
Hi Everyone,

My name is Melissa and I am 23 years old. This logging what I eat and do is really hard for me. :sad: Also, if anyone have recipes of quick and healthy meals please let me know. I think if I had more ideas on things quick, healthy, and tasty, it would really help in my weight loss journey. (less times driving up to the drive thur windows)

Peace and Love


  • connieholiday
    Hello Melissa! I know how time consuming it is to log everything. It seems neverending at times, but i want you to ask yourself....are you worth it??? I think so!!!
    All it takes is for you to do it for a little while, and while doing it you think to yourself, 'i am doing this for me', and then hopefully it will become a habit. A GOOD habit! One that helps you take care of yourself better!
    Ok, so with that said, i don't have to many good low calorie recipes, but i do use Oro wheat sandwhich thins, albacore tuna, light mayo, and lettuce to make a quick, but yummy, sandwhich. Or they have bagel thins that i eat with whipped creme cheese, turkey, and lettuce. Or with just the cream cheese. Both of these are quick and easy, low calorie, and very good for you. Also, Rold Gold pretzels, if your into snacking or chips, only have 100 cal. for 53 pretzels. Microwave popcorn is surprisingly low in calories for the amount you can eat :) You can make taco meat, refried beans, flour tortilla, 1/2 oz of cheese for low calories. You can steam fish, eat veggies, or fruit. Make lemon Chicken, a starch of some sort and some grean beans,or what ever veggie you prefer. Snacks like skinny cow icecreams are awesome, fiber plus bars are great, and filling. And yes, they taste great. Kashi products are great as well!
    I hope i helped a little, and sorry if i was preaching, i just want you to succeed! And know that you are strong enough to do this 'For You'! ((Big Hugs)) of support!!! Feel free to add me, we are all in this together....Good luck!!! Connie
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Hi Melissa,
    I use the MFP ap for my Droid and save some time when I'm able to scan bar codes of some of the items I am eating. Good luck. Feel free to add me if you need/want more people to help you stay motivated.

  • LivingFree
    LivingFree Posts: 69
    My #1 go to snack is Almonds (skin on, low salt). They are so portable. I keep exact portions everywhere (work, purse, car) and fruit so I never get too hungry... Because once I do it's tougher to make good choices. And I try to eat homecooked (and rarely from a box or can). Much easier to control sodium that way.
    P.S. I use the scanner on my android phone too and scan my lunch/ snack items as I'm packing them in the morning. If I stick to my lunch, I know exactly how many calories I have left for dinner - makes things faster.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    hi melissa...welcome to the site..entering your complete food intake daily is hard i agree but you will get used to it after a while...don't have any food recipes..but with a good beverage..i take some tonic water or club soda put in some cut up lemon and lime, add one splenda or sweet and low and stir..its very good..its also light..tastes great..

    Good luck on your journey...feel free to add me..
  • Nikkita29
    Nikkita29 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm having some trouble logging foods, as well. Most of the time I am just guestimating or chosing something in the Search that is similar to what I ate because I can't find an exact match to what I ate. So I don't know just how accurate some of my logs are. I'm excited to hear about this Droid app that scans barcodes??? I don't have a droid, but that almost makes me want to get one!! That would be so much easier!!!