Newbie :) Almost 300 pounds and scared to death



  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all, again, for the welcome! xo
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Yes, to add to the many others, small goals! Needing to lose about half of your body weight can seem like a lot. So, for now just lose 5 pounds, celebrate it, and lose another 5 pounds. It is much less daunting to do it that way!
  • fordmanmark75
    fordmanmark75 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Yesterday was my day 1. I logged exactly what I ate, thinking I had eaten 'light' that day because I wasn't feeling good. Seeing that I went OVER my calorie goal for the day by 300 calories on a day that I thought I didn't eat much was a real eye-opener.

    I am 38 years old and weigh 295. Anxiety and panic over dying due to my weight has crippled my life, and fear has taken hold in an almost non-stop nightmare. I am afraid to do almost anything: ride rides at theme parks, travel, climb stairs, dance, do things I used to do without fear. Any little thing my body does makes me afraid I'm dying. It's sad, it's controlling and it's no way to live.

    I just want to LIVE and be here for my kiddos' lives for as long as I can. I want to run, frolic, dance and do things that look exciting without being afraid of dropping dead. I want energy.

    I need to lose about half of myself, and that is just so daunting on this first day of beginning. But I am confident I can do it, and reading your success stories is such an inspiration to me!! I could really use a friend or two (or three :)), so I hope I meet some new people that have been through this same journey or are on the same path as I am. One day at a time, right?

    xoxo Julie

    Hi,my name is Mark 39 yrs.old. I was 295 walked ALOT an counted calories, an watch my carb an sugar numbers an I went down to 200 lbs in four or five months,but again that was when I was in my twenties,so now I've gained a lot of weight back because I came disabled, an cause I've been lazy,but since my health turned bad from an injury I decided to try to lose weight an get back own to 200lbs.
    I can tell you that just walking ALOT or as much as you can everyday Will help an make you lose weight, but you have to keep track of calories an carb an sugar intake,that's the can walk all you want but if you don't eat right,you're just waiting your time walking.
    So my advice to you,is walk,ride a bike,walk on a trend mill,an watch calories, carbs,an watch all that weight go away,like I said before, it took me like 4 or 5 months to lose's a slow process but if you stick with it you will lose weight, I walked on the road an sidewalks,an still do,I don't waste money on a Jym. This worked for me,an in winter I didn't walk as much.
  • fordmanmark75
    fordmanmark75 Posts: 2 Member
    This is Mark,that post was for Julie,an advice for all others.
  • larieal
    larieal Posts: 3 Member
    OMG I can so relate to you. I am going through a lot of the same things you are. I didn't realize how bad I was eating until I started tracking, which I have fought for years. I weigh 270 lbs and although I don't look like I do, I know I do and I was beginning to feel every pound of that weight. We can do this together! I too need encouragement so I'm going to send you a friend request so we can keep each other motivated.
  • emerald_gecko1975
    emerald_gecko1975 Posts: 14 Member
    I started on February 23 and have lost 13 pounds so far. I just have to take it one day at a time and not give into sweets or fast food. I replace one meal a day with a smoothie and log EVERYTHING! I also started walking and it's helping. Don't give up, we are here to support each other.
  • jennar671
    jennar671 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand exactly what your going through! I'm 28 and 227 lbs and I'm sooo tired of feeling sick and tired and being afraid to live. We can do this together! I sent a friend request
  • xayles
    xayles Posts: 32 Member
    I tend to find that if I go walking that I can lose weight even if I go a bit over my calorie goal. I have the runtastic pedometer on my phone and I stick Harry Potter on my ipod and walk - it doesn't even feel like exercise that way. Depending on how fit you are, build up the walking slowly. At first would walk for ten mins then after a week I upped it to half an hour... that was a year ago, last week I walked 2 hours to another village (caught the bus back).

    Planning what you are going to eat the day before can help you not to go over your calorie goal. Once you've been doing this for a while it will be easier for you to know the portion size you can have.

    Oh and take a full body photo of yourself now... I regret not having a before photo of myself.

    If you start feeling down/can't be bothered, come on here and tell us about it. Everyone here knows what you're going through... we're either going through it or have been through it. The people on here are all great and have will plenty of advice for you.

    Good luck.
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    I definitely need to incorporate movement into my life. I have a desk job that I work 10 hour days at, then sit in the car, then want to just sit on the couch for the rest of the day. I know that just by adding a little bit of movement and really noticing what I'm putting into my body is going to make a big difference. I'm so grateful for all of your words of advice and motivation!

    I have really broken all records of being fat. At 220 lbs in a 5'3 inch frame and just 21 years on my personal watch... I think I have really abused my body. Not that I didn't try. I just am not motivated enough and I don't have enough self control. Combine that with a razor sharp brain and hence, the talent to exert myself as less as possible by using my grey matter over my body.

    Anyway. I hope I derive motivation from all you awesome people. I will support all of you and I just expect less of ridicule and I will derive a bit of solace from any positivism from your end.

    Please encourage me :)
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    I agree with Mark all the way. Walk. Walk. Walk.
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    You can totally do this! I am 37. I am 5 ft tall. I started at 266 in Oct. I weigh 210 today. I have a bunch of things that work for me. I started by eating smaller meals and thinking in my head I can eat in an hour or 2 if I am hungry. It did 2 things for me whether it is true or just in my head I don't know but it made me like my stomach size had shrunk decreasing my appetite and made me realize how little food it takes to satisfy the hunger. I seriously felt like I was bottomless before. I could out eat everyone I know even my husband who is 6'4! I always eat on a salad plate because it looks like SO much food instead of on a dinner plate with lots of empty space. I NEVER drink my meals. I am not a fan of smoothies because I personally like the sensation of eating and chewing. I chew ice a lot for me it gives my mouth something to do and also gives me a bit more water. I hate to admit this but I never exercise. I am lazy and out of shape and I just don't have the mindset to do it yet. I am going to start exercising when I get below 200 which should be soon :) My point is that IN MY OPINION especially when you are overweight you cannot exercise enough to create enough of a calorie deficit to lose the weight. Yes exercise helps obviously but some of us especially when you are very obese like me just cant work out. IT CAN BE DONE without exercise and you can still eat awesome food! I will share some of my recipes if you like? MFP is an amazing source of support. If you get your head straight and COMMIT you can totally do it. Don't make excuses. Don't feed your emotions with food. It only feels good temporarily ( I am a binger, snacker, emotional eater, food addict) BUT you know what feels better than over eating?? Seeing the scale move as you lose weight :) Seeing your face change! Moving faster! Actually peeking in the mirror now and then when you used to avoid it like the plague before! Taking a selfie and not being completely horrified at how your face is so fat that you don't even look human (I am talking about myself not you or anyone else) anyways feel free to add me as a friend.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You sound like a naturally encouraging person. I started this weight loss enterprise twenty months, and ninety pounds ago. At that time I was most afraid of falling and seriously injuring myself. My mobility was already seriously compromised.

    It's been a thrilling time. This past summer I rode a bike for the first time in years. I now routinely run 2 KM. I would have never believed it could be so good.

    And it was all done in baby steps.

    At your current weight and mobility, I suggest walking to start. Just to get used to moving.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Yesterday was my day 1. I logged exactly what I ate, thinking I had eaten 'light' that day because I wasn't feeling good. Seeing that I went OVER my calorie goal for the day by 300 calories on a day that I thought I didn't eat much was a real eye-opener.

    I am 38 years old and weigh 295. Anxiety and panic over dying due to my weight has crippled my life, and fear has taken hold in an almost non-stop nightmare. I am afraid to do almost anything: ride rides at theme parks, travel, climb stairs, dance, do things I used to do without fear. Any little thing my body does makes me afraid I'm dying. It's sad, it's controlling and it's no way to live.

    I just want to LIVE and be here for my kiddos' lives for as long as I can. I want to run, frolic, dance and do things that look exciting without being afraid of dropping dead. I want energy.

    I need to lose about half of myself, and that is just so daunting on this first day of beginning. But I am confident I can do it, and reading your success stories is such an inspiration to me!! I could really use a friend or two (or three :)), so I hope I meet some new people that have been through this same journey or are on the same path as I am. One day at a time, right?

    xoxo Julie

    Welcome and congratulations on wanting to make positive changes.
    I started here in March 2014 weighing in at 296.5 pounds. :( I could barely walk one city block without having to stop from both pain in my knee and being out of breath.

    One year later and I'm down just about 75 pounds, I swim for 6+ hours per week, walk and bike without pain. I feel like a new person! Still a long ways to go to meet my goal, but I know it's doable.

    One day at a time, you can do this!

  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    Oh and i would DEFINITELY take measurements today!! I so wish I had done it :(
  • moonjewel76
    moonjewel76 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes! Pictures and measurements will be taken tomorrow. I'm not really sure how to go about the measurements, so any tips are appreciated. My at the moment. How do you measure that? :/
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    I have not done measurements but a tip for taking pics which I did not do is wear tight clothes! I wore my usual baggy clothes and I can't see a difference :( no one has to see the pics but you. Also take pics from all angles and take pics of your hands and feet. Those seem to be the first things to change lol
  • AquaticChickadee
    AquaticChickadee Posts: 10 Member
    Much love and encouragement your way! :) I am about that weight as well. The idea that I may die an early death scares me. I feel like I can contribute to the world, and I'm not willing to cut down the time I have left. So, I decided to buckle down and lose the pounds.
  • Gokupower
    Hi Everyone!
    Yesterday was my day 1. I logged exactly what I ate, thinking I had eaten 'light' that day because I wasn't feeling good. Seeing that I went OVER my calorie goal for the day by 300 calories on a day that I thought I didn't eat much was a real eye-opener.

    I am 38 years old and weigh 295. Anxiety and panic over dying due to my weight has crippled my life, and fear has taken hold in an almost non-stop nightmare. I am afraid to do almost anything: ride rides at theme parks, travel, climb stairs, dance, do things I used to do without fear. Any little thing my body does makes me afraid I'm dying. It's sad, it's controlling and it's no way to live.

    I just want to LIVE and be here for my kiddos' lives for as long as I can. I want to run, frolic, dance and do things that look exciting without being afraid of dropping dead. I want energy.

    I need to lose about half of myself, and that is just so daunting on this first day of beginning. But I am confident I can do it, and reading your success stories is such an inspiration to me!! I could really use a friend or two (or three :)), so I hope I meet some new people that have been through this same journey or are on the same path as I am. One day at a time, right?

    xoxo Julie

  • josueg123
    josueg123 Posts: 18 Member
    I'll definitely be glad to help keep you motivated, so long as you maybe do the same for me? :)