Thoughts on protein shakes meal replacement



  • yiscaht
    yiscaht Posts: 25 Member
    I do the protein shakes as meal replacements too. I'm one of those people that can eat the same thing everyday for the rest of my life and not get tired of it, for breakfast and lunch. I need variety at dinner though.

    I like the meal replacement shakes because I don't take a lunch break and I like to sleep a little later in the morning, so it's a quick, easy option.
  • ackerman77
    ackerman77 Posts: 15 Member
    I am trialing vi protein shake at the moment, I am working on a 1200 calorie diet for 2 weeks and then increasing to 1500. I drink 3-5 litres of water a day which is normal for me. I have an appetite of a pig and struggle with 1200. I am trying but for some people shakes work and some not but you have to try for yourself. My mum died of cancer a few days ago and I share your pain there. I wish you good luck x
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    I've been considering it .... I normally struggle to eat breakfast, and I thought this would be a good way for me to start to get something healthy in first thing in the morning. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Protein shakes are designed to supplement protein intake and help you hit your protein targets...they are not even remotely adequate as meal replacements. There are actual meal replacement their purpose is to replace a meal and they provide other vitamins and minerals and whatnot...that is not the purpose of a protein shake.
  • Thank you that is what my son told me as well
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am trying to stick to 1200 calorie a day intake to help I am replacing my two meals with this chocorite powder. 150 calories and no sugar.. Thoughts???

    Thought-please don't do it. Get your calories in eating real food in moderation.

    Why are you eating only 1200 calories? What are your stats? How much do you have to lose?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I found a great whey meal replacement shake, it's 28g protein and 160 calories. I don't know if it's available in the U.S. The brand is Gen-Tec Pro Lean
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I got the 1200 from this site!! Your right on the quick fix!! I was trying to shrink my stomach by trying to eat less. I am a stress eater and since my mom passed from cancer June 2012 I have just gained so much weight. I am tired of being unhealthy so when I get stressed and want to eat I look at this picture of me that makes me look so huge and I don't do it!!!

    I'm so sorry about your mom. I've been there, it wasn't easy.

    Hang in there and take care of yourself.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am trying to stick to 1200 calorie a day intake to help I am replacing my two meals with this chocorite powder. 150 calories and no sugar.. Thoughts???

    Many people report difficulty in feeling satiated when using protein powders. You'll have to experiment and see how you feel - everybody responds a bit differently.

    If you do go down this path, I would suggest looking at straight-up protein powders rather than "meal replacements". You'll be able to match your needs more closely, and likely save a lot of money.
  • Thank you everyone I think I am going to take advise and try to eat food limited and get meal replacement for lazy days. This protein drink is actually really good but only a week worth is On Amazon for 14.99 plus shipping so 20.00 a week ugh I APPRECIATE EVERYONES OPINIONS AND HELP!! I AM 47yrs OLD AND WANT TO GET BACK IN SHAPE! Not working out yet, but I clean houses for a living and so tired when done, but I think if I drop some weight I will feel different!!
  • yiscaht
    yiscaht Posts: 25 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Protein shakes are designed to supplement protein intake and help you hit your protein targets...they are not even remotely adequate as meal replacements. There are actual meal replacement their purpose is to replace a meal and they provide other vitamins and minerals and whatnot...that is not the purpose of a protein shake.

    Yes, agreed. I should have added that with my shake I add in Amazing Greens and do take a multi-vit...
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I got the 1200 from this site!! Your right on the quick fix!! I was trying to shrink my stomach by trying to eat less. I am a stress eater and since my mom passed from cancer June 2012 I have just gained so much weight. I am tired of being unhealthy so when I get stressed and want to eat I look at this picture of me that makes me look so huge and I don't do it!!!

    Stomachs don't shrink from eating less, this is a myth. Your appetite will become lesser and you will feel more satiated from eating less, but a stomach cannot shrink unless you surgically do so.

    You can google for more info on this myth :)

  • i love my chocolate protein shake. I make it with 1 cup of 1% milk, 1 tbsp of olive oil (to hit my fat macro) and ice. I run it in the blender. Tastes just like a chocolate milkshake. I plan to do this for the long haul...and occasionally have done it for breakfast or lunch.

    So breakfast for me has:
    410 calories
    36 grams of carbs
    19 grams of fats
    29 grams of proteins

    thus, for me, my meal replacement shake IS a good meal AND it IS a good option for me.
  • nowweseeyou
    nowweseeyou Posts: 1,235 Member
    Agfadoc wrote: »
    I always have a protein drink after my morning workout. 1 Apple- 1 Scoop of Protien powder and a dash of cinnamon. Ninja the thing and it tastes like apple pie...

    Bomb! I'm trying that...
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    I love shakes in the morning because they are super quick, but I like making mine with fresh fruits, add some green, add some yogurt.

    Also, if you freeze the bananas then the shake comes out extra creamy.

    However, if you're looking at 150 calories then these might not be for you because mine are usually around 200-300. Still, not a bad breakfast if you ask me.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I eat 1200cals per day and I have lost weight just fine. I do take breaks sometimes on the weekend (eating at maintenance, TDEE). If you are able to do it, why not? It is personnal in my opinion, nobody ever starved eating 1200cals. I think that protein shakes are a great way to boost your protein intake, which helps preserving muscle mass when losing weight. It is better then to eat nothing, that's for sure! Just don't limit yourself to it, if you feel like eating something else then go for it! It's all about creating a deficit, and finding a way to do it that's manageable for you. If protein shakes work well with your lifestyle and satisfy you, that's the whole point right? Good luck on your journey ♥
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Exercise and eating right will give you plenty of energy and improve your mood. Numerous people have said that you should up your calorie intake but I'll stick to your original post.

    I used to have problems eating breakfast when I first woke up - that and no time. I have not used the brand you posted but definitely grab a good protein powder that offers atleast 20g of protein (25g+ per scoop is great). Depending on what flavour you get, you can mix it with greek yogurt, oatmeal, fruits, etc,. Make a filling breakfast smoothie! There are some that are flavourless as well. Powder gives better value than the pre-made drinks so I would forget the pre-made drinks. They are often high in sugar. You could order online or check out your local nutrition store. Is there a GNC nearby or something similar? They often have tubs of protein that last a long time and mix well.

    Start on the exercise front by taking a walk everyday while fixing up your food intake. For weight loss, food intake is just as important as exercise.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    edited March 2015
    Also, just a tip for you since you're starting out... I set my calorie goal at maintenance. When you enter your sex, age, height and activity level, you can chose the goal (1lbs/week, 2lbs/week, maintenance, gain). If you set it to maintain, that will be the number of calories that you can eat everyday without gaining weight. That way, whether you eat 1190cals or 1210cals the number is still green! And that green number represents the deficit you created for the day.

    When they say that a healthy loss is 1-2lbs per week, it means that it is doable to create a deficit of 3500-7000cals per week (3500cals being 1lbs of fat). If you divide it by day it rounds up to 500-1000cals deficit. Your TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It accounts for your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, which is how much energy you would spend just laying down breathing in a day) plus daily activities such as a sitted or standing job (not including workouts, which is why you log them to eat back a portion of your burned calories IF you want to).

    Soooooo. This takes me to my next point: if you set up your calorie goal to maintenance to see your daily deficit you will be able to see your total net calories under weekly goal (total weekly deficit) in the weekly section of the nutrition tab on the app. IMO, this allows for a better overview of the whole process. Also, if I have one bad day, I can see how this only affects slightly my weekly deficit, which is really encouraging to me!

    Also... the red number kinda gave me anxiety, and made me feel like I could eat nothing since 1200cals is not much. Now, I can see that per my TDEE I have 2000cals to play with everyday, and I CHOSE to only have 1200cals.

    For exemple, my TDEE is 2000cals so if I eat 1200cals I can create a deficit of 5600cals per week, and another 1000cals if I workout for 20min 5x per week.

    Anyway... I hope this makes sense, I hope this helps!!!
  • Thank you so much for your help!!! Do you mind if I message you if I have any questions!!!
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thank you so much for your help!!! Do you mind if I message you if I have any questions!!!

    Not at all! :)