Newbie :) Almost 300 pounds and scared to death

moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone!
Yesterday was my day 1. I logged exactly what I ate, thinking I had eaten 'light' that day because I wasn't feeling good. Seeing that I went OVER my calorie goal for the day by 300 calories on a day that I thought I didn't eat much was a real eye-opener.

I am 38 years old and weigh 295. Anxiety and panic over dying due to my weight has crippled my life, and fear has taken hold in an almost non-stop nightmare. I am afraid to do almost anything: ride rides at theme parks, travel, climb stairs, dance, do things I used to do without fear. Any little thing my body does makes me afraid I'm dying. It's sad, it's controlling and it's no way to live.

I just want to LIVE and be here for my kiddos' lives for as long as I can. I want to run, frolic, dance and do things that look exciting without being afraid of dropping dead. I want energy.

I need to lose about half of myself, and that is just so daunting on this first day of beginning. But I am confident I can do it, and reading your success stories is such an inspiration to me!! I could really use a friend or two (or three :)), so I hope I meet some new people that have been through this same journey or are on the same path as I am. One day at a time, right?

xoxo Julie


  • Sdanni64
    Sdanni64 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do this...awareness and wanting to change are the biggest hurdles. And you are day at a time...there will be good and not so good days...but preservance is the key. I sent you a friend request-
  • Nightwriter_returns
    I was at 302 when I started, lost 32 and joined MFP yesterday. Like you there was a lot I didn't realize until I started keeping track and watching what I was doing. We can get through this together and get healthy. I sent you a friend request.
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks so much, you guys! Having a support group of friends is really going to be such a big deal to me. I don't know anyone "in real life" that is as heavy as me, so this just means the world to me. Truly. :D
  • NewDay326
    NewDay326 Posts: 7 Member
    You can do this! I started yesterday to, and logging really shows what we are eating. I'm looking to lose around the same as you, so I'll send you a friend request.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,313 Member
    You can do it. Make a commitment to record all your calories, that really works for me. Even when I go over, I try to record and I am always amazed that it wasn't so bad after all. I can stop right there instead of saying "Oh well" and eating more.
  • DebSemmens
    DebSemmens Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in there. I started working on my weight a little over a year ago. (1/15/14) I thought I would be done by now....but I still have 14 lbs to shed. I have lost 106. I can tell you it will be hard, you will have days that will be hard.... but you will also have days that you will soar! The hardest part will be the mental.... that is what I am struggling with right now. IF I never get to goal weight I won't have to worry about putting it back on. Send me a friend request if you would like. I would love to support you along the way..
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    You have your "why", and it is strong and significant. Either print your OP, or write yourself a letter that has all that emotion in it, and keep it. Pull it out to read when sometimes the distance you have to go seems too long-which it will, from time to time.
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Excellent suggestion. I will definitely do that!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    No better time to start than right now! Your future self will thank you.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    edited March 2015
    I started at 318. Today I weigh 182. And there's nothing particularly special or unusual about me. I'm just a normal person with a life like so many others. Move your fear to excitement and do not, under any circumstances, quit. It's not magic, it's just finding out what works for you and consistently doing it. :smile:
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Right on, Dennis. I can't wait to meet her. :)
  • chadisallin70
    chadisallin70 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm just starting today myself. Hope to meet some folks on here that I can cheer for and maybe pickup a few cheerleaders of my own! ( I typed that... I realize how it sounded! Lol). I actually started trying to eat better and lose some weight about 28 days ago. I'm 5'10" and was 284 when I started. I am down to 271 and considering how uneducated I am regarding nutrition and weight loss...that was probably a small miracle! Lol. Probably a lot of water weight but I'll take it! I was logging everything in a spreadsheet and that was becoming inconvenient so found what I hope is the answer I this. Anyhow...looking forward to sharing journeys to better health and happiness with you all!

    ~ Chad (from NC)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I think I started fo health reasons more than anything, its a good motivator.
    The good news is you can do it. Its kind of pretty straightforward and you should keep it simple.

    Learning how it works so you can avoid mistakes would be a good start as well as breaking it down into smaller parts so the big picture doesnt ovewhelm you. You have to commit, buut its just a slow steady stroll down to your target weight, even if it goes on a bit.
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    We can do this, Chad! *Ready? OK! Who's got the spirit? C-H-A-D! Gooooo, Chad!* ;)
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you, ewhip17. While I can be magical at times, I know this is going to take honest dedication. I'm ready.
  • MsLaurie65
    MsLaurie65 Posts: 46 Member
    I understand how you feel, one day at a time is the best way. My grandson is my inspiration along with my faith. You can do it!!!!
  • pbruce706
    pbruce706 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Moon, congratulations! Best advice I can offer is don't look too far down the road, keep your goals short and attainable. I used 10% goals of my weight loss, and rewarded myself each time I reached one (not with food!). I also focused only on the day, making sure I ate what I should, exercised, measured and logged everything. After reaching the first 10% it became less of a chore and more exciting as the weight continued to go down. The first few weeks are the hardest in some ways as you'll be changing your habits, but you'll also see some pretty quick changes.

    And I totally get the "ride at theme parks" comment. Had a great before (Feb 2013) and after (Aug 2014) experience at Disney and it's amazing to not to have to worry about whether you'll fit on the ride or feeling like you have to wedge yourself into the seat!

    One step at a time, one day at a time, you'll get there.
  • chris42376
    chris42376 Posts: 83 Member
    You can totally do this! :)

    So can you Chad! :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend since I'm in the same boat as you :)
  • mrsvinisky
    mrsvinisky Posts: 16 Member
    Sdanni64 wrote: »
    You can do this...awareness and wanting to change are the biggest hurdles. And you are day at a time...there will be good and not so good days...but preservance is the key. I sent you a friend request-
    ewhip17 wrote: »
    I started at 318. Today I weigh 182. And there's nothing particularly special or unusual about me. I'm just a normal person with a life like so many others. Move your fear to excitement and do not, under any circumstances, quit. It's not magic, it's just finding out what works for you and consistently doing it. :smile:

    Yes, and yes! I started in January at 291. I weighed 257 this week. I too am just an average person who needed a kick start. MFP paired with my Fitbit has honestly changed my life. I am motivated, I have seen fantastic results without having to buy special food or go to meetings. It has opened my eyes to new recipes and ways of cooking (I rarely eat out of a can or jar or frozen package anymore!) and I have energy and I am excited to stand on the scale.

    I too need to lose half of myself. I set my first goal at 40 pounds, I am 6.7 away from that, 1 month ahead of schedule. Keep your goals small. Do it in pieces. Celebrate your victories, you deserve it!!

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I sent you a friend request.
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    You can totally do this! I've got a 105 pounds to lose, just starting out on my journey, too. I'd love to meet more people to motivate and support! :)