not to snap at those around me.