Good morning ppl :-)

Hi everyone..I'm all very new to this..I have been very unhealthy for the last two years and I'm on a path right now where I wanna take my life back..I know its not going to be easy I know its going to be hard and rough but I need to be healthy and pls add me and help me succeed.. thank u


  • w006cmd
    w006cmd Posts: 15 Member
    I'm with you! for the last 2 years I've worked two jobs 7 days a week, 60 hours. I was depressed and ate in the car or on the run. Gained 25 pounds and was always sleepy. So I quit one job I'm working just 40 hours a week. Getting sleep, eating right, and slowly taking off the weight. I can't tell you how much better I feel. The biggest thing is you have control over this. You may not have control over other things but you do have control over this. I like to say "you got this". In the last two years I have had two kids join the military and they have left home. I always was writing letters to them encouraging them and now I have to do it for me. I have a daughter getting married in May. I bought the dress but I can't zip it up.....yet. God help me if I can't get into this dress. :) Fitness pal has been wonderful for me, kept me accountable. Once you have it in your head, tell your friends and co-workers that you want this and please help (that means don't offer me those donuts). It's like anything else, getting it in your head then the next step is writing it down, which you have done, third step is reaching out, you have also done that got this!
  • Awww thank u for sharing that with me and for the positive feedback and congratulations on everything!!:)
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I am also new to this. I have been getting unhealthy for several years now. Always thinking I am going to try to lose weight and never doing it. I have now got to the point that I am tired and don't want to do much with my kids because I never feel good. I have decided that it's time. I would love to add you and help encourage each other.
  • CaliforniaRower
    CaliforniaRower Posts: 187 Member
    Oh, Christy, if you say "It's gonna be hard" then it will be. I'm actually finding it far, far easier than I ever thought it would be, and I'm only a few weeks ahead of you here.
  • CaliforniaRower
    CaliforniaRower Posts: 187 Member
    w006cmd wrote: »
    I'm with you! for the last 2 years I've worked two jobs 7 days a week, 60 hours. I was depressed and ate in the car or on the run. Gained 25 pounds and was always sleepy. So I quit one job I'm working just 40 hours a week. Getting sleep, eating right, and slowly taking off the weight. I can't tell you how much better I feel. The biggest thing is you have control over this. You may not have control over other things but you do have control over this. I like to say "you got this". In the last two years I have had two kids join the military and they have left home. I always was writing letters to them encouraging them and now I have to do it for me. I have a daughter getting married in May. I bought the dress but I can't zip it up.....yet. God help me if I can't get into this dress. :) Fitness pal has been wonderful for me, kept me accountable. Once you have it in your head, tell your friends and co-workers that you want this and please help (that means don't offer me those donuts). It's like anything else, getting it in your head then the next step is writing it down, which you have done, third step is reaching out, you have also done that got this!

    You wrote her a really nice note! My compliments to you. And congrats on your success. I bet you'll have to have that dress taken in by May!