Looking for Tampa, Fl new mfp friends.

vtpugs Posts: 28 Member
Hi there, I am Karen- live in Tampa Florida. Moved from Vermont in July 2014 with my husband and gained a ton of weight overeating in restaurants. I came from the country and little choices to eat out, to a huge place with tons of different new foods to try! So trying to eat healthy. Currently on herbalife shakes 2x day and clean meal for 3rd meal. Need friends for chats and motivation!


  • brandievans129
    brandievans129 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome i am from over the bridge (st.petersburg) I did herbalife started feb 4th n lost 16lbs my first month. Now Goin on almost two months im.only doing one shake a day n ive lost 22lbs now. Met my goal but still love the shakes lol. Feel free to add me.
  • vtpugs
    vtpugs Posts: 28 Member
    Wow awesome in not losing hardly at all on two shakes a day. Congrats though!! Sending friend request now