Can I lose belly fat AND build a butt in 4-5 weeks



  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    @ RileyLeigh Quote [I'm pretty sure its impossible to lose fat in your stomach while you build muscle in your butt.]

    just curious, why is that ? Like is the body incapable of losing fat and building muscle simultaneously ?

    Think of it this way. When youre eating a deficit, your body is struggling to maintain its current muscle and using fat as energy. It's not going to have energy to build anything with less energy. It's why people go through bulk and cut cycles. Calorie surplus is energy surplus, where muscle building is ideal. There are I believe CNS adaptations that cause minor muscle growth to those who are new to strength training but it is minor at best and ends quickly.

    so this means I'm outta luck

    hmm I guess I should start by starving myself to lose the extra fat .. but damn ..I've been dieting since 3 - 4 months. Literally eat nothing but unprocessed foods, veggies, lean proteins no starches, no sugar etc etc and I work out every day or at least 4 days a week and STILL NO RESULTS. FML

    Don't understand this logic at all....Won't happen in 4 weeks, so might as well give up altogether and go the complete opposite direction!

    You should not start starving yourself to lose fat-the only thing that will make you is miserable, hungry, and with probably no improvement in your body shape. Keep eating right, make sure you are tracking, and start strength training. No, a tiny stomach and a booty like Beyonce won't pop up in 4 weeks, but you will be on your way to a healthier body instead of going backwards. These things take time-why are you looking for a quick fix?
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    did you get the belly in 4-5 weeks?

    as somebody said , detail body recomposition work is hard and takes months or years not weeks

    there are no miracle cures.. its hard work

    eating at deficit for fat loss and cardio can help at that.. strength training for body recomposition and echo what others said you can not spot lose.. fat goes away from where it chooses to leave

    if it were easy ...................................everybody would do it
  • somwonsomwer
    Thanks everyone for your tips and help :)
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Once you've lost some percentage of your body fat, squats alone (body weight at first) will be sufficient to get you the rounder bum. The heavier weights should be gradually introduced once you have proper form so that you don't hurt yourself. Do enough to get your butt to burn and so the next day will be sore. You can even do butt clenches when you're doing dishes and at stop lights, etc.

    But like everyone else said already, this won't happen no matter what you do in 4-5 weeks. It took a year with my own body weight to get from flat to round/toned (when I wasn't heavy).
  • teerae326
    teerae326 Posts: 150 Member
    For me personally, I know through trial and error that my body prefers protein. When I eat decently clean and have a higher intake of protein, I lose weight and feel good. I've done the "broke folk" diet out of necessity and learned that I do not handle starvation well. Hair was falling out, I felt weaker than normal. Since adding more protein to my diet, I've been able to lose weight and still feel like my butt is looking better. You really just have to play with your meal plans and see what your body responds to.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Hey everyone

    Here is the situation: belly fatwith 3+ layers- Michelin style FTW

    Bum is not flat completely, but it's not nice either. Like you don't see that curve sideways... Shape is not round. Want it to be a lil bigger or at least toned and round

    Is it possible to lose body fat yet build a bigger bum in just 4-5 weeks? How ? Please tell me what kind of exercises I need to d because I tried the cardio / strength training combo + eating clean for MONTHS and saw no results :( I don't know what I'm doing wrong I am so discouraged at this point

    PS I am 5'8.5 , 148 pounds

    highly doubt you are seeing your body accurately. Your bmi is well within normal. No way you look like the Michelin man. Be patient, eat well, do strength training.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Lift HEAVY to build a bum.

    This. If you eat slightly below maintenance while doing HEAVY weights, you'll lose some fat and your butt will get rounder/stronger. Squats and weighted bridges work very well at rounding out your glutes.

  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Don't give up! But no 4-5 weeks and even just a couple of months isn't going to do it.

    Even while you are trying to lose the fat (since that's going to be what you focus on first I'm assuming) start lifting heavy! Squats, deadlifts, stepups, lunges, you can make your but rounder and stronger doing those. You won't build muscle in a deficit but you can help you body shape a bit by lifting while in a deficit. Then you may need to do a bulk cut cycle to really 'build' a bigger butt if you still want to after you lost your belly.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    God, I LOATH the term "clean eating"!!!! Enough with it already...especially when talking about using it to lose weight!

    4 to 5 weeks? Yeah...never going to happen! It is dang near impossible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time because when you are doing a calorie deficit your body tends to lose some muscle along with the fat.

    Lots of squats and lunges to build a rounder booty.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    Direct and easy answer: No.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Absolutely 100% and accurate answer right here... NO YOU CANNOT!
  • amitkatz0
    amitkatz0 Posts: 61 Member
    Your body shape is determined by your genes, no way to change that. All you can do is balance the amount of fat and muscle through dieting and strength training. And it's not going to be easy or quick.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Well you can see results in 4-5 weeks, but probably not what you are expecting. It's a process! Just take it one day at a time and make sure that you keep striving for your goals and you will get where you want to be. Good luck!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited March 2015
    God, I LOATH the term "clean eating"!!!! Enough with it already...especially when talking about using it to lose weight!

    4 to 5 weeks? Yeah...never going to happen! It is dang near impossible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time because when you are doing a calorie deficit your body tends to lose some muscle along with the fat.

    Lots of squats and lunges to build a rounder booty.

    Me too! You can essentially eat whatever you want as long as you aren't over your daily calorie limit.

    OP - if you feel like you need to starve yourself then you're going about this in the wrong way. You should never have to starve yourself, you just need to eat at a deficit.

    Also, as someone said you can't spot reduce so as you lose fat you will see where your body gains last and first.

    Further, if you want to lose fat . . . I did this with high intensity cardio. Some people will say you can lift heavy while losing weight to help build muscle (and let's be clear I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THAT IN ANY WAY) but for me, I've become a runner so I don't do a whole lot of heavy lifting but I do spin twice a week as my cross training and it's amazing for your butt and legs (and no, they don't get HUGE lol).

    Lifting heavy is a great way to go as a lot of people have pointed out, but I just think you're looking at this from the wrong way which means you may or may not have the results you want. If you feel as though you're starving yourself and you're eating "100% clean" ("Literally eat nothing but unprocessed foods, veggies, lean proteins no starches, no sugar etc etc and I work out every day or at least 4 days a week and STILL NO RESULTS") I would say you're not starving yourself and you're eating more than you think. Even if you are choosing these foods over highly processed, high carb, etc etc foods but you're eating too much of it, it's still more than your body needs which will lead to weight gain.

    Weight loss is 70% diet. If you aren't losing, look at your diet. And by diet, I don't mean the crazy meal plan you go on for 5 weeks trying to lose weight. By diet, I mean the foods you consume.

    ETA: a lot of the time, a nice butt with a tiny waist is genetically well placed fat. Some people no matter how hard they work out just don't get that beyonce lookin booty. It does not happen for them. So your body shape may be a factor to consider in this search for your flat stomach and a great butt.
  • adcini
    adcini Posts: 14 Member
    You can get started on it, but I doubt anyone could create major change in 4-5 weeks. Screw clean eating, focus on eating a calorie deficit and trying to keep a good macronutrient balance (protein, carbs and fats). If you're looking for exercise tips, maybe try a few sessions with personal trainer? Someone who can help develop a plan to achieve your fitness goals safely.

    There is absolutely no way you should ever starve yourself, it's not good for your body or for your mental state. Add back healthy starches and have some of the foods you enjoy, just don't go binge crazy.

    So no, it's not going to be quick, but just think about it. Is it worth the effort? If you want it badly enough, then do it properly. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the human body. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Do some heavy squats, deadlifts.. lift something. Watch the diet and you'll see results overtime. Unfortunately 4-5 weeks is not long enough. You need to make this a lifelong habit if you wish to be and stay fit
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    Call a plastic surgeon.... 4-6 weeks is almost enough time to recover.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You all know she asked the question in August 2014, right? I don't think 4-5 weeks is really an issue at this point.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Yes! Hop on a plane and head to Mexico. A nice "doctor" will take everything you don't like out of the abdomen and put some junk in the trunk.
  • sandykg159
    sandykg159 Posts: 6 Member
    It depends on how you look at it. Can you lose some belly fat in a month? Sure. Can you make your butt look better in a month? Sure. Can you do both at once? Sure. Be reasonable about your expectations though. They can improve, but it won't be some miraculous, swift process.

    I love this answer.