How to fight period cravings and lack of energy???

So, I haven't had a period in like 2 years, between having a baby and nursing. So, this first one is killing me! I'm having cravings like I haven't had for ages and I'm feeling miserable so of course I don't want to exercise or anything. How can I fight this? I don't want to back slide, I've been doing so good lately, anyone?


  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Sensible amounts of dark chocolate, tea, music, & midol. Sorry, that's all I got. Welcome back. lol
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    Oh my goodness. Lucky you! Haha. Sigh.

    I can't take Midol. It makes me dizzy and I feel even worse! But a coffee with a small piece of the darkest chocolate you can handle might do the trick. A walk will make you feel better after the fact, though I TOTALLY understand the lack of desire to get out of the house!

    I hope it's at least sunny and warm where you are!
  • Tx_Julie_Mango
    Tx_Julie_Mango Posts: 48 Member
    Super B Complex vitamins and Iron help me. Since you're nursing, I guess caffiene in green tea is out :\
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks. I'm afraid of the whole 'give an inch and lose a mile' thing. That's why I haven't given into the chocolate thing. Also, while I was pregnant, for some reason, chocolate made me nauseous. So, I'm not sure how I'll react to it now.
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Well, I've started the weaning, which is probably why I started. He only gets some in the morning and before bed. Maybe after he's in bed I"ll caff up!
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    like popeye does

    eat a can of spinache
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    eat the cravings within caloric allotment (or maintenance needs), sleep.
  • natkaye
    natkaye Posts: 10 Member
    Factor in what your craving into your macros every day. You can have chocolate as long as it fits if it doesn't make it fit!! Lol
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    melkithall wrote: »
    Thanks. I'm afraid of the whole 'give an inch and lose a mile' thing.

    Try determining what you want before you go do it. Make sure to consider the roots of your feelings -- are you extra hungry, so you need satiating options (with protein and fat) or are you having more "treat" cravings? Plan out something that will properly satisfy you with minimal damage. (And remember that your calorie target includes a deficit -- when you go over it, you are still in DEFICIT unless you go over maintenance. So you're not "failing", you're planning to be somewhat over target for a specific reason. You'll still lose if you stay under maintenance.)

    Got it planned? Log it. THEN go get it, plate it, take it with you somewhere, sit down. Enjoy it. Wait 20 mins or so. You should be feeling better now. :)

    The keys are:

    - making food choices... not going in to the kitchen with an idea that you "can have some cookies" which somehow (?) turned into 8 cookies. Hungry in the kitchen with vague ideas and a permissive attitude almost always leads to choices you regret later.
    - addressing your actual needs with those choices
    - being realistic, kind, caring to yourself... you can go over target, you can eat, you do not need to feel guilty for fueling your body... just know the calories, know what it REALLY means for your progress, and make the best choices you can on the whole
    - not scarfing it down while still standing in the kitchen... actually experience the food, relax
    - not determining immediately that the snack didn't work -- it takes your body some time

    You may also want to consider just planning to have some more calories for a couple of days. (Figure out your maintenance calories, then eat to that or any target below.) Then you can plan to use them in a variety of ways -- fun snacks, treats, or more robust meals, or takeout/restaurant food. Again, just be aware of the implications of the choice (slightly slower loss, but also more sanity, feeling more well, etc. Good trade if you ask me).

    Also: Get enough water. Exercise anyway, whether you want to or not, as long as you're physically capable. Take it easy if you must, but do it. Get enough sleep. Stay busy.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Exercise through it, you'll feel better all the way around.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    My first day of TOM is usually the worst... I usually get cramps so bad I'm throwing up at the end of the day... I usually try to eat lighter the first day, and get at least 20mins of exercise if I can tolerate it...
    I try to exercise most days of TOM... I find the second or third day to be the worst when I make the worst food choices... Just try to stay on track the best that you can, and try to drink a lot of water!
    And like it was said before... Even if you do go over a little, you should be fine, as long as you're not eating over maintenance :)
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited March 2015
    melkithall wrote: »
    So, I haven't had a period in like 2 years, between having a baby and nursing. So, this first one is killing me! I'm having cravings like I haven't had for ages and I'm feeling miserable so of course I don't want to exercise or anything. How can I fight this? I don't want to back slide, I've been doing so good lately, anyone?

    Welcome to my life! I have felt this way for 28 years!! I have no words of wisdom, if you find some please let me know!
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Water is probably your best friend and light exercise. You might not feel like going all out, but just taking a walk might make you feel better and take your mind off the cravings.
    Though, giving into the cravings isn't going to break you. If you go a little over. It's ok. Tomorrow is a new day and you can work through this once-a-month torture that us ladies are plagued with.
  • whavens2w2
    whavens2w2 Posts: 8 Member
    My husband buys me fancy dark chocolate bars. One bar lasts me like 2-3 months, I eat a square or two of it when I get cravings around period time. I tend to have low iron, so I can usually tell when I need to step it up with eating more iron rich foods. I will get very tired/exhausted and feel kind of depressed/weepy/emo. I only walk on the first 2-3 days of my period, no heavier exercise because it makes me lightheaded and crampy.
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words of advice! I did make it through this miserly weekend. Got some light exercise in, gave into a craving but didn't go overboard, and got lots of rest. I'll be ready for it next time!