
music_lover_103 Posts: 118
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
i've got a binging problem. i eat well for an entire week, but then eat every sweet thing in sight come sunday evening. i realize that everyone slips up, and i'm not beating myself up over this. it happens, i get that.

my question is: how long will it be until i can control this? i want to be able to eat healthy every day for the rest of my life, not most days or every week day. if you had a problem binging, how did you overcome it? i just wish that i had the same not-eating-unless-i'm-hungry relationship with food that i had before i started gaining weight. can i overcome this for the rest of my life?


  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I have been on this site for 40 days and I still have serious bing days. It happens. I really dont know if I am helping.
  • tamace27
    tamace27 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have this issue, it seems support helps. Feel free to contact me via email when tempted and I could contact you to discourage the binge. My email is
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Every once in a while I still have an over indulging Sunday night.

    For me what works is to make sure that I track it all. Then I can see the damage in hard numbers.

    It makes me think before I eat. Are these calories going to be worth it?
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    It took me 2 months to get over binging!
    It was a pretty horrible two months too :P
    You just have to remember to eat small amounts through the day. Small healthy amounts!
    You have to get portions right and calories right.
    Then you can join the binge free club(; I'm 43 days binge-free!!
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Usually my binging is caused by completely denying myself. So instead of binging on one day, maybe allow yourself a treat several times a week, and just account for those calories. I have 1/2 cup of ice cream a couple of times a week, and allow myself treats other times. If you are interested, I have a killer recipe for a homemade lemon cupcake with raspberry filling that is relatively healthy and gives you a good "sweet fix".
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    Every once in a while I still have an over indulging Sunday night.

    For me what works is to make sure that I track it all. Then I can see the damage in hard numbers.

    It makes me think before I eat. Are these calories going to be worth it?

    That is what I have been doing as well, it's tracking my binges..and it really does put it into perspective.
  • kmcmom
    kmcmom Posts: 2
    Its my first day here so I have alot to learn. I saw the binging and i have termed my "binging" as "emotional eating(EE)". Is it the same thing? How are you resisting? doew anyone have some steps towards avoiding the Binge or EE?
  • NavyWifeag
    NavyWifeag Posts: 36 Member
    If I need it, I have a little bit of something sweet everyday. If you plan ( planning is the key) you can still have a treat and not bing. Binging happens when you feel deprived. The great thing about MFP is you can still eat what you love as long as you think about portion size. Surround yourself with healthy food options. If you have good healthy food you are more likely to eat it then say go out and get Mc Donalds.
  • This is just what I came on the sight foe to talk about this. I do the same thing EVERY SUNDAY! support, it's the only way to deter the behavior.
  • ReneeOfTheFae
    ReneeOfTheFae Posts: 117
    The May issue of Woman's Health has an article on this very subject! I, too have this problem once in a while. Being a closet eater and having to log everything on my profile, though has helped keep me off of the really dangerous-make-myself-sick binges. However, if you dread a big binge on Sundays, why not let yourself have a low-cal dessert at the end of every day? Be sure to eat accordingly so that your limit allows a little sweetie after dinner, and your exercise covers it if you didn't do so well. For instance, I couldn't resist the chocolate chip cookies at work all week. So, I would grab one at the end of the day each day to enjoy after dinner.
    Another clever trick is to freeze your yogurt. Don't eat it in the morning, but use that as your sweet treat at the end of the day! The Yoplait Whips and Originals (the "99% fat free"~which means low-cal) are perfect for this. I hope this helps! *^_^*
  • wow thanks for the fast responses! it sounds like everyone says support helps a why don't we make a support thread? it could be off of this one or on a different one. what do you think?
  • it's a good idea. Start one. I wanted to reply again cause you know food can be an addiction like alcohol is an addiction. ask an alcoholic in AA they'll tell you that even though there clean the craving to drink is always there. just like the craving to binge eat will always be there. you just need to take it a day at a time and have a support group. start the support page yo!
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