Not loosing anything

I am currently 61kg (lost 5kg) and am trying to get back to my pre smoking weight of 53-54kg. I am 165cm tall. (I use to weigh around 85kg and did weight watchers and got to 53-54kg and maintained that for 13 years, up until i gave up smoking 15 months ago). I have always done ww but decided to try this instead. I am eating approx 1000 calories a day and running 3km a day (have never ran before so this is really good for me). The last 3 weeks I have stayed the same weight and becoming disheartened, I know people will say I should be eating more at least 1200 but have tried that and put on weight. I'm hoping that if i keep doing what im doing it will all of a sudden start dropping off, any comments or input appreciated.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • moorememories
    moorememories Posts: 8 Member
    how do i do that
  • moorememories
    moorememories Posts: 8 Member
    thanks so much, I have made it public now
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't recognize some of the foods you are logging, but the calorie counts seem low, if they are similar to things I do recognize. That could easily explain why you aren't losing weight at 1200. Someone is sure to suggest that you start weighing stuff, but that won't do any good if the calorie data is wrong.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    thanks so much, I have made it public now

    Looking at a few days, I would say start using a food scale. (example, you have two apples 100 calories, they're usually about 85 each). You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day to meet your nutritional needs.
    Three weeks is just a stall and it will pass. Are you exercising?
  • moorememories
    moorememories Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys, I weigh everything, that brand of apple is New Zealand and that particular variety is lower in calories.yes I do 3 -4 km jogging every day plus half km walking for warm up n same for warm down plus lunges,crunches etc. Because i have had years of not eating a huge amount to maintain my weight could it be that my body is use to consuming less than what i am eating so in reality i have buggered my metabolism up by years of dieting. in other words is it possible that my body only burns around 1000 calories a day? or is that not possible?
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    Well, I noticed you drink beer. Beer has an impact on body composition. Beer has empty calories...calories without nutrition. It is the first fuel to be burned when combined with carbohydrates, fats and the fat burning process is greatly slowed down....which contributes to a greater fat storage. Beer has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Beer or alcohol in general lowers the testosterone levels...which is needed for fat burning or calories burned.
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    edited March 2015
    herrspoons wrote: »
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Well, I noticed you drink beer. Beer has an impact on body composition. Beer has empty calories...calories without nutrition. It is the first fuel to be burned when combined with carbohydrates, fats and the fat burning process is greatly slowed down....which contributes to a greater fat storage. Beer has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Beer or alcohol in general lowers the testosterone levels...which is needed for fat burning or calories burned.
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.

    Not in moderation it doesn't.

    Well, I don't know what else can possibly stall her weight loss for 3 weeks. If she is consuming 1000 calories a day... with exercise. Unless, the body is holding onto everything..
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Well, I noticed you drink beer. Beer has an impact on body composition. Beer has empty calories...calories without nutrition. It is the first fuel to be burned when combined with carbohydrates, fats and the fat burning process is greatly slowed down....which contributes to a greater fat storage. Beer has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Beer or alcohol in general lowers the testosterone levels...which is needed for fat burning or calories burned.
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.

    Not in moderation it doesn't.

    Well, I don't know what else can possibly stall her weight loss for 3 weeks. If she is consuming 1000 calories a day... with exercise.

    Beer in itself has never stalled my weight loss, and I drink way more than she does.
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    edited March 2015
    herrspoons wrote: »
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Well, I noticed you drink beer. Beer has an impact on body composition. Beer has empty calories...calories without nutrition. It is the first fuel to be burned when combined with carbohydrates, fats and the fat burning process is greatly slowed down....which contributes to a greater fat storage. Beer has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Beer or alcohol in general lowers the testosterone levels...which is needed for fat burning or calories burned.
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.

    Not in moderation it doesn't.

    Well, I don't know what else can possibly stall her weight loss for 3 weeks. If she is consuming 1000 calories a day... with exercise. Unless, the body is holding onto everything..

    I'd go for inaccurate counting of calories consumed or burnt, Bob.

    hmm, i second that.
    maybe it's the beer calories...that's inaccurate.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks guys, I weigh everything, that brand of apple is New Zealand and that particular variety is lower in calories.yes I do 3 -4 km jogging every day plus half km walking for warm up n same for warm down plus lunges,crunches etc. Because i have had years of not eating a huge amount to maintain my weight could it be that my body is use to consuming less than what i am eating so in reality i have buggered my metabolism up by years of dieting. in other words is it possible that my body only burns around 1000 calories a day? or is that not possible?

    I live in NZ too, and can find nothing that says NZ Beauties (sold as Pacific Beauty in the US btw) are lower in calories. The cals you have recorded for one apple are for 100g. Are you weighing them? Because that is tiny. Remember those bags of 'kiddy apples' you used to be able to get? Those were around 100g. You say you are weighing everything, but I see loads of entries that are for servings sizes - ie one whatever, with either no weight or a standard weight. If those things are off (which they usually are) it can add up pretty quickly. And a lot of cup measurements, for example, your rockmelon and pumpkin. Weigh your solids. You're also using a lot of generic or member entered info from the database, look for entries that don't have an asterisk. That avocado entry you're using for example just says 1 medium, that's pretty subjective (and actually the amount it gives is for around a 155g av). If you search the database using 'avocados raw' (a good format to use for all your fruit and vege searches) instead it will give you a drop down box where you can get the info by weight. Select the 1g and then put the weight in the left hand box to give you an accurate cal count.

    I think if you weigh everything instead of using measuring cups and relying on package stated serving sizes, and use reliable database entries, you will find that you are actually eating more than you think.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Well, I noticed you drink beer. Beer has an impact on body composition. Beer has empty calories...calories without nutrition. It is the first fuel to be burned when combined with carbohydrates, fats and the fat burning process is greatly slowed down....which contributes to a greater fat storage. Beer has twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Beer or alcohol in general lowers the testosterone levels...which is needed for fat burning or calories burned.
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.

    but beer is goooood!
  • curls235
    curls235 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you logging and using calories burnt doing exercise as I have been logging my walking from the chart on here which tells me 30 minutes walking burns 279 cals, I do this twice a day, yesterday I bought a fitbit and done the same exercise and fitbit has calculated 100 cals which means I have only been burning 200 as apposed to 558 which I have been logging hence I have not been losing weight.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Losing - the word is losing
  • curls235
    curls235 Posts: 7 Member
    Think we all know what she meant :D
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    You need to cut out the beer if you really want to see the results. It doesn't matter if you are under your calories for the day. Beer or alcohol will slow the process down by ALOT.

    Vastly over-simplified. Like many members here, I can consume alcohol while losing weight. Quantity matters.

    OP should focus in accurate logging before people begin telling her to eliminate certain things.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    The logging is suspect. Yesterday ... the amount of ham logged equals about one third of a finely sliced piece. The run/walk caloric totals are close for running 3.2km at your current weight, not a run/walk mix of that distance.

    The typical inaccurate logging resulting in eating more than you think coupled with burning less than you're entering.

    Tighten up the entries on both the calories in and calories out side of the equation and see where you are in reality.
  • moorememories
    moorememories Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the comments, I will look at weighing as per raw food but yes even though it says melon 1 cup = 160 grams I weigh 80 grams and enter as 1/2 cup so wouldn't think that would be too far out. I will check that apple again. The ham was 1 piece of shaved ham so yes i did eat a very small amount. The run/walk i enter is entered manually from my treadmill half km walk, 3 km run half km walk, or from map my run. (It averages around 230 calories burned, slightly more when on the rd not treadmill) I do understand the theory behind beer but I have 2 light beers on a friday evening and saturday evening as a treat and it is in moderation, when I lost my 30kg through weight watchers I drank beer in moderation also and back then it wouldn't have been low alcohol beer. I also don't use the calories burned and just stick to the 1000 calories. My concern obviously is my body is holding on to it and if anyone else has experienced this and what they did.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Basic thermodynamics ... if you are in a deficit, you will lose weight. Your logging is off.

    Running burns twice the net calories per unit of distance as walking ... not accounting for those distances means inaccurate burns. A slice of shaved ham is 30g for a serving .. you logged under 10g.

    1000 calories gross intake is too low for a woman to get minimum nutrition. 1000 net calories is too low.