Should i worry????

Hello friends!!! I guess its been alittle over 2 weeks and i havent lost anything. I have lost inches, I usto wear a size 12 in pants and im down to size 10 :))))) Very happy about that. But with my weight i was hoping i would keep droping steadily. But i guess my body has other plans for me in that journey. I guess my queation is simple should i worry that i have reached a bump so soon in my journey? I work out 4 days a week 40 minutes each kickboxing seccion. And i never eat my work out calories. Thanks for responding :)


  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    So you've stalled. Now seems like a good time to try eating your calories. Every car runs different. So do you.
  • chrisd25d
    chrisd25d Posts: 4 Member
    What your going through is pretty normal. What is happening is that your toning up and building muscle mass and loosing fat. What that means for you at the beginning? Frustration & confusion and lots of it. Muscle mass is more dense than fat mass so while your smaller in size, your weight stays the same. Another cool fact about this new found muscle? It will burn more calories than fat will while your in a resting state :happy:

    Keep up with the healthy eating and working out and the weight loss will come.
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I would say no since you are losing inches.

    But I would look seriously into eating at least some of your exercise calories.
  • allybtucker
    allybtucker Posts: 91
    You should eat your workout calories. There are some good websites where you can fill out how you spend all the hours of the day, because you're proabably underestimating. It will have you fill out specifically, 8 hours sleeping, 4 light activity, 3 moderate activity, etc, up to the whole 24 hours. It will tell you approximately how many calories you would burn that day. It's quite a bit higher than your BMR. My bmr is about 1300, but with all my misc activites, I burn about 2300 calories a day, before I exercise. If I were to regularly eat 1000 calories under what I burn for the day, I would go into starvation mode and stop losing weight. It sounds like that's what your problem is. Try this link for more info:
  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    as long as you are losing inches i would not worry about the numbers on the scales ( wth just throw the scale away) you can look sexy and thin and still weight alot. its all about how much muscle you have and how dense your bones are.
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    I would check this out, it may be just what you need :)

    It shows progress outside of numbers, even if you just look at the pictures it really does show what exercise does!!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Yes eat all you calories. The numbers will go down.
  • diana77
    diana77 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks guys, Maybe i should try eating some of my work out calories. Im just so worried about gaining instead of loosing....:frown:
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    I find that every 10 lbs I lose my body goes through an adjustment phase and I won't lose any weight for about 11/2 -2 weeks and then I start back losing again. I would say give it time and maybe try a new exercise if you do the same thing every day. Good luck!
  • logicalloss
    logicalloss Posts: 14 Member
    There are more ways to track fitness besides the scale. If you're losing inches you're fine.
  • diana77
    diana77 Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you so much "SUNJENK" for the link to this blog. It made me feel soo soo much better. I could not believe what i was reading. I mean for me to try on my own size 10 and 9 jeans that were sitting in the back of my closet and realizing that they fit, should tell me that even tho im not loosing weight i am loosing inches. So thank you once again. :flowerforyou:
  • theresa7576
    theresa7576 Posts: 46 Member
    But you ARE losing weight! You are building muscle.. and as you build that dense heavy muscle, you lose that lumy space hogging fat... so for every 2 lbs of fat you dump.. if you gain two of muscle.. you lose inches and see nothing on the scale. look at the way your clothes fit- they don't lie. The scale measures weight.. not mass. It is an evil tool sometimes.. you need to look at the big picture, stick to the program and continue forward,